Is linux always like this or am I a brainlet?

newfag here, hardly ever lurked

>3 results, all say do "parole --xv false "

I don't see an end to this recursive cycle of solutions needing solutions so I can only conclude that I am not cut out for this shit. How does one gitgud at linux? Am I using a shit distro? Am I a low-iq nigger monkey?

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Im not an expert on linux but I always download the prebuilt shit from the repositories.
I guess thats nowhere near as secure as building the programs yourself but surely its safer than windows, and I just have to type in 1 line and it does all the installation and setup for me.

use your distro's package manager for fuck's sake

Yes, and if you don't like it that way then you're a retard normie who needs to kys.

He's using slackware lol. No automatic dep resolution

The traditional way to use slackware is just to install all the packages available.

Can't tell if ironic tbh.

Lynx compiled without ssl because you didn't have ssl libraries installed.

Wow, I remember using Slackware. Worst is when you don't have some obscure as fuck library installed. Basically it's how to learn everything the hard way. Respect to you for diving in at the deep end. Fuck, even gentoo handles dependencies.

Just install Ubuntu, thats where noobs start. You'll eventually replace it with something else... eventually, when you become ultra elite, you'll install Ubuntu again.

why is that

Because you enjoy spyware and shit uis.

you don't need to be so hasty, go do what you need to do now.

1. you need libraries and their headers while compiling stuff
2. --xv is more likely to be -xv. -- is for long version of options like --verbose, - for short like -v
3. gstreamer may need other subpackages for some codecs like gstreamer-ugly

Meh, the spyware is mostly contained in the whoopsie package.
I agree the UI is bullshit though. Better put up with KDE's bugs or use xfce4 or mate.

(not him)
Because Linux is a piece of shit, and the only way to make it somewhat bearable is to use Ubuntu with one of the DEs I mentioned above. All other distros are memes which don't work any better in reality. KDE Neon Stable is kinda nice since it seems to be less buggy than the KDE packages in the normal Ubuntu repos.

Just to extend on this, today I installed three IDEs through apt to work on some C code.
Out of the three, one doesn't start at all (Eclipse), the other shows the logo and crashes (Netbeans), and the third works for a while and randomly crashes every now and then (Codeblocks). I don't know about the first two, but the third one I think is a bug that I've seen happen on other computers as well, and has gone unfixed for years.
So yeah, being a buggy, broken piece of shit is nothing original in the Linux world.

You might have been better to start with Ubuntu or Mint while you get used to the differences between Linux and Windows. Salix is based on Slackware, the main difference between the two is Salix only includes one application per task for a more trim system. Slackware and most of it's derivatives are best suited at users who know the Linux ecosystem fairly well and prefer to manage everything themselves, right down to dependency management. Unlike Slackware, Salix comes with a package manager, slapt-get, which does have rudimentary dependency resolution. So rather than go through the trouble of compiling lynx and it's dependencies right off the bat, try (as root) "slapt-get --install lynx".

for your mp3 problems, many codecs can't be included due to license restrictions in some countries. Try (again, as root) "slapt-get --install gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly ffmpeg gst-ffmpeg" and that should take care of most of your media codec needs.

All of the above, install gentoo

That is how a distro will function without a package manager that handles dependencies, although most package managers are really quite horrible at managing dependencies. Yes, you uncovered the suck, now you'll learn about how people refuse to statically compile anything and dump it on their website because there is someone out there on MIPS somewhere and we have to cater to them specifically, and also someone on their 40MB HDD cannot fit a statically linked program on it, because that use case still exists somewhere on Earth. Also, some library might be out of date, so you should use this distribution where every package is out of date (but it has muh security backports!) in order to solve the problem.

The GNU userland is designed for someone using Vim or Emacs or other text editors alongside a bunch of Unix-like tools, there is no serious attempt to make a cohesive desktop environment anymore (I would not classify KDE or GNOME as "serious", and the rest are even less so). The only other option is to use Wine if the program has good compatibility.

MP3 patents have expired from what I understand, most projects should have no reason to not include MP3 stuff now.

