5g is USA's Credit System a la China. The 5g installations near traffic lights bomb nearby cars with a certain RF frequency to program a 'stop and go' response to anyone around. This can be used later.
I mean it's really simple programming that starts with the fundamental 'stop and go' of a traffic light.
Now imagine they don't like you. They hit you with the same 'stop' signal outside of some bar where you might pick up chicks to keep you segregated from society.
Imagine now not using a VPN and them tracking your internet usage and blasting you RF accordingly. You show an interest in guns and they hit you with positive RF signals whenever you're looking at guns online.
How much money can they steal from you using this shit? How many shootings will this shit cause? It's not just the Gov't with control of these towers. Google and Verizon both have direct control of this shit.
not really related but i think that its weird how people say that old phones will stop working. the provider systems are always compatible with the old technologies too so even my old nokia gsm phone from 199something can still be used without any problems.
Michael Cook
The older mobile technologies will be decommissioned in the future because of their low efficiency in transmitting data between the parties. Newer mobile technologies are far more efficient in supporting larger numbers of simultaneous users, more efficient in latency and signal quality.
Matthew Thompson
NO. Higher frequency means lower radius. the old standards will continue running or you would have giant areas without connection. hello fellow advertiser
Christian Murphy
Higher frequency means lower radius. Lower radius means more cell towers.
Wyatt Harris
You do realise David literally became the leader of the Branch Davidians by having a fight with, and kicking out, the previous leader who was an outspoken pedo and abuser? He was saving those women and children.
Ryan Turner
Branch Davidians did nothing wrong
Carter Nguyen
Except the car is actually a Faraday cage that can protect you even against lightning strike. Maybe false if the carmaker decided to allow Entrypoint for 5g availability even inside a car without the help of femtocell or if the 5G equipment exceed the 20dBm standard and can go up to 1000W per cell or maybe higher too. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBm
If any, this could only be used against people on the street or live near it but if it's too strong to penetrate shielding then there's nowhere to run.
What you're looking for is EMF harassment. It only matters how many v/m or watts are transmitted over you constantly but it's easily detectable as you would feel warm. Most form of EMF we had are 2g-4g which is depleted the moment it touches your body due to the amount of fluid our bodies have. This is why most signals are lost under basement, subway, or thick-walled buildings or somewhere large bodies of water or crowd are present unless there is a femtocell around then there would still be a signal. 5G is stronger and can penetrate these walls and be directed so water tanks won't absorb the harassment anymore but it goes straight into your room, so far, the only solution I know is Piezoelectricity or crystal magic.
Zachary White
Is this the "forest fire" where the city got burned out but the forest wasn't even touched by fire? Next thing you'll know is it's now real estate.
Benjamin Turner
Fucktard. Cars are shitty faraday cages. If there's holes in the cage, any wavelength smaller than the hole can get through just fine. Cell signals go through your windows no problem. How else do you think you get cell service while driving?
Adam Diaz
People with authority have already "bitched" about 5G. No response. It is part of a long-running plan by ZOG. Do you really think that they'll hear appeals of a giant step in the direction of the Neo-Kalergi Plan, especially when the general populace doesn't know anything about it beyond "It's the next generation of wireless" and "it's faster"?
Could've been a good thread but right into EMF-as-inherently-harmful faggotry. And your 2nd part stinks too. What good do you think that does user? Do you think a VPN changes your MAC from tower to tower? Does a VPN let you control every single byte that comes out of your phone? Do you have zero (((Google))) services running?
The implication is that 5g EMF can be horrifically misused. Shill harder faggot.
Thomas Reed
Take your meds grandpa.
Matthew Butler
You can have phones with zero Google services. You start with the AOSP which don't have Google services at all. From there, you can make any additions or modifications you wish. These additions can include the option of installing Google services.
Nathaniel Perez
can't you just park nearby and walk to the bar you dumb retard
Excessive non-ionizing radiation is disruptive to organisms and this has been known since the beginning, but money and business rule. Even a continued imbalance of IR vs UV from being almost 24/7 under artificial lighting and almost no sun will cause skin and vision problems (no, I'm not going to fish the studies for you. Either do your own homework or dismiss my post). But nobody is willing to assume the lifestyle changes that stem logically from accepting these facts, so there's only one way this is going to end: death. Lots and lots of death. And we don't give a fuck.
Noah Jenkins
Yeah, that's why the skin of old people who work outside in the sun looks like old rotted leather.
Robert Morales
Can you at least fish the titles of the studies so I can make efficient use of my own time.
