What are alternative search engine that you guys recommend
What are alternative search engine that you guys recommend
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Never had luck with any non google mirror search engines other than DDG, so I've just stuck with it.
bing for porn
Bing is actually the best search engine at the moment besides DDG.
They are desperate for users so they arent manually curating results like google. But they have a lot of resources to plough in to it.
Wtf? I know OP should ask this question in the sticky, but you should at least tell him "install gentoo" or "install guix". Bing is a shit google proxy driven by Microsoft. No one sane would use that, it's spyware.
Ignore all the micro$ shills in here, just use searx.me or any other public instance of it.
Fuck the sticky. No he needs to install windows 10 and put bing as his active dextop.
Yandex is better at reverse search than google.
Error! Engines cannot retrieve results.google (unexpected crash: CAPTCHA required)Please, try again later or find another searx instance.
ddg or jive
searx.me is probably your best bet. There's also startpage, but they use google searches, just without the botnet. DuckDuckGo you should already be familiar with.
Also the Daily Mail sucks, Google doing something good for once.
Not related to unGoogling yourself, but I really dig MillionShort.
Helps find obscure shit I vaguely remember that is most certainly not in any popular sites.
Find a searx instance using many search engines by default, I found some on Not Evil's search.
Popular searx instances always run into this.
DuckDuckGo is great. Startpage is also pretty good, but has no duck. Bing is like Google if Google wasn't being used by anybody. The only thing holding Bing from becoming Google is the lack of users. Otherwise Bing would spy on you, and data mine you as much as Google. So I don't use Bing.
There is no ungoogling yourself. Your pretty much fucked.
I'm yet to find a single one that would allow me to at least sort the results by date like Google does. As a guy who constantly digs in old shit, I'm forced to use Google because every other search engine out there is just shit when it comes to filtering.
Ecosia gives me the best results when I do image searches for porn.
Let's just say. "Google Loves you."
::spiderlegs:: and your last
searx.me gives great results
Winblows already collects the data, why bother. Just like with using Chrome, just use iexplorer, why give data to someone else too.
So you dont use it because they WOULD spy on you? Every other uses google results too, i since theyre not blocked by google, you can assume they share data about you, or are mossad etc honeypots.
I remember when I was really cool for using Vivisimo/Clusty.
wiby.me is good for finding simple pages that dont have much scripts and bloat
qwant lite isn't bad
yandex seems to be the least degenerated.
Now people are just naming random search engines. Also I'm pretty sure Duckduckgo is just a bing proxy.
no they also use yahoo and their own crawler
altavista is down
What the fuck do you think they're selling to get that money? Hint: It's YOU.
Nothing beats it tbh>>1068758
I haven't used it much. Looks fine. Can search for pages and images without using JS and loading of external resources. I don't know the results backend.
What I currently use. Page and image search works without JS and external resources. I think they use Google backend.
The site I use when I want results from Bing backend. Page and image search works without JS, but image results need to load images from bing.net
Any searx instance is great too until they reach their limit and has a captcha error. I would say self-host, but then again you might as well write a simpler tool to scrape results outside your browser.
I recommend setting up as many search plugins in your browser as you can. Everytime I find a site with great resources I add it to my search bar. How many times does your search results end up going to the same site? Might as well add it directly if it has a search function.
All of them, search engines are just tools.
In other words, use searx.
So what instances you recommend? Im having this problem too.
change the settings of searx instances, disable jewgle and enable other sources
You stupid nigger it's not Jewgle. It's their own shit engine.
tfw someone actually recommends shit that sends requests to (((Google))), (((Bing))), (((DuckDuckGo))) and who knows what jew gets your data.
It's a proxy you double nigger. Just like your beloved Startpage.
newslookup.com for news. It is like a library of books but for news sites. So no banned sites and all sites on level playing field just like in a library.
Google is deliberately trying to Embrace Extend Extinguish. IMAP and SMTP apps will fail by default, and I as a paying sysadm will have no say in it. I'm not sure which fuckhead pozload asshole thought that this would be a good idea, but it's not.
I need Google G-Suite alternatives. Query to all users. Support funding may be available. I want email with best-in-class spam filtering, I want an online storage solution, I want an online Word+Spreadsheet+Slide solution, and if I can get these all as one cohesive product able to be managed as a COMPANY for COMPANY records whereby the COMPANY controls policies that it pays for (not international globalist migrant faggots).
I'll probably end up scripting shit until they turn that off too. God damn it.
Yandex. Yandex also seems to have the best reverse image tool at the moment, at least in my experience.
duckduckjew and jandex
If you like Yandex, you might want to try Jive Search, which gets its results from Yandex but also respects your privacy (apparently no logs, plus an onion domain).
Imagine being such a faggot that what finally makes you consider abandoning Google isn't their constant spying or monopolistic business practices, but that Daily Mail will show up a couple results lower than before.
My problem is that they are interfering with business. When I'm paying them to stick to business, and not interfere. Alt appears to join business with articles owned in Designated, Swiss-stan, Chinasia, or other failures. Google et al is continuing down the Pottering failed failure model, which only works so long as no one has any work to do. It is not business.
Deliberate hand-crafted biases in search results are the worst. It means nobody can trust any of their search results anymore to reflect actual reality.
I don't like Yandex results, but their mail is great. Both Outlook and Gmail are bloated webapps now, Yandex mail loads instantly and has clean UI.
Yahoo uses Bing
Avoid Bing and Duckduckgo
yes use google instead
Searx.be works fine.
Here is a list of instances ranked
use searx or use multiple different search engines (Jewgle, JewJewGo, bing...)