Does a 15 year old amd single core cpu contain a nsa backdoor?

does a 15 year old amd single core cpu contain a nsa backdoor?


got any more info?

It doesn't. He's a shitposting faggot. Pre-2013 AMD CPUs do not have the "Platform Security Processor" shit installed. You need to go much further back for Intel ME free chips.

Attached: reverse-engineering.png (813x374, 273.03K)

Lurk more or go back to cuckchan. Just a couple weeks ago there was a thread where it was shown remote control tech on the CPU which works in conjunction with the southbridge goes back to the early 2000s for both Intlel and Aymd. I'm sure it's still in the catalog if you want to check it out. It was developed for enterprise, but consumer motherboard chipsets still have it because for low-performance silicon it's cheaper to develop a single die and disable features in software than to create a different set of masks for each motherboard line. And considering NSA_KEY goes back to 2002, I'm sure any remote control feature was pwned by the NSA before it even came out on the market.

This lol. If you ever tried to reverse engineer a firmware you'd realize it's an insane amount of work for little pay-off, or in some cases for getting caught up in the courtroom for decades and drown in legal fees.
And that's for firmware that's already dumped, sometimes that shit is buried deep in an EPROM inside the chip and there's no way to dump it other than decapping the chip with nitric acid and then removing layers of the chip with hydrofluoric and performing optical analysis on images captured with a trinocular microscope setup.

Do these chips come in 64-bit? I don't think Freenet, Tor or I2P software now works with 32-bit CPUs.

here is the thread

That thread should be titled PARANOIA & MISINFORMATION: The glownigger's guide to demoralization and fearmongering


Something to consider: most of today's glowniggers probably never learned how to use backdoors from 20 years ago. Just like most car thieves in 2019 won't know how to steal a Model T Ford.
There will come a time when windows 98 is more secure than current year Windows, simply because all of the malware compatible with 98 went extinct.

I'm pretty sure that happened already. They arrested some old pedo in my parts here and they had the biggest trouble getting at some of his written stuff because he did it on a C64 and the local pigs couldn't figure it out. Had to call in a "specialist". No idea if anything they found was relevant to the case in the end, though.

An old computer that's just obscure enough would be the first barrier, the second barrier would be an non-computationally intensive but still save enough crypto algorithm to protect your written down thoughts. Sadly threads like this are not about keeping your thoughts and writings private, but usually only about people wanting to look at CP and posting edgelord shit on boards without anyone getting wise to it. As long as you involve the internet don't have anything you wouldn't mind saying/showing off in public. For anything else - airgapped machines. The piss-poor track record of both hardware and software doesn't make me feel like networked machines can ever be safe.

Go to the questions and support thread.

what about a powerpc g4? asking for a friend.

i have 3 of those, do you think somebody would pay for them?

If it's connected to electricity it contains a Jewish backdoor into your mind.

Attached: out_of_touch.webm (640x360, 4M)

Use pen and paper and keep the writings next to the furnace in a locked closet in a windowless locked room. That's about as secure as it gets.

Attached: 3ac0fedd9051d8a48e60e35a95f9fd6aee4148d93f8b0f7fc26aaeaee635b992.jpg (997x917, 86.52K)

I could use a modern day typewriter. If only I had access to the firmware that drivers my printer.

computers are evil talmudic devices


Good music taste, but you ruined it with the cuckime shit.

I have an A4-5000. Cool little APU with integrated graphics. Even good enough for very light gaming and more than good enough for everything emulation. TDP of 15W, entire system maybe eats ~25 after all is said and done. Everything's well supported in mainline linux.

That's not secure. When your mom comes to clean out your basement, she'll find it.

Again the "all undesired actions must be done by human adversaries" fallacy. Much like mass surveillance, exploitation of obsolete (and thus well-known) systems is automated.

Good anime taste, but you ruined it with the boomer shit.

Newer x86 chips are glowed and spectre'd.
Older x86 chips will have that ASIC Sinkhole vulnerability Chris Domas has talked about, and probably some more.
There is actually no winning in the x86 world.
If you absolutely have to use x86, don't connect it to the Internet ever.

You can go as far back as a Pentium MMX 233MHz which is probably the fastest P5 CPU (i.e. unaffected by Spectre).

why not buy a chinese one?

The biggest security mistake you can have is to assume something is safe because it hasn't been proven to not be safe yet.

Freenet (current) did work on a Phenom from 2007, running 32bit Devuan even though the chip may support 64bit, somehow the OS kept freezing after a few hours of usage the 64bit that is (age could be a factor though). The chip given in last week sadly , ah well well over a decade of relative intense usage; it has served its purpose.

not if you leave the house and they come when you aren't there