Yup, plus, 5G=Beamforming extravaganza. Dispersion is a muuuch better counter than absorption in this case.
Also gonna LMAO when the nice shiney new 5G weapon the zog have worked on so long and have put so much faith into fails the moment it starts raining, snowing, or just gets damn foggy.
Dylan Gonzalez
on Zig Forums
Charles Sullivan
Prove it queerfairy
Hunter Roberts
NO U queerfairy
Jace Nguyen
This shit is real This is obviously harmful since the main reason they say 4G (which is on same frequencies as microwave ovens) isn't bad (which it is) is because the field strength is too low or some shit Well since 5G is higher frequency it has shorter range unless you concentrate it and to concentrate it means you're upping the strength (think difference between light from a lamp and a laser)
just build your house so that no signals can get in and preferably far away from a big city too. you should be safe then.
Aiden Bell
What's in all those fucking boxes tho? Looks a lot like free hardware, you know what I'm saying. Why buy shitty raspberry pi when they're basically handing you all these industrial-grade goodies.
how can he afford that on welfare if the tower is giving him autism? you got overcooked yourself.
Ethan Baker
assuming they arent using facial/gesture recognition or any other biometric.... or just leisurely hitting a fucking button in a booth... you no wonder you assburger awareness mascots can't get past recursive python functions... THIS IS HAPPENING TO US ALL, hardened freebsd/gentoo tinfoil is gonna sooth your ass cancer
Joseph Walker
NO U buckaroo
Xavier Gray
It’s a damn shame that this disgusting mess of 5g shit can go up on telephone poles but Fibre optic cables can’t. We live in a fucking clown world.
Elijah Collins
I think you don't understand what you're talking about here. It's so much easier to mount 5G radios on top of a telephone pole than it is to string fiber optic cables on top of a pole.
Nathan Diaz
I'm pretty sure there's no RF in existence that can literally mind-control you like you're suggesting.
Robert Cooper
Way to play it safe. Good routine for a chickenshit. You realize they can put things in atmosphere and on towers and... Jesus you sped bastards.. take your eyes off the chink cartoons and look up.. I'm sure your rain man daddys had a telescope. Seriously, being intelligent how beyond ricing your mechanical keyboard..
Tyler Anderson
What the fuck are you even saying you schizophrenic
this OP is retard schizophrenic who thinks he can sound smart by combining words he knows nothing about
Jose Scott
5G was never pleasant to begin with. I could get a more curable cancer by just using one of them Brick Cell Phones from the 80's.
Nathan Rodriguez
An antenna with a tighter beam (higher gain) actually means less RF exposure in total, because instead of radiating in all directions it only radiates in the direction of whatever phone it's trying to comm with.
Beam "SWEEPING" Its radiating beams in sweeping motion over large areas
Sweeping definition : moving or extending in a wide curve or over a wide area
Logan Torres
its more than enough for things that should be done with a phone. for high bandwidth things there are computers with good wired connections.
Mason Parker
Matthew Cruz
That's the point. In current protocols you are radiated with the RF directed at all phones 100% of the time. In this beam forming setup you would only be radiated the small percentage of the time the beam is aimed in your direction, like a lighthouse.
Oliver Foster
It's not a beam. Still constant radiation. It's like having multiple things making ripples in a pond in such a way that there's constructive interference at you. 5g also includes protocols for phone to phone communication. Your device will act as a repeater for others and also help to provide location data that is more accurate than gps. Thus, more radiation.
Microwaves and everything else are on the same band because it's the band reserved for general stuff. There is no particular reason other than this. Microwaves would work better at other frequencies, but they're not allowed to generate noise on those, like they can in the 2.4ghz band.
Michael Sanders
There's some leakeage towards the sides of the beam, but the radiation is by and large concentrated in the middle of the beam. I know what you're getting at. You think that because all the elements are radiating at any given time, it means they are still having whatever health effects the radiation would have at the center of the beam. But I don't think that's how it works. The way EM waves have any kind of effect on your body (or anything) at all is because of the electric field they generate, which cause charged particles in the radiated body to accelerate in the opposite way of the electrons in the source antenna. If the electric fields generated by the antennas are not in phase, then that means they cancel each other, the charged particles aren't accelerated in any direction, and the waves don't have any effect in the receiver (for the most part). Now, I say for the most part, because thanks to quantum mechanics we know EM waves are actually made up of individual photons. And if we look at the issue from the perspective of a single molecule, it might receive photons from the source only sporadically, and may not receive photons from all the antennas at the same time. So locally, there could still be some white noise induced by the quantization of EM waves. But I don't know what the effects from this would be, I can only say it would be probably much less than if the waves din't cancel each other. If my understanding is correct, the EIRP from a phased array at the center of the beam should be the same than if you dumped all the power on an antenna with the same lobe as the combination of possible lobes from the phased array. So I must be misuderstanding something, because if that was the case I don't see why satellites would use phased arrays, which I pressume they use for power efficiency reasons. So if somebody knows where the mistake in my understanding I'd appreciate it. But then it's the same thing. Rather than the antenna radiating in all directions for any packet directed to any phone, you only get blasted with the packets that happen to travel through a path that passes through your location. But I doubt they will implement this, because relaying packets all the time would drain the phone's battery considerably faster. That's a valid privacy concern, at least in crowded spaces.
