Gonna make a custom keyboard layout

wanna make it:

what should i research in order to know what to do?

Attached: space-cadet_keyboard_2.jpg (1024x679, 227.4K)

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It depends; do you intend to just take a regular keyboard and swap out some keys, or do you plan on making an entire new layout, requiring a new PCB?

Just gonna switch keys with xmodmap or something

A keyboard is only "ergonomic" if it's designed to help you keep your wrists straight all the time.

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There's a few problems with keyboards, the space bar isn't really needed to be huge, Japanese layout keyboards have split the spacebar to have modifiers for their autistic language. Keys are duplicated but they're kind of duplicated for a good reason, for example pressing ctrl + z you're not suppose to press the left ctrl and mash z, you're suppose to use the other ctrl key. But the duplicated keys that are more likely out of your reach (the numpad) are in my opinion not very good outside of niche uses (Camera manipulation in 3d modeling). Other than that, standard keyboards lack a trackball or a trackpoint or mouse keys, etc.

Key switches aren't a huge deal, just don't be stupid and throw in a 100g linear for keys that you're going to press with your pinky.

I highly recommend looking into QMK firmware if you want your keyboard to be configured from the keyboard rather than the OS binding the keys for you, If you're building a whole new keyboard.

Don't rest your wrist on a wrist rest, you type slower and hurt your wrist more.

Attached: mnt_keyboard.jpeg (1024x768, 163.19K)

Ergo Dox is a meme, but it's still fun and really fucking comfy.
Takes about a week to retrain your thumb muscles.
Infinite layers for autistic key combos.

Attached: ErgoDox.jpg (473x315, 29.04K)

Hmm, just noticed this picture has like... USB 2.0 for connectors. Mine is that retarded 1.5width USB3.0 type.

1. make keylogger
2. collect stats
3. create heatmap
4. remap keys

There ya go faggot.

Research Programmer DVORAK

Is programming DVORAK worth it if I already use regular Dvorak?

If the first row doesn't spell NIGER or at least FAGOT I'll be deeply disappointed user.

Attached: leetkeyboards.png (640x480, 384.98K)

Dvorak is basically what you want already.

emacs is the nigger of text editors. vim is the one true editor

maybe if you just used vim like a human you wouldn't be so autistic that you needed to create a custom keyboard layout


For Emacs, yes. Dvorak is actually kind of detrimental to traditional Emacs bindings.

I rebind C-x to C-t, then all the bindings at least the ones I use are super comfy.

Why not take a look at the Dactyl Keyboard?
You'll need to 3D print the model, though.

Attached: dactyl_qwerty.jpg (1000x667 428.12 KB, 899.89K)

The time has come.

NIGERFAKOT on the home row

Kinesis Advantage. Hardware DVORAK is incredibly useful, and it's programmable.

This looks pretty neat. Looks like it's only customizable from a proprietary windows program. I'd prefer dip switches like what mine has

problem for me was ; and ' are swapped. That took me some time to get in muscle memory. Also numbers are from outside to inside holding shift, not something to easily get in muscle memory either. Especially with even and odd numbers split and with the 9 on s-6. Capslock is actually useful here, since dot and comma dont "caps" and punching numbers without numpad is no biggie. Another problem personally is that shortcuts in other shit than emacs using c-m-1 or c-1 or something like that often don't recognize the binding since shift is pressed. Writing this I hadn't tried caps + c-1 and surprisingly caps c- does seem to work. But then again its not ideal.

Other than that, programmer dvorak is great. easy access to { ( & $ = * ! # @ + - is something that I can't live without anymore.

I've been in doubt for a long time if it's worth it to buy the kinesis adventage. I've a wireless microsoft sculpt atm, and I like the bottom row with ctrl - win - alt - spc - spc - alt - menu - ctrl, since the buttons are pretty big. This keyboard was 100 euros including wrist stand and mouse. Idk if it's worth it for me to go all the way and buy the kinesis. Any advice? Can you tell me how long the cable is and if it's comfortable to use the keyboard on your lap?

