/aosg/ - Alternative OS General

Welcome to /aosg/, where we discuss operating systems other than Windows, GNU/Linux distributions, and macOS.
*As this is a new general, it's heavily underwhelming and incomplete! Improvements, tips, and contributions are more than welcome!*


-Haiku: A system inspired by BeOS that's starting to gain more popularity. As of writing, a Firefox port is underway. haiku-os.org/
-ReactOS: A binary-compatible OS that aims to just werk with Windows programs. reactos.org/
-9front: A fork of Plan 9 from Bell Labs that has advantages over the original system. 9front.org/

Pic: 9front's SKIN OF EVIL release

Attached: skinofevil.front.png (500x647, 456.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why isn't SerenityOS on this list

Wasn't there some SJW business with Haiku recently?

Didn't know about it until just now. Will be sure to add it to the OP next time.

[citation needed]

I would love to switch to DragonFlyBSD but it is incompatible with libreboot without a BIOS Emulator like SeaBIOS, a deal breaker for me.
The kernel can not be launched directly through GRUB like freebsd with kfreebsd. Reason are the kernel variables, kvars?, being different on DFly compared to freebsd, the devs will not fix this any time soon. Will try openBSD. Hope to finally get rid of the linux plight.

References, please. I would like to know if this is true.

I would add project trident to the list of BSD distros:

It was their 'gender neutral' changes to please Hacker News commenters that I was thinking of: git.haiku-os.org/haiku/commit/docs?id=e4425315dd85435ad9b07351ffd48556ec86e6dc

Are commercial systems OK? We still have OS/2.

Will do!

Commercial and proprietary systems are allowed. (Also didn't know someone out there was continuing OS/2, so thanks for bringing this to my attention. :))

I need to get started on my own OS. See you all in 3 years!

Good luck! Any specific goals you hope to accomplish? Any system you'd like to emulate, or are you planning on making an original system?

Also, I'm thinking about adding Visopsys (visopsys.org/) to the OP. Thoughts?


Also have AmigaOS 4, but how well that works I have no fucking clue. Furthest I've bothered with is 3.1 on my 500+.

The main developer is posting development videos to youtube almost every day. It's pretty interesting if you like C++

Are there any drivers for the Realtek RTL8188CE wifi adapter on 9front? I have been looking for some, but i want to know if i have to get a new wifi adapter on my thinkpad T420i.

-The ReactOS of AmigaOS? Added.
-MorphOS? Added.
AmigaOS 4 is.... ehhh, functional, but you do need some older hardware to run it on. It runs better on older Mac systems, from what I've heard.

No clue. Your best bet is to just try it, see if the generic WiFi blobs work, and go from there.

God I miss 68k based System 7. That shit was pure comfy.

Interesting topic for a general. Check out seL4/Genode

+ The default installation is very secure. OpenBSD has many interesting security features (pledge for example).
+ Competent developers who are committed to developing their OS
+ OpenBSD's sister projects like mandoc, OpenSSH and LibreSSl are cool
+ sndio sound server is comfy
+ Especially well-written man-pages and FAQs
+ Theo de Raadt is based
+/- Its developers and users expect you to at lest try to fix the problem yourself before they will help you. You get replies quickly on the mailing-lists. #openbsd @ Freenode is active.
+/- Doesn't have Bluetooth support anymore (IMO this is a good thing since Bluetooth sucks ass)
+/- OpenBSD uses cvs

