How stable is reactos today?
Can it be used on real hardware today?
Reactos thread
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Better questions:
1. Will it boot on hardware you can buy NEW.
2. ill it actually be useful once booted, as in support video, sound, network and anything else on the machine?
3. Will it then run one or more useful windows applications, not just cross platform stuff that will work as well or better on a Linux distro?
And if not, when is it expected to? The project has been working at it a very long time now. Linux went from a gleam in Torvalds's eye to 1.0 in a few years. By its tenth birthday it was clearly destined for "World Domination." ReactOS is still trying to boot after their 20th in operation.
why do you care are you running old shitty windows software?
They still can't emulate the nt kernel enough to support drivers. Considering how fucking much effort it took wine to support basic software, the project goal is immense and no where big enough to achieve it as is. You might as well use Linux kernel with wine and an nt interface clone.
It's a neat idea for legacy support for big companies that need it, hence they hope for corp support but it's just not happening.
4. Is it finally run by competent moderators who won't ban you and call you a pig for pointing out a flaw/bug in the OS that was there for years.
Not much.
Sometimes, but mostly these are 10-15 years old 32-bit computers, they're working on x86_64 port.
Lol no, do not compare these two projects. First of all Linux is just a kernel that was started in 1991, whereas the GNU operating system was started in 1984. GNU was almost complete, they didn't have only a kernel, which they started developing - the Hurd, but people were impatient to they merged GNU with Linux making the first GNU/Linux distribution - Debian in 1993. So finishing the system took about 9 years. So you can't just compare a complete OS - ReactOS and Linux - just a kernel.
Read this please
There's a reason behind this - GNU was started to give people a completely free operating system and it was first of its kind. Behind ReactOS you have much much weaker philosophy, they don't want to run only free software, they want to run proprietary software from Windows conveniently. This thing causes a lot of problems - free software supporters won't help this project, because they don't want to run any nonfree software. People who want to use nonfree software, don't care anyway, because Windows is better and always will be at running nonfree software. So ReactOS depends on a niche of people who would like to have a free operating system, but don't mind running nonfree software on it. The second problem is that GNU/Linux and Wine already exist. If it didn't exist, ReactOS would probably be ready now. People just can't see real advantages of working for this project, because GNU/Linux and Wine is stable now.
ReactOS is a cool project to just look at how it develops, but that's all. Why would I install ReactOS on an old computer when I could install GNU/Linux there?
get Windows 7 Home Basic instead
Fun to hear that on Zig Forums. Even though ReactOS isn't usable yet, it is still far better than Windows, just because it is free software.
You should say:
get Guix System instead
React os is a meme used to run old windows software. Its not meant to be the next linux. If you want to run windows apps you might as well run windows.
It's not going anywhere anytime soon, don't get your hopes up
Linux is just a kernel, whereas GNU/Linux is the system. So yes it's not meant to be a kernel, because it contains one already.
Or Wine on GNU/Linux. And you don't seem to see the point of using free (as in freedom) software. Windows is a total spyware piece of shit.
Please no.
If you are using react os you dont care about free software. you might as well go full proprietary.
I prefer using 'application', because just 'app' sounds horribly, but programs on Windows are mostly just 'apps'.
Here you're right.
Unlike Linux/UNIX, windows is useless. There's no demand for an open source windows clone.
You can say that no one wants the exact shit M$ has produced but most people want their closed source Windows applications.
ReactOS is shit and a proof that nobody wants windows. Wine is a compatibility layer which allows users to abandon a garbage OS and use Linux instead.
There is a big demand for an open source Windows clone. Unfortunately, many of those who wish for such a system are unwilling to invest development resources into building this outcome.
The only conclusion that the state of ReactOS proves is that there isn't a big development investment going into it. It doesn't prove that people want to actively reject Windows.
Does it run any Windows game up to Win7?
Check out the Wine compatibility database. If it is supported there, then there is a high probability it's supported in ReactOS.
There's no sound output from it in my VM so I may as well stick with wine.