GET OFF MY BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

picture related
Tim Tyler: My keyboard

Attached: pic.jpg (2048x1101, 363.74K)

Retards like you should shut the fuck up. There is something to gain with ergonomic keyboards. Your conservatism on product life cycle can easily be solved with selling it to someone else as a secondhand product.

im still using my mechanical mouse because it just works and is much better than a sanely priced optical mouse.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (640x480, 153.76K)

No it can't. I wouldn't get one for the 2$ the current one is worth.
It's that way with everything.

I'm using a 3$ crap mouse that came with a PC. It still works perfectly but sometimes the middle mouse button (clicking the mouse wheel) produces a left click instead of a middle click.
Does your mouse have any kind of scrolling device? I couldn't live without one.

it does have a scroll wheel. its basically the same as modern office machine mice but with that ball instead of the optical sensor.

I would advise you to just forget about traditional shit-tier keyboard design and try something good and well adjusted to your hands, probably a DataHand-like keyboard.
You could use the thumb-keys as control/meta/shift/etc and the other 40 keys for your characters, so ultimate Emacs keybinding experience.

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what limp-wristed faggots are you people that you can't deal with a normal keyboard? Maybe you should get up from your computer chair once in a while and use these atrophied muscles of yours for something else, then maybe you wouldn't end up breaking your bones with shitposting. lmao

Because I'm an innovator with ambition and out-of-the-box ideas. Creating and improving is in my genes. Can you say the same about yourself?

Dvorak was created for typewriter transcriptionists who work only in natural language, specifically American English. It's neither intended for nor suitable for the computer environment.

its actually harder to type on a mechanical keyboard because the switches are designed to add resistance and you have to press them much deeper than on a normal keyboard.

It's called carpal tunnel syndrome dumbass, I've had it since I was 15 and my muscles are very much the opposite of atrophied.

so you say you do strength training to compensate for your obviously defective and inferior genes? I see.

My genes have defects as do anyone's but I wouldn't say they're overall inferior, not only am I a literal genius, but I'm also hypermobile which means I gain muscle extremely easily.

All keyboards are designed to add resistance.
Only compared to scissor-switch keyboards.

Where to buy?

I just did a custom about a year ago after my Sidewinder X4 died, built up on a DZ60 board. The key layout isn't special, just a mix of US, UK and Jap but the board supported it and it is what I want.
Still scratching the surface of what it can do but so far:
Fn=layer 9 : fkey row and numpad etc like a laptop
Fn+LSpace = layer 7 [extra editing commands for Reaper]
Fn+RSpace = layer 8 [still WIP for Vegas]
Macro : performs keypress sequences
Layer + digit : on/off layer 0-9

I used MX browns and a cheap case. For keycaps I don't really give a shit as long as they have the same flat profile and mostly match. Curved sets are pretty sexual looking but I have always typed flat.

Attached: keyboard-layout (5).png (830x290, 30.25K)

So your joints are weak which means your muscles have to become stronger to compensate, that is not a good thing.

different user

the kinesis adv 2 actually has a built in storage that you can script you keymap with. Xah has a good article on it.
Most button remaps are able to be done with the hardware "on the fly" button, very simple.

I found the kinesis to be very comfortable for cramped typing because of its well shape... but its very bulky as a result of it. I love it because you use your thumb and your wrist is never compromised. I've bought two and I prefer the red version (I normally use clears and browns, but using the board is fundamentally different on how you rest your hands on it)
WITH THAT SAID, the fucking thing is outrageously expensive for a normal person, consider looking on the used market. I've heard good things about Microsoft ergos and w/ a few ergo remaps (capslock -> ctrl or backspace, vim/evil emacs escape -> jk) you're already 80% there to a kinesis, the other 20% being how you set up your monitor distance & height, chair distance & height, and desk/keyboard tray height. take care of your health bro, and never blow any more money then you have to

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Or just send in the files to one of the 3d print places. It's often cheaper than you think and the quality is much higher than what you get out of the usual home printers. Also misprints won't be your problem.