notes and resources
* openbsd.org/
* Default package management: OpenBSD's ports and pkg_ tools. Currently has 10578 packages in ports.
* The OpenBSD FAQ (the installation guide): openbsd.org/faq/index.html
* Simply put, you can use pkg_info -Q foobar to find a package and pkg_add foobar to install it
* If you want, you can install the standard Ganoo tools: pkg_add coreutils
* If you wish to run X11 (xenocara) you should also enable automatic starting of OpenBSD's DM (xenodm) during the installation
* You should install ALL file sets during the installation
* If you have (created) a (MBR or GPT) partition with OpenBSD's partition type (A6) then OpenBSD's installer will recognize it and ask whether you want to install to that partition.
* OpenBSD gaming resource: mrsatterly.com/openbsd_games.html
* Rundown of OpenBSD's security features: openbsd.org/security.html and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBSD_security_features
* You can install non-free firmware using the fw_update tool. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can install patches with syspatch. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* The binary packages are NOT updated for "release" or "stable" releases!! You must either build from source or use pkgsrc if you want newer versions.
* If you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, make backups of the original pkg_add, pkg_delete, pkg_info and pkg_check binaries. (ProTip: use whereis command and cp) OR (better) install pkgsrc into your home directory (use ./bootstrap --unprivileged)
* I got pkgsrc working on OpenBSD 6.3 on AMD64, by using the following command-line: ./bootstrap --compiler clang --unprivileged --prefer-pkgsrc=openssl
* When you are creating disk partitions, you can specify a partition's size in (for example) gigabytes, by appending G to the desired size (for example, 42G means 42 gigabytes). (see also, man 8 disklabel, man 8 fdisk and man 8 newfs)
* You can browse OpenBSD's ports here: openports.se/
* OpenBSD has especially good support for ThinPads.
* OpenBSD uses doas instead of sudo. doas is very comfy, but it needs to be configured first (it's easy, see man 5 doas.conf)
* AMDGPU has been added to kernel on -current, however, it's disabled by default. At the moment you have to build the kernel yourself but AMDGPU is likely going to get added on the next release (6.6)
* Based on my experience, OpenBSD is the most pragmatic alternative for GNU/Linux and Windows.

Attached: Miyauchi_Renge_Holding_Haskell_Programming.png (1920x2443, 1.58M)

+ Supports a huge number of CPU architectures: "Of course it runs NetBSD"
+ Very lightweight: it has even lower system requirements than FreeBSD, OpenBSD or Dragonfly BSD. NetBSD offers the best performance on low-end systems.
+ lua-scriptable kernel (I think this is great for prototyping. You can find some presentations/PDFs here: netbsd.org/gallery/presentations/)
+ rump kernels, see wiki.netbsd.org/rumpkernel/
+/- The system is traditional
+/- The NetBSD also has some experimental features, however
+/- Apparently, the NetBSD project is going to move to Mercurial (hg), or so I have heard.

notes and resources
* netbsd.org/
* Default package management: pkgsrc. Currently has over 17000 packages.
* The NetBSD Guide: netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/index.html
* Remember to use the installer's configuration menu to install the package manager and enable installation of binary packages
* What NetBSD is referring to as a "port" is actually an "(CPU) architecture".

Attached: 9992f19479bde9b399042843e0dd2f655e507951.jpg (700x650, 44.02K)

DragonFly BSD
+ Has the best multi-core performance. DragonFly BSD offers the best performance on high(er)-end multi-core systems.
+ Has the best file system (HAMMER and HAMMER2)
+ jails
+ vkernels
+ Matthew Dillon is based
+/- Uses git for development (instead of cvs)
? I think Dragonfly BSD has slightly smaller community than OpenBSD and NetBSD

notes and resources
* dragonflybsd.org/
* Default package management: pkg (for binary packages) and dports (dragonflybsd.org/docs/howtos/HowToDPorts/) Has a lot of packages (Dports are FreeBSD ports + DragonFly BSD specific patches and files)
* Dragonfly BSD Handbook: dragonflybsd.org/docs/handbook/
* Press SCROLL LOCK to enable/disable scrolling the console with arrow keys
* If you want to install pkgsrc, you should do an unprivileged installation under your own home direcory; see the relevant parts from OpenBSD's and pkgsrc's posts.