Brayden Brown
Not exactly. The phase shift going on is not as dramatic as you think. It's only as much as it takes to offset the distance of antennas in the array with the wavelength. This is also not a perfect system, if you go back to the pond analogy, just focusing on constructive interference for a single point doesn't mean it only happens there. There would be many points of this, distributed around. Different patterns of this too, based on which phones the tower is trying to talk to. I wold imagine that the radiation pattern would look evenly distributed in a major city. You also see full radiation near the tower.
It's for everywhere. How do you think self driving cars are going to work ? It's the law in the US that all new cars, self driving or not will need to have 5G antennas after 2020. 5G is what finally provides mass market sub 3ft location tracking.
Hunter Ward
Since the length of the arrays can easily match the wavelength, that could easily mean the signals being 180 degrees out of phase (which means they cancel each other). I know in most of the spots they don't cancel each other completely, but the strength of the signal is much less than in the center spot. Which is no different from a directional antenna, which always is going to have side lobes to some extent. I don't think comparing it to the waves in a pond is a good analogy, since normally if you throw rocks into a pond, the waves aren't carefully synchronized in any way. Unless you ever seen a pond with multiple transceivers working in a carefully synchronized way with respect to frequency and phase. On average? Sure, but with less average strength at any given points than if you used omnidirectional antennas, because that spot is only being blasted at high intensity only part of the time, unlike an omnidirectional system where every point is being on full blast at all times. Why do you say this? I imagine the radiation lobes are the same in terms of dB no matter at what radius from the tower you measure them. If you are outside the range of at least three phones, then they won't be able to get a triangulation from them. If you are in range of a single phone then it might be used to make the triangulation obtained by the towers more precise, though. And as you get away from these phones, the accuracy probably decreases because the delta in signal strength is reduced per meter, since strength is the inverse of the square of the distance. I don't think they are going to work, at least not for a long time. Besides, I wouldn't consider a self driving car "working" if it crashes when there aren't any other cards in a range of 50 meters to provide it with location data. And that's exactly what I meant by "crowded". Having multiple devices in a range of a couple dozen meters. Or you don't think cities are crowded? I was comparing it to rural areas where there isn't anyone else for hundreds of meters or kilometers. Where are you getting this from?
Ian Howard
I'm having some trouble finding the source on it, other than just an industry trend for V2X technology.
There's still a good bit of leakage and depending on distance from the tower and usage density, I don't see someone's overall exposure to radiation going down
The radiation thing is a red herring though. The real danger of 5G is the tracking and surveillance aspect of it. Even if it only works in cities for now. The assumption of needing crowding is based on people and vehicles being the only sources of antennas for this. IOT devices and even normal public infrastructure could have antennas put in to enable better tracking. Much like how currently malls use local cellphone towers to track the movement of customers in stores and to see which displays actually draw people over.
unless you happen to be between the tower and the subscriber it is trying to communicate with.
Kevin Sullivan
FYI the default launcher for android 8.0 now has google integration where when you swipe over to the left you'll see google news feeds and even ok google works. they also removed launcher2.apk from the tree so everything's botnet and it's mandatory.
Kayden Morales
Unless there's just one phone and it happens to be in your direction, most of the time the subscriber is not going to be in your direction.
Evan Turner
like any of that would matter when every tower is going to be almost overloaded 24/7. it will be sending shit in all directions all the time.
Sure thing bud, what I'm trying to tell is there used to be launcher2.apk which is the barebones aosp launcher without google phoning and it was the one used since kitkat upto nougat and also very small and fast. What happened post nougat is they (google) dropped the launcher2 tree altogether for oreo and above (because people were using lineage and they're losing a lot of data they should be sniffing).
sure you could still remove the now-infested launcher from the system apps but that would mean losing features like the 'workspace apps' and other pie related features. roms like resurrection remix and a select few implement their own launcher (possibly forked from oreo/nougat-era before the google now integration). i don't know about lineage but last I checked they're outright using the new google now launcher.
