Windows Thread

ITT we discuss Windows.


I'm trying to decide on a Windows OS for my VM, I was thinking of Windows 8.1. Is Win10 LTSC a better choice? I've been running a Win7 VM for a long time but 8.1 seems to perform better, I'm mainly worried about the telemetry pozz, is Win10 LTSC still knee-deep in it or should I stick with a Win7 VM?

Attached: win.png (2000x1638, 156.41K)

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I think Windows 10 is a solid OS despite the security concerns
Fight me

Attached: 1434658038357.png (300x300, 4.83K)

Vista can be a pain in the butt, but isn't as bad as most people say.

Windows 3.1 was fine, because it was entirely optional. I spend all my time in DOS.

I do believe theres a version of windows server that comes without the gui.
But yea, back when windows just used standard dos it was rather comfy.

Anyone who has actually used Windows 10 and still thinks this does not belong here.

I’ve actually been here since the exodus, hell I made a couple of the board banners, gatekeeping LARPing queer

Me too, and I unironically made Zig Forums's current logo. It doesn't mean anything.

Windows 10 is slower, uglier, less consistent, trades actually useful UIs for dumbed down mobile shit, makes things less clear and harder to read for the sake of """style""" which doesn't even look good, splits options into nonsensical locations and gives less settings because they half assed the option panels rewrite, hardcodes botnetana and Office and other stupid shit into the operating system, the whole OS starts breaking if you try to remove them (by force because they won't willingly let you remove any of it), it doesn't give you rights to things such as whether/when to install updates, and that's what I can think from the top of my head.

The good versions of windows I know of are 2000/NT , Xp, and 7
The bad versions I know of are ME Vista and 10.

I cant use XP anymore due to lack of drivers, but 7 is better anyway. I'll stick with 7 till things (software, drivers) don't work on it anymore, then probably switch to Linux/Wine .

Vista is dogshit but oh my the GUI looks classy as fuck.

Win7 and Vista are peak UX design.

Not unless you're using "classic" theme.
XP had just about the maximum amount of fanciness I can tolerate in a GUI. Anything more is overkill/gay.

Either way they're both way better than the metro/flat UI/windows 8/10 cancer that came after them.

Which projects providing unofficial updates/software to make XP SP3 usable in the current year do you recommend?

Attached: xp.png (500x805, 283.26K)

Youngfag here. First one I remember using was XP although I probably used 98 maybe before I could remember.

Best overall is probably 7. I use it as my main OS, and I uninstalled updates containing telemetry features. I know it's not open source etc. which is obviously not ideal. I also often find myself not liking the fact that you can't do everything from thr command line like in linux. Would have been better if windows was still a graphical shell on top of DOS or something like that. Maybe they could have came out with NT-DOS, that would be cool.

I also use XP very often, I think it's great except for not being supported by lots of programs. It runs much faster than 7 though.

Use Linux like a real zoomer.

Attached: Joker with floppy.png (720x430, 484.08K)

3.11 or XP SP3.

Windows Server Core. But the GUI is so deeply rooted in the kernel it can't be removed, so it's very obviously a full screen command prompt instead of a terminal

I'm building my self a computer and don't know where to download the OS, anyone can share sites or links?

Here you go.

I use shitnux too, devuan and slacko. Slacko saved me a couple times when I've needed some utilities, and devuan is alright. Both are still pretty shit though.

video driver issues up the ass on my T40 as well. XP just works

LTSC will still leak as much as pro but you won't have bloat datamining you in the background. Use a tool to quiet down on the telemetry

Assuming you're a boomer:

That's why you are better off with Windows NT 5.x on older x86 hardware, even PowerPC Macs work best with the operating system they came with - modern linux really has no backwards compatibility with "old" binaries or (video) chipsets.

Attached: shutdown.png (640x480, 1.32K)

Windows 8.1 and 10 have three competing menus for every setting and nobody can fix it or any of the long-standing, minor bugs because developers who try to make it a decent operating system, instead of shoehorning half-ass features no one ask for, get reprimanded or fired. Great fucking philosophy there.

Windows NT 2000 was the pinnacle. If only it had Wifi, a competent firewall, and DirectX 11 or something equivalent, I'd probably might still use it. Windows XP comes close to fulfilling that, but it has a tendancy to become slower over time, possibly from storing, and never pruning, binary logs in the kernel. Not sure.

