Programming Fonts

What makes a good programming font? Which font are you using and why?

Attached: 1539515648651.jpg (499x500, 51.31K)

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meme font, try iosevka instead

I think I remember this one. It looked extremely horizontally squished.

use a bitmap font, I use Amigas' Topaz font out of nostalgia, but IBM CGA are good too, IBM ISO9 if you want something thin. (there are vector versions out there, trivial to convert them to bdf/psf)


I find blocky, non-smoothed/anti-aliased fonts much easier on the eyes

Roboto Mono

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1920x958, 71.77K)

No, you are just a poser.

Only nodevs fight about fonts and feel superior about their choices. Just use what looks good to you personally.

Something that's easy to read fast, and makes individual characters easy to tell apart. For example a dot/slash over a zero is preferred because otherwise it's difficult to tell apart from an uppercase O in monospace fonts.

I used to use Cousine (I believe there's another font that's basically identical), but changed to Source Code Pro at some point because it makes a better distinction between L and i type characters, I particularly like the lowercase L. I also prefer some of the non-alphabetical symbols, for example / extends below the font baseline which makes it more balanced with parentheses and brackets (though I'd prefer it to be more tilted like in Cousine). The characters look a little more clean and calm as well. My main problem with it is the math operator characters, - + * which are too small and similar, the asterisk is in the middle of the character which makes it a little hard to read and easy to mistake for a +.

Attached: lIi1.png (325x281, 9.6K)


I never understood this meme. Wouldn't someone who has to look at this 12 hours a day spend some time making sure it's as good as can be?

all this shit doesn't matter, just use whatever really


also this

There are programmer fonts that are specifically designed to be legible for all the similar looking characters. I personally use Mononoki programmer font because it's designed to look legible at low and high resolution displays.

It's perfectly fine to have a personal favorite. It's autism to fight for subjective choices that don't matter in the long term.

Sure but it's largely subjective. A lot of people seem to like bitmap fonts but I find them hard to read and they don't scale well to your preferred size on your specific monitor. Nothing wrong with discussing fonts but it always devolves into retarded fights of people calling each other idiots for not using their favorite font.

It doesn't really matter on Linux because the font rendering is almost always terrible.

Just look at that shit

I use Liberation Mono and Source Code Pro. Depends on which editor or P/L I'm using; what looks good in one doesn't necessarily look good in the others.

Attached: IDEA Source Code Pro.png (2284x1202 277.23 KB, 94.57K)

(fixed Liberation Mono screenshot)

Attached: AHK Liberation Mono.png (1087x587, 94.57K)

This looks horrible in every aspect, why is your font rendering so bad?

The screenshots are coming out terrible from DPI scaling.

That's why you use bitmap fonts

It's the same faggot which rate images by what software you used to edit them.
Why the fuck does it matter?
The difference isn't visible unless we're talking about paint.

The default font of the text editor does the job, just like I use the default colour coding because it's optimized contrary to the other colour schemes available in my text editor and making my own doesn't increase my productivity.

What are some good testcases for fonts?

I like

GNU Unifont because of good unicode character coverage


Anonymous Pro

Segoe Mono.

Office Code Pro

Attached: 1561182139-925065804_scrot.png (956x1056, 82.66K)

I use 16pt Hack. Simple and doesn't make me wince to read text on the screen.

I commend you for using a big fontsize. Small fonts are a meme that will fuck up your eyes in the long run.

Looks good. The color scheme.. not so much.

Why is everybody using that? Just use a bigger font size.

Proper DPI scaling means that font sizes can remain equal in apparent size for the different display configurations.

Here is the problem though: Nothing is done properly though because of UNIX braindamage.

reading that again there are too many "though"s

Sorry big guy, it's the default color scheme for st 0.8.2 except for the foreground color being #ABABAB and the dim theme for vim.

Holy fug you're a faggot.

I am looking for fonts that have good line spacing. Anyone knows any?

these low contrast schemes are major braindamage,
#FFFFFF on #5555FF that's all you need. Code highlighting in the extreme it's done today is utterly pointless and just like these color schemes, just good for taking fancy screenshots.

how to spot a cianigger 101

IBM ISO9 font
theme in pic

Attached: drac.png (1442x797, 46.08K)

Attached: 1231436.png (625x626, 54.12K)

Hermit 12

I don't even remember for sure. Nothing fancy. Either Deja Vu mono or inconsolata. I think my desktop has Deja Vu and my laptop has inconsolata.

Attached: 6ec8d76d62d3d0edc0d214fef15014381b9bb870c6d31ffd8ab7913dd936a648.jpg (900x719, 87.12K)

The image is from the theme website not mine. But I do use the same colour and font size as it's easy on the eyes. What's sjw about notepad++? I've been out of that loop

Told people to stop using the program if they don't agree with some SJW politics. Don't remember what it was exactly.

didn't Guido say the same shit about python?
There's some other woke/SJW trash tweets too. I've been using Notepad++ out of laziness but I'm switching to Sublime Text now (a former client paid for my license).
Luckily Python is already a fucking joke of a language anyways, so it won't be painful to avoid using that at all.

