Why do phones suck so much nowadays?

Bought an XA2 to replace my Moto G4 (which has a dodgy camera lens) yesterday, installing LineageOS was borderline impossible cus of their weird partitioning and DRM, I could only use fastboot with USB 2.0 ports, which meant digging out an old laptop, then when I actually figured it out the screen died. It also has an SD tray that takes you 5 minutes to remove even with tweezers, and a bunch of features I don't need like a fingerprint sensors.

I just want a phone that does the job, why overcomplicate the device so much? I'm returning it and I'm just going to get a modded lens replacement.

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Because you fell for the Android meme. iPhones are the best Smartshits out there but autists hate it because it's not trying to be a computer like Android trash. But that's the entire point.

If I wanted to get assfucked I'd tickle a fags balls at pride

anything made after the iPhone 8 is garbage
but seriously
thats why your android experience sucks


My Android experience is fine, the camera just sucks

The XA2 is officially supported by LineageOS that's why I got it. And I wouldn't call Sony 'no name'.

A smartphone IS a computer, there is no meaningful distinction.

“Computer” in this context is shorthand for a general purpose computing device usually in a form factor that is non portable and sits on a desk typically used for higher end applications and programming
So no, a Smartphone is not a computer, a smartphone is a smartphone. Only Apple really seems to understand this concept for some reason. If Apple wanted to they could’ve put stock Mac OS on the iPad and stopped selling Macs altogether, but they didn’t, because tablets and PCs don’t compete for the same markets.

The distinction only exists because the software of phones is artificially limited. Phones are easily capable of doing these things.

No, they’re really not. You can install a terminal emulator on your Android device and LARP to your hearts content and even run a full-fledged GNU DE but it will not and cannot replace a proper PC. No serious work is done on a Smartphone and never will be done on a Smartphone. If you want to make such a device more proper for these tasks then you’ll essentially be turning it into a computer anyways. It’s called market segmentation. For some reason Android system designers don’t understand this concept. Apple does.

You want a phone that does less for no reason, then.

I want a phone with a decent user experience and Android doesn't provide that because it's designed by LARPs

No, you want a phone that artificially limits what it can be used for. It has a processor like any other computer, hell, it even runs the same kernel as many proper computers, and most FOSS software will run on ARM as well. Yet it should be capable of less because muh user experience, which could be changed to your liking anyways.

It's streamlining the experience and if you don't find value in that, then fine, continue on with your bloated trash trying to be a computer when it actually isn't and will never replace a real computer. You realize Apple can easily just give us pure Mac OS on their iShits right? They don't because they realize it wouldn't make any fucking sense for the device it's on. Apple actually respects the PC industry more than Androidshit makers do. They actually realize what makes a PC a PC and a Smartphone a Smartphone. Everything they;re "limiting" is completely superfluous

It already is a fucking computer, running the same kernel to boot. The reason they don't do that is because it would make it slightly more difficult for people like you to run Candy Crush and post your dinner on Instagram. A highly portable computer is useful and so is a phone. My phone is already a highly portable computer. There is no good reason it should be a software walled garden like you defend so hard.

Your phone is a portable computer that's limited by its trashy form factor. Get a fucking proper portable computer like a GPD Win

Actually, if somebody made a smartphone that ran Windows or even X11 applications that integrated with the phone's window management system, it would become a cult classic overnight.
The only differences Android has with iOS right now are just having a user facing filesystem, allowing you to use two apps at once and installing your own apks. The modular nature also allows to remove most of Google's telemetry pretty easily too, unlike in iOS I imagine. Woohoo, I can't handle so much freedom. They're pretty much the same except Apple locks you in just a little bit more, and Android spies on you just a little bit more.

No, it wouldn't, because Microsoft already fucking tried that and it didn't work. You don't think handset makers haven't already thought of doing this? I'm sick of LARPs pretending they know more than billion dollar handset makers. A Smartphone isn't a computer, it's a smartphone. I don't care what programs you can run on it or what kernel it runs. I bet you can hack your router to play Doom but you wouldn't want it to replace your desktop, even if it "hurrr wuns da same cornall!"

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A GPD Win is a 5.5" machine. Make it a slider, add text, calling, mobile data and a camera and suddenly it would be a LARP phone that would suck and nobody should buy.