Windows 7 is okay, but a little unnecessary. Something with an install profile of vanilla NT 2000, but with modernized features of Win7 would be ideal. So basically GNU/Linux.

Literally nothing you said is true. It works fine for me, you're being hyperbolic and riding off of conjecture. Take your 'tism meds

Attached: 936c686a042bae8b43f1ac84a9a49f9edbc1b5edbb54a7d1e3a2d52be315698d.jpg (1200x1600, 313.78K)

Daily reminder that everyone who shits on Windows is a disgraced a bluepilled Loonux LARP trying way too hard to fit in

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You NEED to get in while mining rates are high, as they will be halved very soon when user adoption spikes.

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Attached: picoin.png (500x281 140.86 KB, 15.33K)

that's great but... not windows.

Report him for spam he's posted this on several threads on /b2/ already

The Windows user always doubles down. The Windows user always projects.

The Linux user crys out as he attacks you. The Linux user is immured to all dangers

Linux is a kernel, faggot.

the gnutard shits as he attacks you.

The Windows shill shits only when he is told.

Attached: ms'd-a-spot.png (819x460, 115.04K)

Thanks man


Shitdows you deserve

Attached: 666.png (273x191, 18.54K)

>you need an app to open this app if this was andriod you'd also need a "windows service app"
yo dawg!

It's as if the the new pajeet-EO doesn't have control of the company and, due to the size of the organization, M$ has becone schizophrenic. I actually like the new flat design aesthetic, especially the dark theme. Arch ricers are probably jelly. I like the new windows terminal. Programs load quickly and work stably. There is no screen tearing and gaymerz get 9001Hz. The problem is that as the UI becomes more "minimalist" (looking), the actual interface it gives to the user becomes more retarded and hand-holding to the point of uselessness. All improvements are part of a shiny facade. It's going in two opposing directions at the same time and the whole thing makes no sense as an entity. The shell should have been split into two "modes" ages ago: competent mode and granny mode. As it is we get an ugly combination of too many goals.

Oh well. At least I have gentoo.

3.X. I used to use it before Win95 came out, to make icons, and to draw in Paint Shop Pro 3. I didn't have my own computer until I bought one myself in 1998, so my experience was pretty limited.
I really don't know enough about the back end of Windows to make an objective decision, but if I had to base it solely on my personal experience, I'd have to go with Windows XP with some of the bullshit disabled. All of the functions of Win2K, with more hardware support. Not that I dislike 7, but it seriously hated a lot of my legacy hardware.

Attached: Windows.mp4 (720x720, 1.46M)

It says that because you can uninstall the "UWP Calculator" but the icon will stay available.
This is not the case for editions that ship with the classic calculator.

Only good win10 is ltsb/ltsc, and even then it's only JUST acceptable with all the possible end-user fixes applied.
Microsoft desperately needs a old fashioned and stubborn software engineer at the helm of the OS department, the kind not afraid of telling a social media addicted ultrabooker to fuck back to Starbucks and find their missing integrity for functional design they apparently left there.

I only need windows for post production stuff so I keep it offline and never went online. I download the torrent on my other computer for the software and copy it over to the windows shitter

Kill yourself you lying nigger. Cortana cannot be uninstalled. Windows 10 is well known for forcing updates on users.
I hope getting raped by a pack of niggers works fine for you you subhuman cuckold.

Is the support for pre-GCN Radeon chips that bad?

Attached: FWeXJc5a.jpg (1266x905, 90.63K)

So then what specifically do you fix on your ltsc machine to make it the most acceptable? I'm maintaining an LTSC machine to run windows specific software without sacrificing performance. Here's my recipe, but I am sure that it is far from ideal
I could not agree more that m$ needs the old fashioned stubborn lead engineer

Attached: 449e0f8803beab9d784750d17c21c68560d07959b4e8a6d73280c300f7149949.gif (357x333, 196.76K)

This shit is aimed at home users. You can do things like "disable antivirus" with the group editor.
Server 2019 Datacenter
You're faster just typing in what you need.
Only useful advice in your post. I'll add


same as 2002 and 2008. you use commonsense. also like; a good, lightweight browser like Mozilla Classic or PaleMoon. Pidgin and Thunderbird for chat; Winamp for the music and a lot of good games. You are the support.

Newer Chrome and Firefoxes are just bloat.

