Been a while since we've had one of these.
Zig Forums webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks based announcer guy, I now fully support PAYED TV .
how...just how..
It was made to make the issue appeal to normalfags. As it is, it became a prophecy fulfilled. Retards have never heard of OTA TV anymore despite it still existing, and even though there are many new networks made almost exclusively for OTA, it is cheap filler and will most likely die out soon.
That's pretty amazing. And I thought Metasploit was the worst thing imaginable. Live posting refinement and corrections, what things have come to.
I never actually watch the thing anymore except with my parents or grandparents, and even then it's usually a nature show/fishing show or some rerun of Married with children. Compared to tv, the internet has been a godsend. Which is why they're trying to (((centralise))) it. If you remove a website from Google, it practically doesn't exist.
I wonder if cable tv is going the same way as free tv. Some of my friends have Netflix, which is even more cancerous. I guess the cancer never goes away, it just changes form. What can I say.
seems like an opportunity to open every page at once and record anything that gets backspaced/deleted, then search it for sensitive information that was accidentally entered or pasted in.
Their CAPTCHA system made me KEK tough.
Dude, are you high? They make normie-friendly boxes with the express purpose of DVRing OTA content. ChannelMaster and such.
The reason nobody does it is because landlords are dicks about antennas (I know, they're not supposed to be, but most people don't want to raise a stink), and even then your options are limited for content unless you like whatever the 3 or 4 local networks and PBS have on.
Actually, there are nearly 40 channels in a given area for OTA TV now. There are even more, ironically, when you go into small-town rural areas as many non-profits have set up repeaters that provide the basic, and rebroadcasts of "Free Internet TV" channels such as Newsmax and Movies Plus, along with some cable channels.
Most of the people I have personally met didn't know such a thing existed.
Thanks for using my webm, user.
who's this guy?
Newfags won't remember that every single popular board was laughing at this collectively
I don't know if anyone cares, but he went to trial, the case was dismissed with prejudice, and he tapes were returned. And it was the MPAA that got the FBI involved.
I care and would like to know more.
Classic. They brought back Lasagna Cat but not this.
i wonder if that shit actually works.
Considering how old electronics are I'd actually be willing to bet that not only it did but that the guy was being EXTREMELY conservative on it's effectiveness.
Anyone confirm?
Faraday confirmed it and Maxwell wrote some equations about it. Wrapping the cord, the length of the wire the voltage source etc.
Supposedly Michael Faraday showed the queen of England about it, by putting an iron rod inside a coil, then inserting and repeating it.
Try reading this page.
It was an example of the first battery, and was demonstrated to Napoleon
well you obviously cant do it with tp wire you need a ½ connected one
Napoleon is even better. That is why the French are so good with Electrical systems as anyone with a Peugeot can attest to.
good wifi boost
I am seriously losing my shit right now. What the actual fuck.
Redpill worthy webm, thanks man
All I'm thinking besides the high-level info is how much he reminds me of a Gemini i know of.
That juice shit isn't even funny. I thought someone made a video showing how will the dystopian future look like, but that's a real thing.
Very Very Important But Bad News Agents and Stans. If your name is A Super hard name to pronounce or Missing a G, Listen Loud and Clear.
Religious Folks are being Slayed Everywhere Now by the Sword of the HOLY-SPIRIT. My Friend told me this AM, "IT IS MAJOR PANIC and DESTRUCTION for X5 EVERYWHERE" near her!
She Said It's apparent and Obvious that JESUS-CHRIST will win and will win soon. Its Happening and I myself am Scared Shitless.
So, all Fellow Friends of Isaac, you must Immediately either Run and Hide in the Forest or Concrete asap OR start messaging everywhere online in social media, 'praise JESUS-CHRIST forever' to have Any Chance of not being brutally defeated forever as well.
Hurry and Spread the word Now. THIS IS URGENT!!!!! No One should suffer and Burn to Death
That really takes me back.
I know that, user. I'm not a total noob at electricity. Just wondering if modern cable shielding or internal components reacts at all to the changes. Computers are very finicky, I tried making an antenna and prodding the antenna plug in the back of the unit, and it does nothing. maybe mine was just poorly made, I dunno
There's an old trick that has been largely forgotten and was written about in Steal this Book by Abbie Hoffman in reference to responding to junk-mail.
