Mozilla set to offer ad-free browsing in Firefox for $5
Mozilla set to offer ad-free browsing in Firefox for $5
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I don't get it. Just check out an older version and just use uBlock Origin? You can't monetize web browsers.
It's open source, just mod it to disable ads.
Have you taken the Lynx pill yet, mateys? It's a tough pill to swallow!
I'm on Chromium and if I had to switch it'd be to some Webkit2 based browser not some Jew-infested literally rusted shit.
With the later obviously refering to Firefox.
Lynx is just nothing for me because I like my colors and fonts.
lynx for gopher
unjewgled chromium for dystopian web
Just mod it to disable spyware.
Just mod it to disable javascript.
Just mod it to disable html, specially recent versions of.
Just mod it to disable proprietary components.
Just mod it to disable webextensions.
Just mod it to disable flash.
Thank fuck I don't have to mod it to disable you, because you're already a fucking retard. Kill yourself nigger.
no this cant be real
why do this to me furfox?
This is why you need a browser with trustable upstream
Old hackers are dying, or getting to the point where they don't feel like being revolutionaries anymore. The new crop of soys raised on the iTunes store sees everything as a shekel mining operation. Not because they're particularly bright, but because they know they need the shekels to buy the latest iThing.
does not work on musl systems
Yes i already know that. I tested it on both Void and Alpine- it crashes right when you try to start it.
You can post on here with Lynx.
Yeah, no thanks.
Any palemoon version past 27 is bullshit. I like my treestyletabs and pentadactyl thank you very much and i don't really like them breaking for no good reason.
We seriously need to crowd source a web browser. How much do we need to pay those original Norwegians who built Opera?
That's the funniest shit I've read in months, good job lad.
What are you talking about lads?
does netscape have adblock?
Highly based
He's using windows nigtard
t. nodev
nice edit.
Should I take the gohper-pill? Some minimalist fags really like it, but I think it's really lacking some things that I now can't give up, like images, gifs,webms, etc. Is it still worth a try, or is there anything better?
Who used that anyways? You have to load the ads for it to work. Why would you still waste bandwidth on ads from the advertising jew when you can use uBO and eMatrix.
You can still have images and other binaries, just not inside a document (unless maybe you use some kind of hack, see pic). So I guess it depends on how you want to structure your site.
Been using AdNauseam for about 2 years and it's been affecting Google if you haven't noticed
I remember when there were threads on /g/ about it like 7 years ago.
He wiped his gopher chan though, for some reason. My request for Orbquest is gone. ;_;
It is written in Rust and C, so try it, and see how fucked it is to do it.
According to CRPG Addict there's no known copy of the game on Internet aside from some collector jew. RIP
Maybe you can post on gopher BBS if it still exists.
I keep saying I'm going to fork netsurf and trick it out with all sorts of privacy protecting features. Maybe one day I'll stop larping and actually get around to doing it.
You double-negro.
Mozilla's royalty agreement with Google ends in 2020. They're about to start hemorrhaging cash, and they don't have a viable profit model to keep alive. This is a desperation move.
Rust development is probably going to stall without paid core developers (hence 2019 is their year of stabilization, instead of feature blitz). The C++ dark age will continue.
What's effecting google is their poz is finally catching up to them; not that niche extension that most people chuckled upon hearing about without ever bothering to use it.
By Brian Fagioli
That looks like win98, which doesn't have system32 as it isn't the NT kernel. Brainlet.
fuck your broadband, jews, fuck your SMS and cell phones city-slicking urbanites, I have a list of LECs that I can dial any time I need to get online and I only pay the telephone company.
You can just disable JS and GUI browsers will load just as fast ans smoothe
Based and lynxpilled. Lack of CSS has the funny consequence that these cancerous sites that hide the content with CSS before their Javashit is loaded are perfectly readable.
This is what happens when and what they deserve for making a deal with ((((google)))). Remember all the sabotage accusations? This was about (((google))) removing one of their primary competitors and they fell for it.
Fuck em. Hope it was worth the cost of their souls.
Actually it doesn't load ads that would impact performance in any significant way, the only ads it loads are low-impact ads like text-based ads in search engines, which it then automatically hides
additionally, "clicking" saids ads is basically just pinging a server, so there is no signifant performance impact from that either.
Install Devuan.
what do they even need money for.. its not supposed to be a corporation or give money to faggots. they use so much money for things that wont do anything useful for the browser.
Yes it does (though there's not much in there, as Win9x has most stuff sitting in "%windir%\system" rather than in "%windir%\system32").
Have fun in 2019 maintaining a browser engine is about as hard as maintaining an os(i personally blame google apple and to a lesser extent mozilla)
Fun fact chrome now has a usb driver for whatever reason.
Wtf, it's true.
What next, are they going to port systemd to Windows and merge it into chrome soon?
