Youtube blocking Tor connections

I noticed this began happening a few weeks ago. Before I don't think this happened on youtube, just when using google search.
Is this a good thing? On one hand this strategy of them will push us away from popular sites. On the other hand it could make alternatives like more popular, just like it probably did for duckduckgo.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12_22-47-01.png (677x308, 26.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you use YouTube in Tor that's fucking retarded.

Just use Invidious OP

While you're at it OP, you may as well be using the onion links:


Based and blessed

they dont care about the few autists that will leave if they cant access it from tor. they would not do that if they did.

KYS, kike!

I also saw this for the first time today. I always use tor for jewtube. As far as I'm aware this is new.

funny comment from someone that so desperately wants to watch jew media

Kike spotted.

Invidious can proxy videos now

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (993x746, 23.51K)

Some invidious instances do so by default. I thought had it in beta for those with accounts?

for example: so you can watch videos without them getting your IP
for example: so your ISP and local network cant see what you're visiting

only YOU get jewish media because you're a muppet and only view the links on the main page and about muppet topics like red pilling and justin bieber. cucktube has a giant selection of music due to the fact that people can upload what they want. this is how file hosters work, in case you're new to the internet

nice try but i dont use youtube at all. if i want information then i want it in text form not videos. but kids these days cant read so they go to those video sites instead and watch some 1 hour pajeet video about something that you could read in less than 5 minutes.

Just free yourself already.

I don't know man.
On one hand I agree there's more information in text form and for almost any technical topic at all you have to wade through 5 pajeet videos before reaching that one white man explaining something. I'm tired of typing something and seeing "in hindi" appended as a suggestion in the search box. Even duckduckgo does this. I'm pretty sure they filter suggestions by IP, so they must be doing it on purpose to subtly brag about (((their))) success in replacing us.
On the other hand, if people explaining you stuff you could read yourself had no value, then why do lectures still exist after the invention of the printing press? Is it just a remnant of a time when paper was too expensive and it was more efficient to deliver knowledge in person? Or is it an unnecessary luxury that people enjoy and pay for but is not actually necessary?
An advantage of videos is that you can see exactly what the person in the video did, and you can be sure if you have a different outcome it's because you have a different software or hardware and not because the author forgot to include some step or there was some ambiguity in the writing.

Yeah that sounds about right.

Attached: Capitaine Harlock.jpg (480x360, 41.07K)

Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, just download it with Youtube-dl over some cheap but not too cheap vpn.


VPNs might afford some degree of protection, but even if they don't cooperate with the government under the table to avoid being legally harassed (and I'm pretty sure they do) they could still be compromised. Think about it, how would you compromise the goldmine that would be a VPN company? What I would do would be to have a female agent have some small talk with the CTO, and after a few weeks what you know, they're fucking each other regularly. But guess what, she has a brother who's a network engineers that has been laid off from another company because reasons. So the guy gets hired. And what you know, that guy has a colleague with a PhD in human resources who's looking for a job. So after they're inside the company they pull strings to get in charge of hiring decisions. So now the majority of your technical staff is employed by the CIA. All that's left to do is to plant a rootkit that replaces /dev/urandom with a compromised version of the PRNG. So now you can calculate the private keys for every client. Then you put an NSA surveillance node in the ISP providing connectivity to the VPN company, and you can crack ever connection's identity and content in real time. If any techie somehow finds out about the racket, you offer him 50k and tell him to shut up. You monitor his conversations and if he begins opening his mouth you suicide him. Alternatively, you can plant CP in the CEO's computer, and tell him if he agrees to cooperate he gets a free pass. Or take him to court for a CP case related to one of his clients, and tell him if he cooperates with the agency under the table, no charges will ever be pressed against him. Etc, etc. There are many schemes that could work.
Tor, although with many problems, is a more resilient solution, because anyone can put up a node, and there's a chance you'll reach a node that's not ran by the three letters, effectively de-anonymizing your traffic. There are correlation attacks, they can't always be pulled off (and they can be done against VPNs too, so that's not a reason to prefer VPNs).

You can't even use YouTube unless you lower your security level from the safest option. Why bother?


use mps-youtube

IPs are an implementation detail. it's literally shit engineering to block IPs
actually for most of the existence of the web, only a small percentage of sites had admins retarded enough to waste their time going out of their way to block IP addresses (which often included Tor without having to use an exit node database, because their shitty regex eventually picks up most Tor nodes) it was only during the great cucking of cuckflare from ~2011-2017 that a substantial amount of websites were blocking Tor access

use youtube-dl with Tor
--proxy "socks5://"
9150 is default port number for Tor Browser Bundle
9050 is default port number for Tor
but I recommend you to configure a separate Socks Port in Tor and connect youtube-dl to it

Invidious, fgt. Then torsocks youtube-dl.