Linux is a pretty good kernel that is great at memory management and has many features, GNU only makes sense if you are using Emacs and/or bash (or a suitable alternative shell) as an environment, with some X11 window dressing if you like.

Hah, yeah. The "muh security" argument never made sense to me. Can you even drop in an .so replacement for a new version of a library and expect it to work? I'd guess it'd break 99% of the time. Not even Microsoft manages backwards binary compatibility in their libraries, they just bundle all the old versions of a library you might need with the OS and call it a day.
That said, statically linked programs consume more RAM than their counterparts, because they can't share memory between other programs using the same libraries, and take longer to start because they can't use the libraries loaded by other programs into memory already.
The kernel itself might be good, but the driver support for anything more complicated than a TTY and an Ethernet card is appalling.

Why do Windows users do this?




Start here

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Neither, you just picked a distro that expects you to know what you are doing, while you don't know what you are doing. Pick a noob-friendly distro like Ubuntu (or one of its flavors if you don't like Gnome) or Linux Mint, or something like that. Once you get the hang of how things fit together you can take off the training wheels and move to a more advanced distro.

That's the sort of shit why I don't bother with IDEs, too many things that can break. With a text editor + plugins + makefiles you can always work. Even if some of your plugins fail you can just remove them and carry on; it won't be as convenient, but it will let you get work done.

Part of the Windows brain damage is following instructions sheepishly: click this button, copy-paste this magic command, download this mystery binary... Then they read somewhere about how Ubuntu sucks and makes you gay, and how this obscure elite hacker distro is much better, so they install it and hope there will be the same sheepish instructions waiting for them in the GNU/Linux world as well.

This is why I think that Ubuntu and other noob-friendly distros are fine for beginners. There is a safety net that will let you still use the system while you are figuring it out, instead of expecting you to read a hundred pages worth of manpages before you can even set up a user account.

There's 6 million distros. I went with the one fresh in my head at the time. And what said
Guilty as charged.

thanks for the help

Because as you gain expertise and understanding of something, there is no longer any utility in repairing it. You will have moved on to other things and will see the OS as just a tool to accomplish something else, time spent toying around with it is unproductive. That's the rationale I had when I switched to Apple laptops nearly 16 years ago (omg im le so oooold XDDDD). Windows annoyed me and linux on a laptop was a mess. Since I was heading to university, I needed something that "just worked."

Pic related: Powerbook G4. No intel botnet, replaceable battery, easy access to memory banks by releasing the keyboard (release tabs beside ESC-F1, F11-F12). If only you knew how good things really were. Nostalgic feelings painting over issues with weak hinges

Attached: 1920px-1ghz_Titanium_Apple_PowerBook_G4.jpg (1280x937 269.33 KB, 231.06K)

Retarded. There are better systems than UNIX.

Mostly uninformed and dealing with obscure issues that nobody in the forums tells you jack shit about.

start with one of the following newb-proof distros:
-Ubuntu flavors
-linux mint

these are easy enough distros to figure out what is going on for the basics. Once you get that "I wanna feel like a hacker" itch, start playing with the command line and learn the following essential commands:

then try out some CLI programs, the easiest way to see what kinds of programs you got is to run this:
ls /usr/bin

a more concise way is to look at your linux distro's wiki for the information, and try to figure out package managers, the newbie distros are nice to start but they'll feel like a mess if you want to start using superuser finangling. Also, if all you use end up using are CLI programs, then you'll get bloat-conscious and want to trim things down.

when you feel comfortable enough to go back into the deep end, try out either Slackware or Gentoo. I like slackware because you don't have to do everything yourself, but the OS doesn't get in your way like others do. Gentoo is nice if you want to absolutely rice your machine to the max, but it'll take a long fucking time to get shit set up first.

RIP Clarisworks/Appleworks, the no-bullshit office suite.

Eh, this is maybe well-meaning but bad advice tbh. It'll just get harder later on to learn how to use it properly. When I switched away from Windows many years ago I did because I was upset with how limiting and freedom-reducing 2000 was and with how the new XP seemed to be even worse. (yes that long ago, and yes we did not realize how bad it would get) After some auto-installer of another distro broke for me (I have no idea which distro that was) I went with gentoo for my first linux distribution, knowing literally nothing about linux and only knowing the basics of a text driven environment from the DOS days. I just went with it because I read it'll give me the most control over my system and I can install it manually.