Attached: untitled.PNG (1024x768, 127.48K)

What is the unironical current state of such as setup? Security (last major webbrowser officially supported is FF52.9ESR)? Storage (what about AHCI and 512e AF drives, or SSD? makes sense or heck no?)

Looks comfy. Is it Win2k? What hardware does it run on? Care to provide more info about used updates/drivers/software?

Justifiable. XP/2k3 is still rather nice on compatible hardware, AHCI/SSDs work well with some tweaking. As for security common sense with ClamWin. Otter Browser or Mypal (pale moon fork) for browsing.

Attached: Otter_Browser_Logo.svg.png (1200x1200, 549.38K)

I found it unstable when resuming from standby or hibernation, the browser just displaying a black window, needing to be restarted.

Also, with this vulnerability around, aren't all versions/forks of FF older than ESR 60.7.1 codebase useless from a security standpoint? This would include all versions of Palemoon, given that it's based on much older FF codebase (unless Palemoon somehow patched that flaw on its own).

Is it the only application that does this? What is your graphics chipset?


As opposed to shitting all over the streets?

If you're not trolling, here you go:

And another one

But wait, there's more!
(more general Microsoft bashing of how they added DRM'd ebooks to Windows 10, only to delete them and refund customers later):

Love the pic, thank you user!

Looks like 98 to me. I grew up with 98.

Server 2019 Data Center on a netbook?

Yes do it.
Then add the features
-wlan service
-windows search (for indexing, otherwise start menu is slow as shit)
changes in group policy editor:
-system components\data collection etc\allow telemetry -> enabled 0 (not disabled which is the same as not configured; see description)
-system components\application compability\disable application compability -> enabled (not disabled which is the same as not configured; see description)
Then install graphic drivers.

If you have nvidia download the driver
-follow instructions in pic
-open setup.cfg with a text editor (like Notepad) and remove these 3 lines (located toward the bottom):

Hope I it was helpful.

Attached: oAOkYtG.png (442x594, 18.51K)

Windows search is only necessary for file search so you don't need it necessarly

Is it possible that changing a service's startup type (say from "automatic" to "manual") would also change its running state (such as stop it)?

No, unless the service is run periodically, it should continue running.

Of course only until you restart and nothing else starts it.

I'm kinda forced for a moment to use Win 10, since I finally upgraded to a good PC and Win 7 doesn't want to install. However, I want to pirate some games but I'm paranoid af, is it even safe to do that with Win 10?

Attached: 1495155421843s.jpg (250x241, 9.27K)

dumb frog poster

Fuck you

Like what, do you want to kill people on a sea, just to have some games? Disgusting.
Ok but seriously, do you thing crackers are always good magic fairies? They do this just to spread their botnet and make money by selling your data, passwords, mining cryptocurrencies and DDoSing websites
Well, you should be, all is botnet.
Windows is a nonfree operating system, using it is never safe, no matter if it's w7 or w10, install GNU/Linux.


Could i install linux and use it to browse and pirate then switch over to win 10 and game?
can you transition the files as easily?
I never used more than one OS on one pc.
I have an SSD an a HDD btw.

Thanks man

You were very helpful ty

Polite sage for not contributing to the conversation
Is this to be trusted? Or is this a botnet """update""" to screw NT5 systems?

Have you heard about dual boot, my friend?

What do you guys think of this win10 privacy/debotnet guide?

Unfortunately he has stopped updating it, but do you think it's possible to just pirate an older win10 version, disable updates and then run the guide?

You can not prevent telemetry from Windows 10 because the Zionists have programmed it to be a data-mining machine at Ring 0, 1, 2, and 3. Removing surface-level observances does nothing. It is best to not only avoid it, but educate others, and report it with a vendetta to every applicable agency on the planet. It is a true evil and anyone using it is a traitor to the entire human race.

98. Sure, 3.11 and 95 too, but 98 with the Plus thing and its themes was just peak comfiness.
clearly Windows 2000

It's a decent Windows, yes. Most things are just like they're used to be and that's really all I want from a windows. The orwellian antics it has are annoying though. If you have the home edition you're fucked, no bitlocker, no group policy editor and you'll be the guinea pig when it comes to new updates. Always go with the pro version.
That said, I prefer Linux (Arch or Gentoo) a lot over Windows 10. The only machine I use with Windows 10 on is my gaming PC. Even this one has a Linux partition for everything else. But when I use Windows 10 it's kinda okay.
The default settings are unbearable though. You really need to edit group policies and registry keys to make it controllable and worthwhile.