I'm never going to forget
will this impact icecat?
The only hope of making a viable browser today would be to jettison basically all the web standards and try to enough of a following to force Chrome to accommodate your wildcat implementation. By this I mean, you don't even bother with CSS or JS whatsoever. Maybe your browser is just a sandboxed VM (like the JVM or a Scheme or Python runtime) that downloads and executes binaries from websites you visit. Ultimately, that's what people actually want from their web browser: a tiny execution environment for remotely stored software (so you don't have to be inconvenienced with the 1-3 minutes it takes to install local software). The days of the web being a medium to share text documents with hyperlinks is long behind us.
Otherwise, keeping up with the moving target that is CSS, JS and HTML5 just isn't possible for a community project or anyone 'except' Google, and that is by intention. "Embrace, extend, extinguish." The web is now in phase three of that mantra.
No, IceCat is a fork, which means Mozilla's spyware and other tricks are filtered out. They also use the ESR version, so most add-ons can still work.
For Firefox-based browsers, I only use Pale Moon, Tor Browser, and IceCat. Used to like Waterfox, but that one is plagued.
Bring back Eich
you do realize brendan eich is the founder of brave, right?
srsly tho, you forgot "Just block UDP in your firewall"
are gnu projects closed? why does something like icecat have only one maintainer? if its open then anyone should be able to update it so it does not take a year before security updates are available.
its really not so hard to do that it takes 6+ months.. even i can do it.
The purpose is probably to make the Chrome engine viable as an OS to sell "Chromebooks."
Some linux wizard will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think FSF and GNU handle project maintenance and patches through mailing lists.
Because it's a conscious tradeoff between some imperceptible amount of performance/bandwidth and charging adniggers money and poisoning their tracking profiles of you.
Icecat has one maintainer because there is only one person willing to make that investment.
Mozilla is shit and partnering with (((the world's greatest publishers))) is absolutely gay. But paying for online services is a much better option than having these (((free services))) that always have something nefarious going on behind the curtain.
You'll get the worst of both worlds. You'll be paying these companies and they'll be spying on what you do as well.
It will be still opensource and ublock will be available? If not, fuck mozfags, I will not use this LGBT company products anymore
Yes, yes. You will be able to remove the feature from the source code and ublock still works.
If I was a jew, I'd release a protocol which uses cryptography and is accessible only to people that pay the web-tax through allowed browsers. A DRM for the web. The user information is directly stored in the browser, so no need to have different accounts for different websites. In fact, many websites already give the produ-, the user the possibility to login via Google.
I tried to login to one of my bank accounts recently, and it gave me a cuckflare page, "One more step required", with google captcha. I'm going to close that account now. I'm don't even use Tor or VPN, and still have the same OS and browser as before this bullshit. Granted it's not Windows, so cuckflare probably thinks I'm malware. They even have a shitty blurb about running virus-scanner on my machine to make sure I'm not infected. What a fucking joke! I bet their shit went down on July 2nd too, when cuckflare crapped out and both this site and 4chan were offline.
Anyway if websites go full retard like that, it's time to leave them behind. They'll end up with a bunch of retards, while everyone else who doesn't put up with that kind of bullshit will be on other sites. Hell, maybe they're even doing us a favor!
There's a reason for that. From the standpoint of ANY website operator, Tor amounts to an open proxy, and open proxies are always primary sources of spam, botting, and other forms of abuse.
If you wanna use Tor, be aware that you're sharing IP space with the worst of the internet, and you will be treated as such.
firefox is over
The entire ad "debate" isn't even relevant to the real internet. Anything that "needs" ads is worthless clickbait and would be better off behind a paywall so nobody will use it. I hope they all paywall themselves and die of starvation because they have no skills after spending their lives publishing clickbait and shitposting on social media.
If websites required payment to view they'd all fuck off and die since they're useless clickbait garbage in the first place, just like OP's article about a Pozilla side project that will never take off.
Just have a look at the retarded bullshit clickbait all over OP's website at the time I viewed it:
Good you retarded fucking faggot. Unlike you, people who have shit to do would much rather the least amount of changes possible and don't care about whatever novelty features you "do journalism" about.
No, it doesn't "embrace" it. It uses it, you cocksucking retard.
Typical NN clickbait. The ISP shouldn't see what you're viewing in the first place.
I would be perfectly happy if betanews became unlinkable on the internet.
Actually come think of it, even real news sites (outside of something like "investigative journalism") are pointless. It's literally just a faggot who's paid to try and come up with the facts as well as fill as much space as possible with stuff to waste your time. But even something as low quality as 8cuck threads do this just as well. After 5 posts, someone points out that OP is a misinformed faggot and posts something (links (not necessarily to a news site), vid/pics, etc) showing the real story.