At least he'll lose all credibility after the #metoo accusation. Still, isn't python necessary nowadays for getting into the AI industry for instance?


Yes it is, but languages like R, Matlab, Julia, Crystal are also used, and they are all (well xcept for Matlab) superior to Python.


the author is a huge sjw and made a post on his website that if you support trump you are not allowed to use his software

Julia is actually a slower JIT than Numba. R also has less performance all around than Python. If I had to guess, I'd say that with Guido gone, Python is going to focus much more on performance. I wouldn't be surprised if a JIT replaced the reference CPython implementation in a few years.

Doesn't make the software bad. At least yet.

We all know LuaJIT and TCL rule.

So, is there a verdict on why these people with no prior political background go full sjw unprovoked? Paid? Threathened? Soyed up?

Not really; you can find microbenchmarks that go both ways. It doesn't matter though, because Julia can optimize at scale much better than Numba.

Even the Numba devs admit that their project lags Julia.

protip: Guido is still part of the Python community as a normal community member.

This is off topic, but is beautiful. It's an actual website with minimal bullshit.

Speaking of fonts, how to stop websites from enumerating the fonts installed on your system? Installing just a few fonts makes you pretty much unique already, as it's extremely unlikely that someone else installed the exact same bunch of fonts as you.

I love lua and luajit, it's pure elegance. Fast too. Just mungs gets upset that there aren't 10000 buzzword features added a month.

that being said, 5.1 is still the best version.

Case in point re: braindamage. It looks like the alphabet magnets they put on blackboards in kindergarten (which is very apropos for JS programming I guess) and that isn't even ISO9.

Get rid of the cancer that is JS in your browser. We have all these very troubling security problems in modern computing and modern networking but somehow it's just fine and dandy to run programs written in a turing complete language that come from god-knows-where (and even from 3rd party hosts to the place your initial request went to) locally. Unasked. This, by definition, can not and will not ever be safe. Javascript has to go. Also CSS.

But then most of the "modern" websites (firstly and foremostly those we're dependent on) won't work properly or not at all. Is there really a choice?

Attached: a9cfbf8dbbcd2fc4291205ffba1e84ef4ae74d23bd433158140c1d180cee689c.jpg (476x315, 16.9K)

Only the most casual retard websites will break completely, and those probably require something like google captcha anyway at which point you have much bigger concerns than what fonts you have installed.

Depends how you use it. If you write R code in imperative style it is slow, because the language is interpreted. But if you take advantage of its vector operations it is well optimized (it's all C++ under the hood).

I am a fan of FiraCode. Very basic but nice on the eyes.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-22 19:41:57.png (750x272, 25.72K)

Yes. Those websites are designed to be defective. It's your own fault if you choose to enable Javascript to visit those defective websites.

First party CSS is fine and allows for the interactivity that's missing without javascript and proper presentation.
However I do agree on foreign CSS. Who even thought that was a good idea?

I thought CSS was designed to separate presentation from content, how does it allow for interactivity? Is modern CSS a Turing-complete language like JS?

Whatever I said last time one of you cuckchan faggots made this thread.

= tor tracking with no JS
All is botnet.

You can stop the connection by pressing the X where the loading button is nigger.

I was talking about menus and windows. That's what CSS can do.

That's an inflexible hack causing unintended behavior.

I agree, small fonts are for autists and they will fuck up your eyes. I value my eyes, so I have a dark background, large and readable font, and blue-light blocking glasses when I program.

Just use redshift.

Why? Is a low-blue mode or something like 5500 Kelvin colour temperature on the monitor not enough?

I have f.lux but that's not enough for me

Glyphs are a waste anyway (they carry a very low of information per bit), thus ideally they should be as small as possible.

the pt standard doesn't depend on the size of the screen, it only depends on pixel size. Unless your screen decreased the size of the pixel, then more screen space =/= smaller fonts.

maybe the screen bits should huffman encoded to display as much information as possible

Can you even send letters more than once or does the browser cache prevent the request? Is there any example page?

Kek. You probably think your cell switches off when you press the off switch and it has a non-removable battery.

Attached: laughinginteresting.jpg (600x581, 50.81K)

Anyone using Pragmata Pro?


The @ symbol in FiraCode made me want to rip my eyes out. I dropped it for that alone.

Do you seriously have a use for Unicode characters for the purpose of programming?

Ligatures in programming fonts is cancer.

maybe its this kind of programming

Attached: 3024664-poster-p-1-emoji-programming.jpg (1280x720, 180.33K)

Hold still while I glass you.

GNU Unifont has pretty good unicode character coverage

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-23_20-38-42.png (1280x999, 51.62K)

I was going to call you a fag for using GNU Unifont but your absolutely patrician choice of text editor changed my mind.

Attached: good-fren.jpg (1125x1125, 389.74K)

Did you know Dennis Ritchie was the first person to write a program with emojis in the source code? Plan 9 from bell labs had a demo in it that demonstrated the integration of unicode in the system, to the extent that you could compile C source with emjis (back then they didn't call it that, but the unicode standard already had some faces in it). I believe it printed a smiley face? Don't remember for sure.

that was thompson

thanks fren