Better yet use Whonix to prevent any chance of DNS leakage. It's also a good idea to have dedicated VMs for tor use, because that way you're never tempted to mix user activities with clearnet activities (or to do so by accident). I run Whonix on Qubes here and it's comfy.

Nah, use torify which also translates DNS and stuff.

Whonix is Unix brain damage, as the multicsfag would say.
You're emulating everything, the CPU, the disk controller, the GPU, you name it. And all that just to avoid your program contacting the wrong name server, or uploading your kiddie porn to facebook by mistake, or what?
Just create a new user, block all network IO on the kernel's firewall and disable the systemd dns resolution stuff. But using Tor Browser and torify will have your back 99% of the time. It's probably more likely that you are de-anonymized through correlation attacks or hitting a series of NSA owned nodes anyway. The whole chain is just 3 servers (guard/bridge, relay and exit node).
If you're going to host a sensitive hidden service and really need that isolation just run the tor proxy on one machine and the web server on another, and you remove the chance of attackers breaking out of the VM or other kinds of data leaks.

And the benefit of compartmentalization that I mentioned, keeping personal and anonymous activity separated. Besides, today's machines more than powerful enough to host several VMs so it's hardly a problem.
Har har.
I know. The purpose of using Whonix for me is about avoiding data collection by jewgle and the logging mandated by my government. I don't imagine that if I were actually of interest to any state-level actor that I would remain anonymized for long, and I certainly wouldn't be running this setup from home if I were trying to avoid their detection. But if the glowniggers were to invest the resources into figuring out exactly what I'm doing online they would be sorely disappointed. I would have cost them a buttload of time and money for nothing, and that in and of itself would make it worthwhile.

That's kinda what users are for though. Sure, they'll be in the same hard drive, but so is a VM.
I don't know about that, especially concerning graphics since the GPU is emulated in software without doing IOMMU hackery. At least for me Whonix is slow and buggy enough to not be worth using (I had problems setting the VM's resolution and it felt slower than my old Pentium 4, although admittedly I'm using a 4k monitor so the GPU has to work harder).
Might run better using Qubes, I haven't been able to try it because it doesn't work on Ryzen CPUs.
Then you might as well use the user firewalling method I mentioned. It's what Tails does.

I did try a multi-user workflow before I started on Qubes, where I had a user for dedicated tor use. It always seemed clunky though, because user-switching was clunky in general. That was several years ago now, so it may have gotten better in the meantime, but the Qubes approach to the problem is seamless: applications hosted in your various VMs appear just like native application windows, with color-coded window frames to alert you that it's a Whonix window, for example. I keep all the Whonix stuff on a separate desktop and switch "modes" instantly. There's really nothing else as good as Qubes for managing multiple instances, that I've found.
In Qubes there's no GPU emulation because the VMs themselves don't render anything to the display. They use a custom X server in the VM that draws into a shared-memory buffer managed by dom0, which is then displayed and decorated by the dom0 X server. It's not as fast as native, obviously, but it's plenty fast enough, even for full screen video.
In your case, with a 4k screen and (I assume) the GPU to drive it, you'd probably want to buy a cheap secondary screen and adapter for the Qubes host, and forward the GPU through to a dedicated VM to do your gaming on, etc. That would require an IOMMU, but it's also the only way you'd be able to fully utilize your hardware. Other than the display manager, Qubes doesn't run applications on the host itself, thus applications don't have access to hardware acceleration unless you pass through a GPU.
That's a shame, I was considering Ryzen for my next build.

According to it seems there are mixed reports on Ryzen, some working others not.

just use invidious and you'll even be able to play without javascript


Based. Btw, is it possible to use it with youtube-dl? (mpv reasons)

Yes. But it downloads lower quality stuff than if you run it directly on the youtube URL, because it uses the generic info extractor. Basically, if you had to merge two incompatible formats into .mkv, it won't download that version. It'll download the one that used compatible formats.

Eh, good enough

Exactly, it isn't even a blip on their radar. The main userbase for youtube these days are video game consoles, smart TVs, Smart Phones, Rokus, and other normalfag tier set-top boxes. Youtube search is so locked down on those devices that I would never be able to find a video like pic related on it. Anything labeled a "conspiracy theory" is just excluded from the search results and multiple videos from "approved sources" are artificially placed at the top.

On PC it's still possible to find these videos and pic related is kind of a bad example because it has so few views. I've seen videos with millions of views that I could find months before just disappear from search results. I have wanted to show those videos to friends and we were unable to view them on his game console at all because it's impossible to input the url to go directly to it inside of the youtube app. You would have to use the web browser and type out the url in the address bar to get the video to play. Even searching for the exact title wouldn't pull it up in the search results. They do this for many topics and events. If you do happen to get the video to come up you'll get the block of information in pic related under the video that says you're a bad goy or only crazy people believe in what you're researching.

Do they do this stuff outside of the US region? If I view the Russia Today channel from a US IP it gives me a notice that the news agency is funded by the Russian Government. They started doing that after the last election. Everyone already knew that because it's in the damn title of the new agency.