Attached: 1427529198102.jpg (512x512, 49.16K)

Many other operating systems support pkgsrc since it's very portable, see pkgsrc.org/
Also, if you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, please consider backing up (with cp) the original package mangager's binaries.
The TL;DR version of getting pkgsrc working on operating systems other than NetBSD is:
su - #We need to become root when installing pkgsrc _without_ the --unprivileged optionenv CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d [email protected]:/cvsroot checkout -P pkgsrccd pkgsrc/bootstrap./bootstrap

Attached: 1.jpg (566x800, 85.41K)

General tips and resources
* pkgsrc guide: netbsd.org/docs/pkgsrc/
* An introducion to pkgsrc (pls note that DragonFly BSD doesn't use pkgsrc as its default package manager anymore): hooktube.com/watch?v=t6vlmJ84BSI&t=4m35s
* A beginner's guide to PF: srobb.net/pf.html
* Important: Before installation, use something like gparted to resize an existing partition and/or create a new partition for your *BSD installation.
* Pls rember that wen you feel scare or frigten, never fforget to reed the manual. (esp. man afterboot on OpenBSD/NetBSD)
* BSD utilities can behave slightly differently (have different command-line switches) than the essential utilities provided by GNU. Read The Fine Manual.
* You probably want to use the korn shell (ksh)
* Remember to check info-pages in addition to man-pages. The info-pages of GNU programs are usually more comprehensive than their man-pages.
* What *BSD is referring to as "slice" is what most other operating systems refer to as "partition". In *BSD, slices contains smaller parts, called "partitions".
* Install all file sets during the installation, unless you have a very good reason not to (This will save a lot of trouble later)
* Don't assume that *BSD has GNU programs by default.

GRUB MBR/UEFI Multi-booting example for OpenBSD/NetBSD
* if the installer doesn't install bootblocks, you can spawn a shell after installation and chroot /mnt and then just use installboot(8)
* after installing the bootblocks (in UEFI ESP partition), reboot into GNU/Linux.
* check that you have the OpenBSD's *.efi files in your EFI ESP partition (the dir that OpenBSD's installboot created is named "boot" by default. you should rename it as "OpenBSD")
* copy /etc/grub.d/custom_40 as /etc/grub.d/custom_42
* create following file in /etc/grub.d/custom_42 and generate a new grub.cfg like usual.
* It's recommended to take a look at GRUB2's manual and the man-pages for fdisk(8) and boot(8) N.B. the fdisk is can be a bit different to what you are used to! Pls RTFM.
menuentry "OpenBSD" { insmod part_bsd insmod part_gpt insmod part_msdos insmod chain set root='hd0,gpt1' #This should be EFI ESP partition for UEFI systems chainloader (${root})/EFI/OpenBSD/bootia64.efi #instead of what was written above, write these 2 lines for BIOS MBR systems set root='hd0,msdos3' #this is OpenBSD's MBR partition. To boot NetBSD change openbsd1 to netbsd1 chainloader +1 #this works for NetBSD, too # N.B. chainloading is the recommended method. (!) #Wanna use GRUB without chainloading? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ #instead of chainloading, you can also try something like this: #kopenbsd (${root})/bsd #just FYI, to boot NetBSD, you can also #knetbsd /netbsd}

Avoid these
- FreeBSD (it sucks a CoC)
- TrueOS (it's unstable)
- GNU/Linux (it sucks a CoC; it wont get ruined over night, however, the code quality is expected to lower over the course of next 2-5 years. The SJW community is extremely toxic; be prepared to get #MeToo'd for online hugs)
- MINIX (very outdated programs; it isn't suitable for desktop use)
- OpenIndiana (An user said it has very outdated programs)
- Microsoft Windows (it's a botnet)
- ReactOS (it's not ready yet)
- PureDarwin (not very usable)
- 9front (Apparently it sucks a CoC, too)

