Is it really worth it to learn VIm over Visual Studio Code?

Is it really worth it to learn VIm over Visual Studio Code?
Visual Studio Code is nice and easy to use and easy to navigate a project.

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Zig Forums will tell you it totally is, just like it isn't worth it to ever use Spacemacs despite being considerably more convenient than carpal-tunnel syndrome vanilla Emacs. The idea is you shpuld always strive to waste time learning the most complicated tool so you can shave off some nanoseconds of typing time in a few years, when you have already mastered the tool and are too ashamed to admit it wasn't really worth it.

No. Use a graphical text editor or an IDE that's not from M$ or Apple and doesn't contain a fucking web browser.

Are there any decent IDE out there anymore? All of them seem to be either proprietary, buggy Java abominations, or glorified Chromium-based web browsers.

its one of those things people think they are superior for using. dont bother.

Use whatever you live. For me it's neovim. but I can also see the value of GNU/Emacs.

What makes Neovim better?

Personal preference.
Does VSCode support terminal multiplexing? My neovim sessions usually have an entire tabpage of terminals (12 terminals).

Also the ability to run headless so a remote session can connect. Both of these are major features of neovim and GNU/Emacs.

I only know the basics of VSCode. It's been working so far

I do all of my development remote so I need the lowest latency possible. X11 forwarding for example -- not going to cut it.

Better over vim? It did an overhaul of some of the internals so that you can spawn processes in other threads. No more locking up the interface because some addon is taking a while.

CodeBlocks works.

What a faggot.

What I'm saying is: use a file server and mount it.

tfw compiling on a laptop versus a 40 core machine

sshfs is garbage

Did I say "use sshfs"?
Just use SMB, retard.
We both know, I wasn't talking about compiling but fucking text editing.

Don't listen to text editor fags, most of them role with about a dozen addons and several hundred layers of autism.
I'm not even sure half of them know how to program anything outside of shitty scripts or latex.
If you want to program something that will be usefull, don't use vi(m) or what ever emacs nano bullshit they want you to use.


pick one no-coder

xD le lol. I bet you program in Javascript.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Animal excrements are used as dung in agriculture.

Deciding which text editors to use is an art unto itself, and really depends on which context you're programming in. If you're an application programmer who doesn't use Linux at all, there's little reason to learn Vim (you'll just forget all the commands after a while if you'r not using it regularly anyways).

I'm not a fan of these middleweight IDE's like VS Code, Sublime, etc. I'm either using Notepad++ or a full-featured IDE like Visual Studio, Intellij IDEA, PyCharm, etc. I just don't see the point of these middle options.

Sublime. $80 for a per-user license is actually very reasonable for a tool you will use almost daily. It takes only 10% of the RAM that VScode or Atom uses and still has most of the features you actually want. I can use it on a shitty Cloudbook without issues. That's really nice when I don't have access to my desktop.

Seriously, if you scratch off one or two dinner dates from your calendar, then it's paid for. I think of it like buying a power tool as opposed to borrowing your grandpa's rusted hand tools (vim).

If you just cannot bring yourself to spend a cent on an IDE or text editor, then Geany actually isn't that bad. It has some plugins to make it snazzy and does about 80% of what you want.

If your job requires you to SSH into remote linux servers and do a lot of text editing, then familiarity with VI is probably necessary. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. The only people who use VIM as a daily driver are tenured professors, hipster nodevs, and other goofballs who don't actually have to get shit done.

If productivity is the most important thing, then you're probably looking for some JetBrains product. For me, I'm not a professional developer, but I write scripts and small programs very frequently, so Sublime hits a sweet spot for my use case.
for example, probably has a different use case than I do.

vscode has been around for about 15 minutes, and is written in javascript. It is guaranteed to be out of fashion in another 15 minutes, with some new hot editor replacing it, probably written by google or facebook this time. vim has been around for 30 years, and follows a family of editors going back 30 years longer. It is guaranteed to still be around and popular when you retire. It works everywhere, on machines that you have never heard of, no matter what graphic system they use, and no matter how you are accessing them. Vscode is a bloated electron gui app, that relies on massive plugins to be usable. At some point, you will have a server you need to configure, that doesn't have a graphical system, and the sysadmin will laugh at you when you ask for one to be installed. At that point, you will either have set aside the half hour it takes to learn a real editor, or you will desperately reassure yourself that you're still a real programmer while trying to get real work done using nano.

witness the old hotness. Here we see a webdev desperately trying to justify his "investment" so he doesn't have to admit he wasted $80 dollars on an out of fashion text editor
>has most of the features you actually want
And what do you do when your closed source program has missing features, and the dev has seen the well drying up and started moving on to greener pastures?
More like picking the shiniest tool off the shelf of canadian tire, then getting very defensive when it breaks as soon as you throw real work at it, while your grandpa laugh and keeps on using the tool that's brought him through 60 years. Observe the "newer is better" mentality that the webdev can't throw off despite being proven wrong time and time again.
If your job hosts anything on servers (oh wait that's every job), and if those servers run linux (oh wait that's every server), and if the source files of the programs running on the server are plain text (oh wait that's every source file), then you will find the growth opportunities at your job massively expand by learning to interact with those servers.
jetbrains products are the paint by numbers of programming. Great for someone starting out who doesn't know what they're doing. Dangerous for anyone more advanced, because of their propensity to corrupt data with their constant fiddling about.

Appeal to tradition. They have different use cases.

Vim's architecture is hot garbage and was totally re-written by an end user when the developer lost interest in merging patches into the codebase (the FUD you're projecting onto a hypothetical future for VS Code)

Grandpa, plz

No, he'll say, "Dev-user, you know that you don't have shell access to our servers. Commit the code and our CI will pick it up and deploy it, like we've been doing for 10+ years."

They're for completely different projects you dumb cunt

No, it's not and Notepad++ is free.


Spacemacs really is bad though.

because DOOM is better.