Isn't that dependant on the processor? As far as I know that relates to Intel, right? I read that for example Google was switching from Intel to a more secure processor due to security concerns (the irony). What about AMD? Or are both companies jewed to the same extend at this point?

Windows ME was the best, plebs

The privilege rings are an x86 architecture feature, so AMD has them too. And actually there are negative rings -1, -2, -3, and possibly more hidden that nobody found yet. The negative rings are effectively hidden from even the OS itself.

So basically the bottom line is, if you're running a modern PC and it's connected to the interwebs, privacy doesn't exist, no matter what you do.

kys memer. they aren't fucking "rings" in anything other than retards parroting this shit

no, the bottom line is that rings 0-3 are x86 features. rings have nothing to do with privacy, and on a desktop PC it doesnt matter if they are violated since you shouldnt be relying on privilege isolation.

How can all of this have nothing to do with privacy, if
Also, wikileaks vault 7 has confirmed Israel/CIAnigger backdoors.

Attached: minix.PNG (1042x581, 95.53K)

You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that your OS doesn't have full control over your x86 hardware. And no amount of ME cleaning is going to fix that, because it's been that way since the 80386SL.

Attached: 6fe0ffe84679292b6957b8d1e7977b85c2a84da76463f8dc852d3f9a53b84b45.png (360x594, 248.7K)

yes, those are the bloat components (which may or may not be exploitable and/or have backdoors). not rings

well, CPUs haven't been real since superscalar. when optimizing code it's like dealing with SQL or the JVM. they try to be smart and optimize everything you do by executing it in different ways, and the game becomes the programmer changing his code around to make the "smart" parts get out of the way. and not to mention BIOS and other shit firmware, which for some reason until some recent retarded alarmist posts were considered completely fine

currently running w10, i absolutely preferred w7 100% and think it was the best windows os (even more than xp)

Attached: 164928682-windows-98-wallpapers.jpg (1920x1200, 76.78K)

Can you elaborate? Because many are of the opinion that NT5 was the peak of Windows, and Vista and its subsequent derivatives went more or less downhill (probably least in the case of 7, but still).

I don't see the point. If your pirated stuff is infected with something and you run it on windows, your windows is infected. You could download and virusscan under Linux though. Or you could treat your Windows install as a throwaway system and do your serious work all on linux.

Maybe we should go full RISC-V

You are a traitor to humankind,.aiding the Zionist Occupational Government in creating its database of the actions of every man on the face of the earth. Windows Users get the bullet too for being accomplice to this perversion. You are a traitor for you are aiding an unfathomable evil. Realize this before it is too late. You should be very, very TERRIFIED due to your own choice to install/use Windows 10. The Gangster Computer God's Frankenstein Radio Controls (brought to you by NSA, CIA, and probably RAND) now own your soul. Free yourself as soon as possible. Do not continue to be a traitor.

i know win10 is unsafe, but it's still a viable option for browsing and media. I dont use it for work, ever, or anything personal. Being insecure won't stop me from learning and keeping up to date with it. I use Unix and gnu/linux. They all have their pros and cons.

Have you ever considered that maybe instead of typing shitposts in an echo chamber, you could spend your time making open source vidya and actually get normies to leave the botnet?

If women are 50% of the population, why aren't 50% of men women?
Checkmate bigots.

This was not a shitpost. I am being absolutely sincere. Those who use Windows 10 are a traitor to their entire species for aiding the Jewish ZOG.


Ubuntu 10.4

arch linux

I still have the live cd I burned of ubuntu somewhere. After ubuntu I broke so many distros 'till I get to arch that I could not even remember the name of all of them, some I just installed for don't even more than a day some lasted a couple of hours. Anyway, now I'm a lazy fuck that just updates the system once in a while and if necessary.

Attached: 1515141386714.png (804x906, 65.24K)

also, windows is a system for normies

That's some might high IQ 5D chess strategy right there

Windows 10 is pretty great. WSL gives me a nice shell environment, too. Still using Linux serverside, but Windows 10 for desktop is unbeatable. Discussed many times on this board so no point going into details yet again. Haters gonna hate.

But still Windows is nonfree software containing tons of malware. We're not 'haters' of Windows only because of its design flaws, but mainly because it doesn't serve its users.
And it's GNU/Linux, not just Linux - Linux is just a kernel.