Clover supports more than just 4chan and Zig Forums.
Lincoln Wood
Dashchan. It supports 4ch, 8ch, and endchan
Nathan Miller
Anons say this bit dont provide proof
Brayden Lewis
And that's how we know you're not from here. >>>/g/
Dominic Russell
I didn't know thatm Which chans does it support?
Julian Myers
It only displayes the first pages of boards on my phone unfortunately.
It's my second favorite app tho.
Logan Brown
That's because you're on page mode, not catalog mode. Do you even tweak the options? Christ.
Liam Powell
Oooooooooooooh Thank you
Clover is still better tho
Austin Morgan
Fuck off mobilenigger.
Matthew Foster
That shitty app can't even sage (you probably don't know what that means though). Use overchan.
Sebastian James
I wrote sage in the options, let's see
Josiah Gomez
It worked
William Rivera
Android follows Unix philosophy best. Simple, purpose-specific applications that work well at their task.
General Computing was a mistake.
That's why Fuchsia and other microkernels will win.
The only things bad about smart tv, tablet, phone type purpose-specific arrangements is the surveillance. Which isn't inextricable. We can have purpose-specific elegance as opposed to your general purpose cancer in our lifetime.
It's like you envy cloacas. I don't want to shit, piss and ejaculate from the same hole, bro
Kevin Roberts
Kuroba :shamrock:
Isaiah Rogers
This is awesome
Xavier Sanchez
Christian Perez
using omnichan it's nice, but i have a feeling it'll be useless soon because of the lack of updates from the dev