Bitcoin and (((Zuckerberg))) BTFO

Thank you GEOTUS!
All hail the all mighty dollar.

Attached: muh coins.png (1240x1500, 377.15K)

Other urls found in this thread: bitcoin&src=typd

t. Satoshi Nakamoto, 2052


This, OP is obviously a glow

What a pillock.

Thank you, Zognald Trumpenstein, you are truly our greatest ally.

Interesting, this is the first time he's even tweeted about Bitcoin or crypto. I wonder what prompted it. bitcoin&src=typd

Its basis is the largest military in the world, is that real enough for you?

Wasn't Japan talking about switching to crypto as a national currency? Remember, any time a country dares even suggest replacing the dollar as the currency for trading oil, the government of that country is shoahd and replaced with a good goy approved one.

The dollar has no basis in the military. The Fed can print as many dollars as they want no matter how many tanks, fighter jets or stolen oil wells the US has at any given moment.

You answered the second guy with your explanation to the first guy. The dollar is backed by the military, because anyone who dares oppose it is blown up.

Lol, what an idiot. But he knows virtual money for example on credit cards is volatile too? Actually crypto coins are harder to destroy than centralized banks. Also he probably doesn't think a paper with "100" written on it is worth something without society which can pay for it, does he? Anyway currencies are generally volatile, even gold is worthless if you don't have food. Money is just a form of exchange for other goods and it's up to us, what currency we are using. He said this just because fat bankers told him to.
Have he visited the Prince of Whales yet?


Different user here, but that's not true. If you decided to use potatoes as a currency instead of dollars, nothing is going to stop you, or is your country that fucked up, so they shot you if you don't spend enough money per month? The value of dollar would get smaller and smaller if people used potatoes instead of it.
When Greece gone bankrupt, people actually stopped using euro (maybe because it was worthless there, or maybe because the government stole money from their safe and not volatile at all bank accounts) and started using their own local currencies, but Greece had army and it didin't stopped people from not using euro.

The >>ü$D = World Reserve Currençy

This means any countries commodity petroleum can only be purchased and sold on international market with USA money

Since richard nixon took amerika off the gold in 1971 the strength of the US dollar has been tied directly to oil production with OPEC

BTC price is similar to oil price as in both are somewhat a unit to meausre energy (gas vs computer mining power). But u need energy in the first place to plug in a computer and internets

Anyway Mark zuckerberg is an asshole... He killed oculus rift . fuck that guy forever i hope he fucks Libra up. I got my money on btc and xrp

Source: I am an actual Libra.. . Sept 28 birches

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Short term? Sure. Long term, artificially propping up the demand for toilet paper through military operations doesn’t work. All that toilet paper the fed has been printing and forcing third world nations to buy in exchange for real goods isn’t going into space. It’s going into the vaults of various nations. Question: what happens if a few of those nations decide they’ve collected too much toilet paper, and begin to dump it all at once into the international economy? Answer: every country which was exporting shit to the US in exchange for toilet paper now has multiple buyers for their goods where it only had one before, so the prices soar, making it difficult for factories to get raw materials. The US can’t export anything like Zognald promises it will because if it does, the amount of toilet paper inside the US will soar and cause hyperinflation. And the fed can’t print their way out of that one because nobody cares to get any more toilet paper.
Don’t be deceived. The rulers at the top don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. Sure, they’ve managed to pull a few tricks on the goyim cattle, but for the most part they don’t care what happens to the goyim and their toilet paper as long as they’re the ones in power. I’m sure they have plenty of gold and other hard assets that would survive an economic collapse just fine. And if everything else fails, they can always print some more of whatever brand of toilet paper they're selling at the moment, as long as they're in control of the printing press. That's why cryptocurrencies scare them. Because somebody else might get to be in control of the printing press this time around.

... ears are ringing.. nagila
Hava nagila
Hava nagila ve-nismeḥa

dumb redtext poster

They don't care if you use potatoes, only that you do not attempt to supplant the U.S. Dollar as the world reserve currency.
It has nothing to do with the number of buyers for the goods. Only that if the dollar displays instability, they may demand an alternate currency from their buyers.
I believe they do, owing to the stability we experience and the immense power they have accrued in doing so.
You just went full reddit here.

