ITT: we create the most redpilled portfolio of programming languages.
C: low level programming
Haskell: general system programming
HTML (without javascript): web development
r8 and masterb8 to it
ITT: we create the most redpilled portfolio of programming languages.
C: low level programming
Haskell: general system programming
HTML (without javascript): web development
r8 and masterb8 to it
Other urls found in this thread:
cowboy languages that one person (but only one person) can do anything with: Awk, Forth, Scheme, Tcl
job security languages that enable and reward excessively cryptic or dense code: Lisp, Haskell, APL
big tech languages for masses of untrusted pajeets, filtered through supervising aryan gimps: Java, JavaScript, (borderline:) C++
serious languages for teams of aryan adults: Ada, Elm, Erlang, Julia, Mercury, Nim, OCaml, Zig
joke languages for gay orgies of autofellating communist hipsters: Rust
legacy languages that do not deserve to exist anymore: C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby
Quality post, I agree with all of that. I'd add Swift to the hipster languages too.
I'm a coding amateur but can into math/physics. Python libraries allow me to use google shit like tensorflow to play with GPUs without having to learn and code OpenCL/CUDA. Any other routes to parallelism on GPU which aren't time consuming to the point of being counterproductive?
It tries to be everything and ends up failing.
Perhaps Mathematica can do what you want.
Python is good for that. It made the shitlist above for a number of reasons you probably won't run into unless you try to build a large application. If you want a better language in your domain, try Julia.
tcl is lua, just with terrible syntax
Mathematica is awesome in its own right but is closed off and being replaced by Python. Probably a good thing since python is free and more mutable. Not sure whether Mathematica hooks into CUDA/etc but it probably does by now (I haven't used it in years). Python is also taking over the notebook format via things like jupyter.
Thanks. I'll probably stick with python as it is the place where coders plug other nerds into hardware most reliably, but will look into Julia. Popularity has its benefits.
I understand the need for open source notebook formats, but jupyter will has already been CoC'd. What more horrors await?
It's so insanely slow. Dragging an integer slider and watching your graph stutter out updates as each value notch hits a round trip to the server. Nothing beats an all-in-browser JavaScript solution, such as d3.js (open source) or Desmos (closed source but very polished).
C lisp Perl
Nah Julia is based
If you've worked in a data job you can see the benefit immediately. It's fast as fuck but actually readable and general purpose, so it beats Q and Python in my book in that regard, if not for raw speed against Q.
Why don't you like it?
If Julia had more libraries I'd shill for it endlessly
I'm considering porting some python packages to it to speed up the Python collapse
pure fucking cancer.
Damn. Based.
wtf nigger? Ada: made up by DOD inthe 70's. OCaml: I saw it mentioned in an academic article years ago. Everything else: never fucking heard of them. Are you a university neckbeard? Real talk: C is the only way to fly to get shit done; C++ is handholding for babby who can't handle C; Ruby, Rust, and Haskell are meme languages for worthless sjw's making sure the next videogame features stronk trans negresses; other than specialty "languages" for webdev (which is a shit profession with shit wannabe languages), every other language is either only useful for educational purposes (python, fortran, forth, pascal and similar) or pure, unadulterated, straight from oprah's ass monkey shit.
JavaScript is required for any of the solutions listed, nocoder.
Good luck replacing C, it is mostly portable assembler. It is always going to be the substrate you build the other stuff on.
Said no one ever.
What about Kotlin, IMO it belongs with swift