Anthony Cox
also the main reason these few ROMs don't want the google now launcher is due to it sucking battery life by unironically putting your microphone on constantly. the thing also is the new pixel wallpaper app is infested with google code and fetches wallpapers from google servers (though the wallpapers look good) it's also another thing to look into if someone plans to be google free.
Chase Collins
The thing is US did not want 5G and instead went for a quick and dirty 'chinese spy hackers' blame-game when in reality it's really about US wanting to lead the autonomous car industry which is the predicted market trend. They did a public stunt to cockblock huawei which holds most 5g patents also scaring most investors but truth is huawei 5G is already implemented in some countries though safety concerns aren't known yet (there is one situated near a university in my country not sure it's probably a human guinea pig test drive if it can be cancerous in under a year or more). Well even US 5G isn't safe and several claims about it being cancerous and able to kill several birds and bees are out there (this is just cell tower which isn't anywhere near microwave but imagine how many clients a single panel antenna handles and the residents beamed with it constantly and that's just one out of like 12x "10 feet" panel antennas it has) so even if it did work under 20dbm or 30dbm individually it can still be harmful as fuck (usually it goes higher than that due fucked up efficiency ratings).
You forgot to mention fact that electronics have natural electric field which is especially worse on monitor/flat panel tvs. Even powerlines at 60/50Hz have around 200-1000V/m depending on the circuitry if it's shittily made. Go buy a EMF meter (recommend meterk or mustool) it'll go haywire the moment you put the top sensor of it over monitors regardless of it being turned off or not (as long as it's plugged in live AC). This e-field is also the reason plants can't live near window type airconditioners even if you rarely or never use them. Well you should train your body instead because our bodies are capable of producing orgone energy (life energy/qi) but if this energy is weakened multiple diseases start to pop up, most healer (the tibetan monk kind) can channel and direct/transfer these energies to people lacking to recover from most illnesses. The same energy can cancel out these harmful non-ionizing radiation from electric or radio fields.
Jace Gomez
It might be just using EDGE network on steroids, so it's perfectly safe. LTE can go up to 2800/2500mhz and higher (gaining up to 40-150mbps speeds at such frequencies). They probably used the same antennas but replaced what drive these antennas and the underlying technology (software). It's the same reason some countries EDGE network were phased out during the early stages of 4G development.
Alexander Reed
Why would they want to aim it at all rather than use an antenna with a center lobe wide enough to cover all the service area, if it was as expensive in terms of energy used to achieve a given field strength at the target as a phased array? They would probably go with the wide lobe antenna rather than add more weight for the phase shift and control circuitry, which consumes additional energy and weight.
keep in mind these have phased array antennas whose beamform can aim towards a target either unintentional or intentional. this is a wetdream to the crooked higher ups (muh stocks latency) who (gov) fund space x starlink which uses the ku band because 'outreach internet for people who won't afford it anyways'. well the intention was okay until you know the nature of the people who 'back' these projects, musk was the genius but doesn't know the implications and just expects to yield great amounts of profit which he could use to colonize mars but in turn could be fatal and risk him being the next 'nikola tesla' and dissolved so israel can then hold his patent and weaponize his technology against goyims with him included. i guess it's time to obliterate the corrupted promised land with solomon's help if permitted. all it takes is to make that little push come to shove and a madman will rise up.
Jordan Wright
Jonathan Bailey
Capital letters. Use them. Adding up beams from multiple sats to cook people... While theoretically that could happen, when the signal from a single satellite is weak enough that you barely can receive it (satphones don't work under a roof), because of beam divergence, even if the whole constellation is aimed at you I doubt it would have a bigger field strength than the RF coming from your PC's power supply. And in any case you would have to cook up a whole city at once. I'm sure the DoD can find way more cheaper methods to induce cancer in the population (I'll leave it to your imagination). And if those sats aren't being used to cook people, then they can be used to let zogbots in the middle of nowhere look at porn or whatever.
Henry Adams
love that picture. die you little shit. mwahahaha
Owen Cook
Two Words "Brain Tumors"
nuff said...
Hunter Morgan
Yeah, I'm sure being blasted with 500w of microwaves is worth it to get some piece of shit SoC with no public documentation whatsoever. The only juicy part on it could be the RF power transistors.
Christopher Evans
Shoot out the transformers first, brainiac. If you do it during a storm at night, nobody will even notice.