Since it is prepaid, that means that they have to pay for shipping regardless. In his context of junkmail, you glue a brick to the junkmail and write "Return to Sender", forcing them to pay for the mailing of the heavy brick. Wonder if it'll work with a shipping label of this caliber. Just fill the box with bricks and send it to them.
I miss TechTV so damn much. Kinda hard to watch Screen Savers nowadays 'cause I can't help but notice that fat faggot is always interrupting people.
Autism to the max
Hahahah holy shit what? Where I live I can pick up most channels with just an indoor antenna. I thought that was the case pretty much anywhere unless you lived out in the sticks in which case I doubt landlords give a fuck out there
It's true though. After all, Microsoft is the technological arm of the Zionist Occupational Government. There is also evidence they may have been commissioned. to design PRISM
Nice word salad. Dare I ask, how does Microsoft subverting Linux and helping the NSA gather data help at all with the state of Israel and what does it even have to do with Israel specifically? I know there are Jews at Microsoft but that doesn’t answer the question. There are whites and chinks at Microsoft too and their CEO is a Poo so you’re going to have to do better then that, Zig Forums
Leave and never come back.
Sauce on Privacy.webm?
Bits and Bytes Episode 4: Communication Between Computers
I'm trying to upload "The Night before KDEmas, but it is too large
The subtitles aren't a part of the video? Fuck
This Jobs talk sound so ironic now.
Always reencode it with hardsubs before posting it on Zig Forums.
I didn't realize they weren't part of the video
what is the second webm, where is the broadcast from?
it is a famous number station, I believe originating from Poland and recorded in the 1980's (Should it be the one I am thinking of). You can read more about number stations here:
Number Stations are no conspiracy, and even the US Armed Forces uses number stations on the familiar "Skyking" network.
Semi-related webm to both Number Stations and Zig Forums
As a back story, this is one of several music videos made for the band Negativland by animator and friend of the band Tim Maloney. He made these videos while employed at Disney on their equipment after-hours. This webm and the others can therefore be considered a Disney production.
Downconverted via openshot. Hope I've done this right. I'm not terribly versed in ffmpeg so I'm using advanced options in OpenShot. If only the file upload limit was a little bit higher. I've had to re-encode this video at least 8 times to see if it fits the 16MB Upload Limit. I think it'll be degraded beyond enjoyability though. There are several other videos by this band which could fit into this board, including a new single but I do not have the time to attempt to re-encode them all
Dropping some OC here
sry heres webm
Not really webm but i wanted to share this
Have you thought about splitting it in multiple 16MB files?
Check out >>>/webm/ for tips about ffmpeg.
because it is the wrong fucking board nigger
This is a nigger.
No nigger. This is not the board for them. If you lurked you'd know.
Thank fuck for that. If you do have time, spend it getting to know ffmpeg instead.
>off aspect horizontal resolution
>black bars in vertical aspect
I have no idea how someone could fuck up a re-encoding so badly.
youtub-dl + ffmpeg = higher resolution + better quality + smaller file
git gud nigger
No nigger. That is not the source.
Negativland - "Time Zones"
*youtube-dl obviously
When I posted that link it wasn't to cite a source, it was to share another video of the band
This. Ffmpeg is sort of confusing to learn but it's a must if you're autistic about your movie collection like I suspect most people on this board are. It's also far superior to tools like openshot when it comes to making webms for Zig Forums. I always feel pretty 1337 when I master a new feature of ffmpeg and become able use it without turning to stack overflow.
...which is why you referred to the video post, cited a link, and gave no further explanation.
Makes sense.
How is Netflix any worse than regular TV?
what chan is this?
Does anyone know where I can find the sauce on who this guy is? I have been searching for the reginald brownpill video in which he narrates the copypasta, but have yet to find this webm over the years. If anyone has source on his name, who he is, or where i can find this webm, thanks,
Zig Forums in a nutshell
Zig Forums doesn't allow subtitles. even though webm allows it.
I just discovered that this was actually a redone version of a commercial from 1979, updated. This is the original from 1978 or 1979.