It would have a proper UI and physical buttons. Actually it probably would still be a commercial failure relatively speaking because as the market shows, the average person really doesn't want a computer that can fit in their pocket.

I agree with the other user, you just don't get it. Look at the way you interact with a PC (large screen, precise mouse pointer, physical keyboard) versus a smartphone or tablet (small screen, imprecise finger pointer, virtual keyboard). What works well in one format will be clumsy and ugly in the other. So, it makes sense that a system and all programs for it are designed with that in mind.

This is something Apple got right, they didn't make a "tablet Mac" or "phone Mac".

They used to, but nobody bought them

This isn't even about the UI, that literally doesn't matter, and could be anything you want anyways. It is literally already a computer with this functionality locked behind a big fuck you sign.

People are retarded, this isn't news.

So are fucking game consoles. You're missing the point entirely. People who use Smartphones don't want full filesystem access. They just don't. They get a PC for these things. A Smartphone, let's hear it again folks! Is NOT a PC, it is a Smartphone!

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A console is a DRM platform not unlike phones, I don't like them either. Why is it so difficult for you to imagine a pocket computer that also has phone functionality? It's also possible to have a desktop at home and portable machines for when you aren't at home. This isn't a difficult concept.

What you're describing isn't a Smartphone, what you're describing is a portable computer that has telephony functionality. You think you want a Smartphone but you actually don't.

You're right, I don't want a "smart"phone as you're describing it. I want a single portable device which does everything I might want in a portable device, as could be easily achieved with modern technology. As of now I have to carry two around, and if I can't find devices with headphone jacks and storage expansion in the future, I may have to carry a DAP as well.

I wouldn't mind having something like that as well. But unfortunately in the market we're a huge minority. The GPD Win is the closest thing I can find

I have hope for the Dragonbox Pyra if it ever releases, though I would prefer it as a slider.

It's because of the delusion of multitasking. The modern phone does a million things and in order to remain (roughly) the same size, it has to do all of them shittier. I have a phone that I got for $20 back in 2012 when I started using tracfone. It's performs the functions of making phone calls and creating/receiving texts just as well as the $500 phones my friends have. But it's also fucking indestructible. I've dropped it a few times on hard surfaces, and it only just comes apart (battery pops out) and continues to work just fine; on that note the battery has a good life even after all these years, not needing to be charged more often than once every few days. It doesn't have a good camera, it doesn't play games, it doesn't connect to the internet (at least not very well and that would burn all my minutes anyway), it doesn't have fucking apps. But it does its job, which is: being a motherfucking phone, and only costs me pennies per day to operate.

If I wanted to play games I'd bring a goddamn laptop, or instead (and here's a big stretch) DO MY MOTHERFUCKING JOB.

Because their primary feature is tracking and data collection. It's not technologically hard to build the perfect pocket computer with a cellular radio. It's just that it would cost you a whole lot more fiat if you excluded the amount you pay in the form of tracking data.

Even with all the hoops you jump through to install a non-opaque O/S, you're still being tracked at the firmware level. I would recommend abandoning the platform entirely. I've gone back to pre-smart phones and haven't missed them at all.

Smartphones aren't phones, they're computers with phone capabilities.
If you want a real phone, buy a flip phone.


And this

And especially this. Loss leader pricing should've been banned back when "smart"phones first used them as an anticompetitive measure against pocket computers and net neutrality enforced against voice/IMS traffic on their cellular networks in favor of undifferentiated IP traffic.

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I literally used my phone to develop software for 3 months after my laptop died lmao

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this, bought galaxy j4 core and j4+, both of them doesn't recognised while fastboot by computer (tried om various computers)

If only they had listened to Steve Ballmer.

Attached: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone-nXq9NTjEdTo.webm (352x288, 5.26M)

kys faggot
>>>Zig Forums
you retarded faggot. all cell phones ever made are just a pile of endless layers of proprietary garbage. you can't even change your IMEI without going to jail even in Western countries

Literally everything in that sentence other than debatably "non portable" proves the opposite.

I'm not the one with an ipad here.

Million keks
Get a heavily supported LOS phone and go Google free, not that hard.

Because idiots still pay $350 for brand-name bling, when they could get a similarly-specced chinkshit phone that runs LineageOS 16 perfectly for $90.


That sounds horrible

It cost me like 140 GBP

Please tell me how to get a host file based ad blocker on iOS. Thanks.