It doesn't matter whether you personally use a form of proxy such as Tor or a VPN. The point is the larger issue about why people who operate websites also use Cloudflare/Google CAPTCHA in the first place. Cloudflare is a middleman that provides a specific service. In an ideal world, Cloudflare would not need to exist because the problem that it solves would not exist. That problem is the abuse of the Internet to cause spam and bot networks. You may not personally spam the Internet and control a bot network but according to Cloudflare's and Google's analysis, your network identity profile has a close association to the profile of spam networks and bot networks.
Well I consider google captcha as malware (and as being an annoying shit too), so I'm not gonna use any website that needs it. And I'm not changing my hardware and OS, because they're the least botnet I can manage to get on my budget. The fact that cuckflare considers Firefox on NetBSD evbarm as "problematic" is ridiculous. Anyway they're just the web mafia who sells their snake oil protection, and probably DDoS sites themselves if they're not convinced they should sign up for their cianigger-tier product.
This, Cuckflare's "great DDoS protection" consists of caching on their glownigger servers (which, surprise, an NSA op has a lot of) so you'd have to DDoS Cuckflare itself. It's a big fat joke.
you can see what happens when theres no such things even on this site. niggers are everywhere now and they will spam and ddos of its possible.
No, you fucking retard. Hackers don't use Tor because people can steal their exploits. KYS and KYS again for not being able to read.
The reason cuckflare blocks Tor is simple: The piece of shit WAF got triggered and now the IPs are in the list for 10000 years. You don't understand how simple and moronic WAFs are.
firstly, it's only cuckflare's analysis, second, the "analysis" you speak of is a fucking list of regexes and simple logic with no connection to reality (like all WAFs)
The only analysis Google is doing is to decide how badly to cuck you with recaptcha (for example now they block Tor IPs from even accessing the captcha).
For the last 10 years, cuckflare has blocked Tor completely (you need a captcha for each domain, which essentially renders the internet useless). For the last 2 years however, cuckflare changed to letting Tor users through if they exactly match the Tor Browser user-agent and mostly matching on the headers.
stfu you retarded faggot, you have no idea what you're talking about. This very website allowed Tor users to post unlimited posts without a captcha for years (until the Hapa spammer or whatever the fuck that was that i missed)
and now we have a captcha per post (instead of a captcha per 24-hours or whtaever, because the code is broken), but there's no cuckflare-tier WAF (go look up what WAF means) in place for Tor users (since they go through .onion) yet this site still works
all of you parroting fucks should just KYS and the internet of shit firewalls would go away
Cool story bro
the day pale meme died
tor is often blocked because its very common to use it as proxy for spam and hacking tools. not any real secret exploits tho but those things that the script kids use.
they wont go away as long as niggers have internet access. people dont want to deal with the spambots anymore so of course they will use a service that solves the problem and doesnt even cost anything.
can we just have an anonymous text board, so I can finally run fully minimal system. Jesus Christ I don't want to have to run X but you fuckers keep posting images and then talking about them. YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. bloat is bad and the web is the most bloat thing that has ever existed. either say pic related or we all migrate to a anonymous text board. FUCK
Sorry but we can't all change our behavior just to accommodate your mental illness bud.
DDoS attacks wouldn't exist without DDoS mitigation.
I think you tried to say the contrary, am i right?
"cops wouldn't exist without niggers" it's a valid statement too
That and they are facing reality. Idiots will accept ads on a goddamned flashlight app. Or pay $1 for a "pro" version without the ad.
They start saying, fuck it, give me $5/mo for a web browser ya sheep.
Best guess would be security tokens. Google is ramming 2FA really hard and they realize SMS isn't even close to secure. But it is what they have now, until they can cleanly support USB tokens.
It's called Usenet and existed for like a decade before the web. Also there's FidoNet, if you're more into the BBS stuff. In either case, you get decentralization and thus DDoS and censorship resistance.
some of you guys need therapy or get laid or sth.
> links back to the github page
Otherwise looks great.
Literally botnet:
Also note, the maintainer is a querulous furfag:
Even worse spyware than Pale Moon, sends data back to Pozilla:
If you want a browser based on Firefox, this is the one you should use, not spyware:
Fuck off Mark!
thats degeneracy and i will only do it if you kill yourself
Icecat is just 6 month old Firefox builds with no security patches.
If you want privacy just install Firefox, go to about:config, nuke all the http(s) URLs, and then check with a packet sniffer it's not sending back to Google anymore. Bam, you got your own Icecat except not loaded with 0days.
But I can still just block ads the regular way, this is unironically an improvement. And more to the point, as soon as they start paying users for watching ads I can set up VMs with realistic looking metadata being sent & farm their shitcoin. Sounds great to me.
Only is the electricity to mine Moz Corp's shitcoin is cheaper than mining something else. It won't be.
Before marriage? That's degenerate.