Tonight I decided to quit gaming and install Solus

Tonight I decided to quit gaming and install Solus.
Am I a giant faggot?
Should I have just installed gentoo or BSD?

Attached: asdf.png (1918x1079, 1.36M)

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You're trash, that's what. The world is filled with your lookalikes, and that's depressing.

Install OpenBSD, don't bother with a third tier Linux. If you insist on using Linux use Devuan or Slackware.

Does no-one really maintain a separate win10 desktop for the gaming and VR needs? Just vlan that shit off and deny out ound by default and write out your rules till just your games connect? Shit boys, take the teeth out of windows by disabling services via taking ownership of keys in hklm/system/currentcontrolset/services and take back control.

You would have to edit the boot iso to remove the asimov telemetry engine, etc, etc.
In that respect, Windows 7 without (((spy updates))) is far better, but still far more inferior than OpenBSD.

>Windows 7 without (((spy updates)))
But it spies on you by default, and it's proprietary so you don't know if it does what it says except for the part that by the results it produces we already know it doesn't.
Where the fuck do you retards come from?
I dunno, is Solus a Debian or Ubuntu derivative? If so, yes.
Not that these are the only shitty distros, but they are the main ones people seem to make the mistake of using.

Try Void, Gentoo, Devuan (an exception in Debian derivatives)

It's called usosvc and is a services which easily disabled in the aforementioned reg hive. Set errorcontrol to 0 and start to 4, take ownership of keys, give your local account Full access and everything else read only. Also the update orchestrator has to get nipped too. To find out what to look for you can run wmic service full list and dump the output into a file. Google for the exact command sequence

And fear not, set a restore point before your changes. As long as vss is working if your break anything baddly just fail to reboot 3 times and get
The option to restore from previous recovery so no n the 4 the time.

This is the game I play these days, make windows my bitch, very fun

You don't need a second machine, you can just dual-boot.

You're only a fag for installing Solus of all Distros.

Install a more viable (but still usable) alternative like Trisquel or GuixSD.
If you're one of them "convenience" soyheads, install MX Linux.

I can't stand Windows to a degree that makes it impossible to have it installed anywhere. It just hurts to go back to a system that actively tries its best to make it harder for you to customize it.
I've got a Linux gaming machine running Artix and a work machine running OpenBSD.

Don't listen to these dumb fucks. Don't install Gentoo nor OpenBSD.

This, especially GuixSD.
But instead of MX 'Linux' try Mint GNU/Linux

Is there a detailed guide somewhere on this shit?


Main reasons that were factored into my choice of Solus were it's not a derivative and a rolling release.

Should have just used Void

I don't do Micro&soft Kikedowns

If this is your first time using Linux and you are generally a noob just stick with Solus for time being until you get used to linux not being some esoteric shit for daily use as some people think.

If you are not debil install guix (

You can still game on linux if that's your thing. There are emulators and bunch of native games.

Also, try to use for questions like this. There is a reson your thread got anchored.

From an user viewpoint there's no something as 'getting used to linux', because Linux is just a kernel, whereas GNU/Linux is the system. Android has Linux as its kernel and it has totally different 'feel'.
And you should know it, while linking to Guix System, which is an official GNU distribution.
Or are you using Linux APIs directly, so you got used to Linux that way?

Just get a different taste in games. You don't need a gaymen computer to play good games, you could pick up a PS2 for cheap or like a super famicom.

Or emulate the ps2
user@gentoo ~ $ emerge --search pcsx2 [ Results for search key : pcsx2 ]Searching...* games-emulation/pcsx2 Latest version available: 9999 Latest version installed: 9999 Size of files: 0 KiB Homepage: Description: A PlayStation 2 emulator License: GPL-3* games-emulation/pcsxr Latest version available: 1.9.94-r2 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 2,570 KiB Homepage: Description: PCSX-Reloaded: a fork of PCSX, the discontinued Playstation emulator License: GPL-2 public-domain[ Applications found : 2 ]

This sub is filled with video game playing manchildren.

Get Retroarch, Wine, Dolphin and PCSX2, problem solved.

Attached: 2019-06-12-233323_15360x8640_scrot_crop.png (15000x8640, 12.6M)

Solus is a nice distro. I see nothing wrong with this.