Oh while you're at it - how do I block youtube ads on iOS.

sage for off topic and shit thread to begin with

It was alright.

AmigaOS PDA when?

hosts files are universal, it doesn't exist just on unix.
pretty much almost every system that can connect to the internet has a hostfile of some sort.

You are aware iOS is based on Darwin right?

Commodore has to get their new laptop out the door, then we'll see.

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Get a flip phone faggot.

Some places already phased out GSM and even 3G.
Some countries also planned phasing out 4G too but with the 5G halt it might not happen soon. But technically using a feature phone is far better though I'd be looking at the SAR rating. Most software for flashing oldphones are no longer available.

This. One of

Why Xperia of all? It's the most locked down shit. Some older ones even require you to pay them to unlock bootloader for you. Also lineage is unavailable for it or were you trying to port it?

Never buy anything with fingerprint sensor or you'll get weird shit cases. Also did it not come with the sd tray pin thing? Why did the screen die anyway while plugged, you need full battery before flashing on anything otherwise you'll get the brick.

But isn't that also true with computers or even browsers? Most PCs have botnet OS preinstalled in them and on browser's case both Chrome and Firefox has telemetry that track you (heck even the websites too) so you had to install addons for the website and to cover up the sneaky fingerprints.

If you haven't given up, just always look for prospect ROM first (Plasma mobile, Postmarketos, Omnirom, Lineage, Resurrection Remix, AOSPA AOSPE, crdroid), and find the exact phone, follow instructions and voila, even the new ROM itself isn't enough since you still had to do shit with the browser and there's no addons, well you even had to replace the SystemWebView otherwise google will always know everything you browse and also the kernel has fallback dns requests, also the apps share PID now so your firewall has to whitelist the botnet apps sharing same PID! clever clever, google.
Also if the rom uses the default Oreo launcher, it will have built in google integration when they botched "Launcher2" to bitrot and most custom roms boast having the google integration botnet feature embedded in the launcher (few roms like resurrection don't).

You: Ok google, were you recording everything this entire time?
Google Assistant: yes, as always and you currently have 50 GiB of personal information on our servers
proof: invidio.us/watch?v=hLjht9uJWgw

Honestly I dont trust anything above there as even raw AOSP had so many backdoors + telemetry and still phone google anyways especially with systemwebview, lineage is shit too and does not protect you from the bloated code or binary blobs that chrome will fetch to record your voice (creepy but true).
If that bothers you, good thing there's the godsend app called AFwall but that too isn't enough as during boot it literally leaks (so you had to init.d it fast), apps can literally list all your installed apps which itself is a fingerprint. The next problem is you'll still have shit in there, If I were you I'd lookup Necunos Solutions though it is a complete downgrade, it is running everything FOSS (gpu and even baseband) and is at least better than anything Replicant could offer since most of their devices are hard to find.

...if you can't hack it, you don't own it. - Bunnie

Attached: programming catheter.jpg (789x808, 260.34K)

This. One of..
the things that can happen when you have a device that could handle running several background malicious botnets. I'm not even shocked when I saw an ad on a new phone's file manager. What a great start!
Data collection and tracking is so profitable that we have data scientists/miner, and other data jobs now and when you tell about it to normies they'll refuse to accept it and decide it isn't real and say "i'm not a high profile individual therefore impossible".

It had a good camera and the LineageOS site it's actively supported.

Nope, you were expected to pull it out with your fingernails.

When I say the screen died I mean I was getting vertical lines and random colors, I'm guessing the display connector somehow got loose while I was booting it into fastboot or service mode.

It is but I hate it.

did you make any progress w/ the XA2?

I'm using a Moto Z2 Force and its been working well. I need a backup soon and wanted to try a different phone.

No one's saying intellectual property is real dumbass.

No I returned it and just went back to my Moto G4 and replaced the lens with a tempered glass one.

It's called USB Debugging mode.

Unless the fingerprint sensor is in the physical home button.

People use them for something besides making phone calls.

There’s your problem. Sony isn’t exactly keen on stability when it comes to any phone other than Ericsson.

If you want a more viable stable phone alternativw, I suggest either an unlocked LG, or an unlocked Galaxy that’s NOT made in China or Korea (they have 5 different regional variations, all different quality), not to mention they’re the only top tier ones still nice enough to gave a headjack.

Or get one from here:
