Looking for someone who can install LynxChan for me

I'd like to run an imageboard based on LynxChan; lynxhub.com
I'm a Windows brainlet who can't into servers and Linux. Willing to pay you a bitcoin fee for setting it up and installing an HTTPS cert.
If you want to help moderate and stuff that's fine, if you just want to set it up only that's fine too.
Yeah nah, I've tried, me too stupid.
Email me at [email protected]

Attached: StephenLynx_no_really_thats_him.png (215x212 681.32 KB, 10.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


BTW pornhub.com/users/stephenlynx for those who enjoys my work



use npfchan, a vichan fork. unless you really need user board creation and are willing to deal with breaking changes every update

Quick rundown?

There are more appropriate places, why would you ask here.

Zig Forums is dead.

havent checked lately but i assume its still like normal vichan with install.php et al

You have no business managing a chan

Does it have image hash bans? Crucial feature.


Big bitcoin bux!

Give me a proof that you will actually pay something.

How? I can pay a few bux up front if you want.


just checked their post.php and looks like not. But speaking from experience running a vichan board, its not necessary. most CP link shorteners in images have different hashes or a few bytes of random data added to the file to avoid file hash bans. Vichan has support for OCR so you could do that and word filter them. not sure how reliable it is. If genuine users are posting that kind of stuff then you wither delete it manually or are SOL.

npfchan afaik has hashed ips, public modlog and bans, stats page, maybe some more stuff. Its the one running on mlpol (i am not affiliated with mlpol)


fucking kek
anyway, why not create a board on 8ch?

Slow shitty media server


Last bump.

actual last bump

Lmao jk

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Attached: our_true_lord.png (450x399, 292.65K)

If you're too dumb to install a babby linux distro and follow the instructions which are plainly laid out in LynxChan's gitgud, you're probably too dumb to be running an imageboard too.

Attached: THANK.jpg (552x468, 21.6K)