All replies after the first for

The US only wages ware against desert shitholes and jungle monkeys.
It wouldn't dare go to war against, for example, China (coincidentally the largest foreign reserve of US dollars).
Plus you can only pull out so many false flags, WMDs and babies stolen out of incubators from your ass before the goyim cattle figures out what's up.
Yes it does lol. Basic economics. Inflation of a currency is caused by an increase in the money supply, a decrease in productivity or an increase in the velocity of money. So there you have your instability.
That's not because of our jewish leaders. It's because white people are productive. Their power exists because they managed to stole the white man's productivity for themselves by tricking people into accepting the government and their printing press as legitimate.
You sound like you know a lot about what Reddit says. Do you happen to spend a lot of time on there? Regardless, Reddit is not a reverse oracle. Just because they believe something doesn't make it false. Believing the opposite of what they say is true is childish contrarianism. (((They))) have to mix up some truths in with the lies so it's difficult to distinguish which one is which.

This cunt wants to talk about volatility. Can't run a business. Can't run a country.

To protect the hegemony of the U.S. dollar, they absolutely would, and it would be shortsighted to assume otherwise. The Chinese in particular aren't banking on that assumption.
Before economics, study reading comprehension, you lost track of what you were arguing.
Clearly hit a nerve. Your "le crypto will save us" rallying call was reminiscent of reddit. I made no argument in support of reddit contrarianism.

No, I didn't.

The point people are making always comes back to power. The U.S. federal reserve note is backed by the military. Until "technological currencies" gain the backing of military might, they will not succeed. The technology is interesting, don't get me wrong, you may for instance see FedBit down the road, but military force is mandatory.

The hype around bitcoin is really only fuelled by tech hipsters and speculators who wish to profit from the bubble. The biggest fans aren't actually interested in seeing it being used as a currency.

A brand of toilet paper only needs an army forcing others to hoard it in their vaults and not use it to buy imports to keep it "stable" if you're constantly printing a shit ton of it per second. And I say it in quotes because the jews in the US don't have the power to control that the money remains in those vaults and the jews based in asia or europe aren't tempted and take that money out of the vault to use it to buy goods and services from people in other countries. Remember, jews are selfish creatures. A jew won't hesitate to take a shit on another jew's racket if he thinks there is profit to be made and he can get away with it, and that the amount of toiler paper he can get away with to sell to the goyim for real goods and services for doing it is bigger than the amount he was getting from cooperating with the other jew's racket.
Glad we agree. The jews have used their power over the goyim to get them to accept toilet paper in exchange for real goods and services. That's what I've been saying all along!
The biggest fans are the retards who think the government won't shut it down as soon as it becomes a threat and the chinks who are allowed by their government to have electricity for cheap.
That's true, but not for the reasons you think. It has nothing to do with the US government forcing sandniggers to trade oil in dollars, and everything to do with the jews and their zogbots on every country in the world (not just the US) making it obligatory to give a monthly offering to the jews in the form of their respective toilet paper brand.
No, it's "backed" by the police and the IRS threatening to throw you in jail if you don't dance for a jews in exchange for their toilet paper, but that's the same for pretty much any country in the world.

If we strip away your sophistry, incessant use of "toilet paper and jews", all wrapped in a condescending tone to mask your lack of understanding, what we're left with is a reluctant omission that bitcoin is not going to supplant U.S. power.


Well, it's not going to supplant the power of any nation, not just the US. But that's precisely because when they become sufficiently scared of it they'll shut it down. A decentralized digital currency doesn't need banks, which means much less control by the government of under the table transactions, which threatens fiat because taxes are the main thing that gives fiat value in the first place.

The US dollar, among other currencies, is labor backed.

I'm not really fanatical about cryptocurrencies but they have their uses. These fucks are already unhappy that cash still exists and I'm sure it's only a question of time until it doesn't.

Hmm, please elaborate... It could be said to be based on the US economy which is nowadays based on consumption. It's based on US power, for other nations using it while you create more and more money. It's also based on resources which need to be bought with Dollars.

Attached: question.png (386x406, 182.88K)

Zig Forumsniggers fuck off
US dollar has no intrinsic value either you dickfuck
why does it need to be regulated? does oxygen need to be regulated?
that's because they don't use your botnet credit cards and banking system because they know it's insecure. citizens having anonymity when they buy groceries would have no negative or even plausibly negative impact, whereas "unlawful" people will continue to make and use whatever the fuck they want regardless of your stance on bitcoin
sage for shit non-tech thread

Actually, I misspoke. It's backed by unemployment, which means it won't depreciate as long as there are unwilling jobless people.

Go back to ancapistan you tard



kys and then lurk moar newfag

imagine listening to this kike shill retard

He has no fucking clue, he just does what his jew handlers tell him.