What road do you have to go down to make your own custom setup? I saw lots of keycaps, cases, boards on aliexpress (some even very nice, like wooden cases) and I might wanna go down that road myself.

where are the function keys...

Challenger comes.

Attached: A4tech-KLS-50-92522_2254_draft_large.jpg (720x401, 45.13K)

I can't bring myself to spend more on caps than the board its self. Cheapo ABS for me! The goal was multiple layers for audio/video editing. I did get a coily cord though.

It is a long and strange road when you see what is out there. Lots of autism and admittedly some pretty cool shit. Check out KBDfans to get started, and I am sorry for the journey you are about to make.

Numrow. Holding the function key between the spacebars opens layer 9 which hides the F-row, vol +/-, navigation etc.

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Nor is QWERTY. QWERTY isn't suited for jack shit.

This is true but we all learned on QWERTY and most of us are pretty quick with it. My take is learn your instrument.

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a keyboard has left-right symmetry with regards to the Ctrl, Alt, Shift keys. Would it make sense to extend this symmetry to the Enter key, by mapping a second Enter key in place of capslock?

Attached: Left Enter Key.png (554x427, 125.13K)

That's like telling an athlete they're a faggot for stretching before a race; that dealing with sore muscles is "manly".
So many retards on an Zig Forums these days. I really should stick to alt chans.

back when people used typewriters which tires the typist too much so there's dv-left/right for people who prefer it by their own handedness. these days the keys can be softer especially a well-built scissor switch is far superior than the mechanical meme keys that shake.

qwerty is useful for basic commands ctrl+Quit, ctrl+Refresh and ctrl+Save. dv is like babbys first kali linux.

the classic rubber dome capslock with the dip beside A is better than every capitalism caps. also that enter key is what I want to see on any keyboard but it requires a different mechanism.
I'd rather have a 6 row keyboard and have the delete key on top of the backspace, sadly it's hard to find these, alternatively I'd just use thinkpad keyboard if there were controller boards for those.

but you should be distributing such heatmap evenly out so you're not falling for the dvorak trap where the heatmap is at the middle row.
maybe useful if you're trying to manually 'print' a thousand articles like a chink factory worker because your company couldn't afford a printing press and materials.

I have been thinking about what to do with caps lock since it is the most useless key on my board. Lots of people map it to Lcontrol but that would throw me off. Enter on the caps lock is a neat idea. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Yeah dude, dipped caps lock and ISO enter should be mandatory on all keebs.

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8774 suicide youtube stream in 20 minutes gg/Xq2uYaa

Why do all custom keyboards try to minimize keys? Am I the only person who wishes for more than 200+ keys for macros and hotkeys?

I'm currently using two keyboards for work, one is just for hotkeys.

9511 Anonymous server with self-harm, traps, steam giveaways, premium snaps and minimal rules! gg/Xq2uYaa

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not gonna make it

No you're not and the whole minimize thing is just fashionable and it spawned from pro-gamers using numpad-less keys for legit reason of more flexible placement of keybs on table because they just use keys around WASD anyways. Then soy latte drinking fashionable faggots started thinking hey man that is like real rad 😲🤙

Make caps lock backspace. It works wonders.

Put another delete button where capslock normally sits and put actual capslock to the side of everything else as a switch that lights up when in capslock.

If you want to do something more creative, make a trackball so big it makes you look like a fortune teller and install it in the center of the keyboard with left, right, middle click below space bar; replace the scroll wheel with bicycle pedals; and as the final touch put loudspeakers in that thing to blast you with Hans Zimmer when in capslock.

3565 gg/Xq2uYaa gg/Xq2uYaa gg/Xq2uYaa gg/Xq2uYaa