Okay how secure will I be if I do the following?
So how secure will I be? Have I left to do anything else?
Okay how secure will I be if I do the following?
Other urls found in this thread:
You won't be secure at all and there is nothing that can be done for you. You're doomed.
Secure from what
OP, at this point, you may as well give up, get rid of all your technology, flee to a shithole and live in a cave. Even if you made a clean break, you're too retarded to not fuck up again in a week.
Pretty secure
let's add more tips how to be secure in real life and internet
CIA niggers, do not reply, just ignore them
Throw your phone away and hoof it to Seattle or some other equally shitty city with just the clothes on your back, abandoning all your loved ones and family, leaving them to wonder what happened to you. Then beg for change on a street corner. Congrats you're off the grid. Rub some dirt on your face and shit yourself for good measure.
"app" has been a term since the 70s. fuck off zoomer.
Why does any thread about security is filled with glowers who are offended at the post?
Every thread is fill with people who are offended. There is no thread where people are not offended.
Well I guess adding an opennic dns counts, anything else you can recommend?
Use tor you faggot
Use tor
Use a GNU endorsed OS
use an RYF certified laptop
Use Library WiFi since the only RYF certified router is discontinued and is impossible to find 2nd hand
use mac spoofing
don't sign up to anything that requires email
use cryptocurrency
You are now safe from the CIA nigger boogiemen.
didn't mean to sage
irc chat
Librem 5
They're called glowniggers newfag. Lurk moar.
TOR is pozzed look at the board of advisors. Zig Forums is always right
i2p is also pozzed but only if glowniggers think you're worth it. you're not - unless you threaten their darknet businesses
Your hardware is compromised with eavesdrop on demand.
If your smartphone has a removable battery you might as well have a body chip implant for being such a nigger.
Your monitor is also a camera.
There are hidden cameras with microphones innawoods.
*has not got a removable battery
Not much. They already have the info and can still track MAC activity. Unless you're gonna wiretap someone else's internet cable you won't have privacy.
About as useful as leaving them derelict
faking your death and getting a new identity seems easier and far more plausable
Why are you even subscribed to such things?
Bought a house and now my name and address are fucking everywhere.
Shit sucks.
I was actually giving completely serious advice that I think fits within OP's implied guidelines of being a paranoid schizophrenic. Everything that was listed is either self defeating or an entirely pointless action unless he's selling drugs or something.
Don't, just using a GNU endorsed OS will still give you systemd poz.
What's wrong with systemd?
Also, parabola and hyperbola don't have systemDeeznutz
There are people who believe that systemd is spyware. The logic for this is that systemd is a big codebase, there are links connecting Redhat to the department of defense, and finally systemd is a conspiracy forced onto the FLOSS community by Redhat.
I personally don't believe any of these are true. I personally believe that because systemd is LGPL, it is free software and thus we are allowed to audit it if we choose to audit it. That is good enough for me.
You can't really audit such a large program
False. It is your own personal opinion that you cannot audit such a large program. Just as Systemd wasn't built in a day, the development effort required to audit systemd should be equally as large.
Then how can you trust the colonel? It's way bigger than systemd.
Fixed it for you faggot.
Cool story bro
I bet you haven't even graduated from high school yet, you OSX-using mouthbreather. >>>/reddit/
no u