Other operating systems
* TempleOS (archive.org/download/TempleOS_ISO_Archive/TempleOSCDV4.13.ISO)
* Shrine (github.com/minexew/Shrine)
* FreeDOS (freedos.org/)
* ReactOS (reactos.org/)
* ToaruOS (gitlab.com/toaruos)
* Haiku (haiku-os.org/)
* GNU Hurd (gnu.org/software/hurd/)
* MINIX (minix3.org/)
* OpenIndiana (openindiana.org/)
* AROS (aros.sourceforge.net/)
* MenuetOS (menuetos.net/)
* KolibriOS (kolibrios.org/en/)
* Genode (genode.org/)
* PureDarwin (puredarwin.org/)
* MorphOS (morphos-team.net/)
* Mezzano (github.com/froggey/Mezzano)
* Visopsys (visopsys.org/)

Attached: Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica - Opening HD-OrgpX-_bFqM.webm (640x360, 7.99M)

im prettty sure 9front doesnt have an official coc, just a fake one as a joke on 9front.org/coc

9front doesn't have a CoC but they have in the past banned people from their irc/maillists for being too "edgy".

These guys might have a dl from me someday

Attached: i_like_that.JPG.jpg (584x606, 92.63K)


tbh nazi stormfag bootlickers do suck.
Almost all of them profess to following hitler and don't know why, in truth they're just brain dead retards who have taken politics too far.
Politics of any sort should be banned from code, as it has no real effect on code and only serves to ruin a project with drama.

Is there an easy way to get something like USE flags going on OpenBSD? I like it much more than Linux, especially because its kernel code is actually readable, but I'd rather not pay for that with DBus crap.

lol. There are people who think WW2 nazis still exist and that antifa has anything to do with them and then there are people who seriously think glowniggers don't know what they are doing.

Some ports have a FLAVOR that can be selected, which is how they end up with different binary packages. For example see: /usr/ports/mail/mutt/Makefile
But basically you have to check every Makefile and see what options it has, if any. An alternative would be to use pkgsrc, which lets you set global package options. For example, this what I've got in my /etc/mk.conf on NetBSD:
# package defaults, from "make show-options"PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS= cacaPKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= -rpi -opengl -sdl2PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= -dbus -inet6 -qt5PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= -pulseaudio -nas -alsa -jack -esound -openalPKG_OPTIONS.libcaca= ncurses imlib2ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= dungeon-license
The downside here is that you won't get the benefits of pledge/unveil that any OpenBSD ports might have.

Attached: foo.png (964x580, 56.6K)

haiku would be really good if it had more devs that actually did real work on it
i feel there are a lot of haiku so called "devs' that just spend time name searching 'haiku' on twitter dot com like this

Guess I'll take a look at pkgsrc then. Why does it remove the advantages of pledge? I thought pledge just kills a program if it tries to use syscalls it claimed it wouldn't?

waddlesplash is an insufferable faggot

Yeah, that's how pledge works. But that also means every single program has to be modified to call pledge() with a set of "promises", and this has to be done at the right place, and sometimes needs code to be moved around in order to minimize the set of "promises". So that means you'd have to apply the same diffs to pkgsrc that are in the OpenBSD ports tree (assuming they're the same version of the program, or that at least the patch will apply cleanly and correctly).

Thank you for this.
Was wondering about dfly along time but they really ought to fix their doc pages.

Was going to throw it on my 500, but Coffin seems to work just as well. Bounce between 3.1 and it when I'm bored.

Using your OS development page to show your political views is gay as fuck.
wow faglord you sure convinced me with your hot opinions

not bad at all

aiju, the faggot who is leading the project after uriel killed himself is an antifa faggot. If you browse web archive for past versions of the 9front website, you'll see that the addition of that antinazi symbol and the gayflag favicon happened soon after his death. It was also he who tryed to ban a trannyphobic guy from the maillist to make it into a safespace, but it did not get as public attention as opalgate did.

I miss uriel, he was a true libertarian fellow.
His posts on economics and politics in cat-v are worthy of an autistic ancap.