Attached: USyoutube.png (1003x673, 318.05K)

I remember that happening to me too, but honestly don't remember any specific example. Do you have one?
With respect to that aids stuff, as much as I'd like to believe some bioengineering lab somewhere created a virus that kills fags and niggers, it doesn't make any sense. If the US Army made a virus that transmitted itself through sexual contact, they would make it so it affected mainly white heterosexual couples having vaginal sex.
On the other hand, the claim that it arose accidentally through the manufacture of vaccines and it found a way to spread through homo sex is much more believable.

Some topics that'll trigger it:

maybe link something with that notification? i dont see it. they did force me to go to the tos page before showing the video tho and there they explain clearly that its all botnet but most just ignore it. it contained things like "will analyze content to keep the platform safe"

Attached: a_002.png (1071x1795, 799.77K)

Pic related is what displays to IPs in the United States.

Attached: RTyoutube.png (1015x628, 628.78K)

Also note that I never what any of the American based channels in the suggested list but any time I watch an RT video those are displayed in the list. They're attempting to lure people back to "approved" sources. The first four shouldn't even be displayed to be based on the search history for that session. The last one which is cut off in the picture is the only one that is actually based on what I'd been searching for that day/relevant to my personalized search history.

I'm sick, sorry for retarded grammar/spelling.
*Also note that I never watch any of the American based channels
The first four shouldn't even be displayed to me based on the search history for that session.

I've been making a lot of these type of typos lately. I think I'm going retarded in my old age. I need to see the doctor.

looks like its an american thing then. thats where the russian hackers meme comes from after all.

Attached: a_003.png (1067x1801, 949.48K)

They started adding it after the Russian Hacker meme was pushed by the MSM in America. They still mention that constantly on MSM here. I don't make a habit of watching the media over here but I do attempt to keep up with the nightly news just to see what they're pushing.

Here are some more examples. Note that the only video without an info box related to 9/11 is an American source. The other three aren't even very critical of the official story and the only one not carrying the infobox was suggested to me. Also it's impossible to find all the well researched independent videos about 9/11 in the states anymore unless you go far down the search results.

Attached: upsidedownabc.png (1018x713 648.92 KB, 326.34K)

Since when is this board limited to 3 images per post?

Attached: france24911.png (898x1600 552.74 KB, 790.15K)

Another thing I noticed is they crippled the recommendation algorithm because it was actually giving good videos (just like they did with the reverse image search) and now for the most part it only gives you generic >1M videos whereas before it would give you videos with about the same number of views. They tweaked the recommendations towards mainstream shit in all videos kosher or not, but I think they cranked it up more in the bad goy videos.

Here is another topic that will trigger it: Was the moon landing faked? This used to pull up tons of videos of people picking apart all the details with millions of views. Not it only pulls up content from approved sources and click bait e-celebs. If you view any of these videos you get linked to wikipedia's page on the Apollo program.

Again, I don't necessarily believe the moon landings were faked but if they're going this far to silence people on an issue like this that should be easy to disprove then it makes you wonder what they're doing with other topics of more importance.

Attached: mooncitation.png (896x1598 550.89 KB, 858.14K)

They openly admitted to gimping the algorithm this year:

It's actually worse on PC since the last time I used youtube a few months ago. It's much worse on normalfag devices like the Xbox One, PS4, and iPhone/android. On those devices you can't even hunt way down the search results to find the old content with millions of views any longer. A few months ago I was still able to pull up relevant content by searching for names or exact titles but now that doesn't even seem to work.

I got curious. I swear I'm not a Zig Forumstard but I had to know if this would bring anything up. I was expecting something under a video but they're putting it right at the top of the search results. I'll see if I can find other topics that trigger this later. Would love to see any anons outside of the states run the same searches or view the same videos to see how they compare. I assumed this was world wide and it's interesting to find out that they're only doing it for American IPs.

I'm reminded of the stories people in China used to tell me about how censored their internet access was back in the late 90s/early 2000s.

Attached: jewsrock.png (899x1602, 732.49K)

Go back to >>>/trannypol/

the whole wiki element is missing for me. maybe they will add it later.. idk

tor is fucking tranny gay nigger aids

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (662x111 24.06 KB, 16.62K)

I literally can't tell if you have schizophrenia or aspergers. Either way, you need to take your sedatives before you hurt someone.

why do people worry so much about javascript? if it leak my local ip, it should be something like 162.168.0:2, if it leak my hardware it should be 1980x1080 24bit, let's be honest here it's all ordinary hardware that i have here.

Attached: 1426284231247.jpg (932x1292, 699.05K)

I only worry about non-free JS


Believing in the JQ and being a modern Zig Forumstard isn't mutually exclusive. nu/pol/ and /trannypol/ are cancer. Zig Forums has been really bad since reddit was allowed in and all moderation ceased. It's all boomers and shills these days.