Attached: 9front_during_uriel_era.jpg (1040x432, 119.85K)

Both of you are correct, and I hate you for it.

BSD: Berkeley Steals Dollars

Until now, the motivation for changing UNIX has properly been to make it more fully real-ize its original intended purpose of being a better, more portable timesharing environment thatexploits its underlying hardware, particularly for software development and technical documenta-tion preperation applications. Support for evolutionary hardware developments such as virtualmemory and peer-to-peer networking were successfully added, largely as a result of publicdomain, government-funded efforts at U.C. Berkeley. More recently UNIX has been adopted asa workstation development and execution environment, and as a multi-tasking OS for PC's.

Git gud, memeberry pi now actually useful

Is HardenedBSD gay too or is it okay? It's basically a FreeBSD fork with more secure defaults and a few extra features added in.

ReactOS is the future we need

I will probably make a thread about this but I was wondering if we could create (as I don't think it exists besides maybe TempleOS) a fully public domain (gnu)/linux OS system to escape the licenses which are "free" but not really totally free as in public domain (true freedom imo and in the opinion of plenty of anons I see posting in different threads).

Does anything like that already exist or if there are some older OSes, could they be updated? Or is there a way to cobble together existing public domain resources to create a totally free (public domain) OS?

True software freedom seems to require getting rid of licenses altogether in a nutshell (which would have the same effect of being public domain in practice) as the copylefty licenses don't give you freedom to make proprietary closed software with them (I dunno why you'd want to, but it's still not freedom unless you can) nor do copyright allow reusing freely.

This is a pretty tough question.
Web searches show that most people seem to have confused Stallman freedom with the idea of Public Domain, so even finding a base OS to work from is difficult. It seems there is one called PDOS, but support for that is so minimal that a guy is offering to "pay" people $1 per hour to work on it.
Strangely enough, TempleOS may be the best bet, but even then it legally isn't in Public Domain, unless Terry wrote a will releasing it to it. Public domain lasts a long time, TempleOS technically won't be public domain until around 2090. Who knows what could happen in that time, Terry's grand nxphew could claim copyright on TempleOS 7.0 and win the court case for all we know.

GNU/Linux and public domain are obviously incompatible since Linux is GPL2'd. The thing is, license bullshit alone is a bad reason to make an OS because technical aspects take a backseat; just look at the GNU project, it's infamous for bloated shit because the four freedoms do not include the freedom from bad software. just ignore licenses lmoa

both the wiki and site about TempleOS say it is public domain, I thought Terry released it into the public domain while clearly alive:


Yeah GNU/Linux are incompatible, for lack of a better word I want something that's "linux-like" without being Linux because of the licensing.

I know it's bad to create something for licensing alone as it compromises features, but on the other hand a lot of linuxes are created for lesser reasons. To me a PD distro would be worth the creation as it is fully free unlike the pseudo-free alternatives in my view (would be interested in a very minimal-feature distro with essentials and allowing the best new stuff to not be compatible for now just to see such projects get started).

Another question I was wondering about was when these copyleft things go in to the public domain; typically, copyright only lasts so long and then (unless renewed) it expires into the public domain as far as I know; copyleft hasn't discussed this as much as I've seen although maybe they have, but if they follow the rules like copyright (I don't think they intend to but are trying to create a perpetual copyleft license) then GNU/Linux will be in the public domain eventually.

imo OpenBSD way is better

DragonFlyBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD already exist (they aren't GPL'd)

Terry said numerous times that TOS is 100% in public domain

People can and do release things in the public domain straight away.
TempleOS is one of those

Ubuntu is fine, I don’t care about kernels and systemd is just another software that I’ll never pay attention to. If you’re worried about bloatware then maybe you should buy a 21st century hard drive.

wrong thread (pls read the subject and op)
Also, (((ubumtu))) and (((SystemDick))) are not fine at all. You should install a *BSD or Gentoo or some other distribution of GNU/Linux that doesn't have SystemD