I'm a confirmed wizard now and it helped me to never pick up the soy and the cancer Linux was going to get infected with and nowadays I consider that paramount. Gentoo has a good instruction manual for installing it too, you don't really have to know anything. I'm glad I went down the road today and ignored the detractors of gentoo that made seem ignorance about the internals of your computer to be cool.

Don't do this stuff people, don't recommend newbies shit like Ubuntu. These first few formative linux years do count and the last thing we want is more soyboy systemd fanboys that trust distro-maintainers blindly and that don't know the value of non-bloated systems because they've never known anything else.

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OP, do not fall for the meme that Ubuntu+GNOME is newbie-friendly.

Ubuntu changes its entire desktop environment and pre-installed package selection almost entirely at each release, confusing the newbies. And the quality of ubuntu's repositories and packages is garbage. Almost every normie who tries ubuntu out will suffer at least once because of a package installation and have to resort to a forum, ubuntu's stackexchange or follow the command line instructions of an outdated blog post.

GNOME is not consistent and breaks at every update and lacks almost everything a normie expects from a complete, fully-operational desktop environment.

Try OpenSuse Tumbleweed with KDE. A real normie-proof distro.

Attached: you've been gnomed.png (638x1346, 525.69K)

Your retarded.


He's suffering from dependency hell, which is caused because slackware doesn't have dependency resolution.
This wouldn't be a problem if he was actually uses slackware though, since the "full" install of slackware includes everything needed. The issue is that he's using salix, a "one tool for each purpose" distro that aims at being minimal. Can you see why this is an issue?
No dependency resolution + minimal = have to manually get lots of shit to set anything up.
This isn't an issue typically if you know what you're doing, but OP decided to jump into this distro as his first, which was a braindead idea.
Unless he really, really wants to dig through old slackware documentation to find answers to problems that are 50+ years old.

u an idot

Use a saner distro you absolute autist. Get Linux Mint, make it a point to try to use the commandline when you can, eventually upgrade to Arch(read: Artix for no systemd)/Gentoo.

If you want to be really brave, get Gentoo immediately instead. It's harder to work with than Mint, but the wiki tends to be good and there's a large community so someone probably had the same problem as you did beforehand.

It was actually my retarded, can I have it back?

Mint > arch > gentoo/slack/bsd
Was my progression and I've learned a lot

Ubuntu sucks and makes you gay! It had or has amazon advertisement in the search.
There are lots of other fully GUI Linux distros like OpenSUSE which do the job without being Canonical garbage.

Install Kubuntu

Salix also has a menu entry for downloading most codecs, flash and libdvdcss after install.

Apple perfected the PowerBook G4 when it was EOL - still a great machine for triple booting OS X Tiger, MorphOS and *BSD.

Attached: mos.jpeg (1600x1200, 205.78K)

TempleOS has no networking, so it certainly doesn't call home.

This is what you get when you use a space alien OS. Install TempleOS and speak with God. If you truly repent and start entertaining Mister God, HE WILL FORGIVE YOUR SINS FOR HE LOVES YOU. You have just lost your way. When you are compiling unholy programming languages and using operating systems that do things that Mister God doesn't like, you are compiling the Devil and entertaining Satan!

64-Bit-only, Ring-Zero-only, 640x480 16 color graphics, single-voice 8-bit signed MIDI-like sample for sound and No Networking is the holy way. This is what God wants. HolyC is the language of God's temple. The TempleOS is perfect as it is built according to instructions from God.

See the TAD thread for links and instructions

6:21 So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold. 6:22 And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house: also the whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold. 6:23 And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high.

Terry Davis was an interesting person and all but at the end of the day he was a schizophrenic that wrote a random text generator and a simplistic spaghetti code OS over a span of almost 15 years which while pretty neat, by no means is fast for such a feat, especially considering he had no job or other obligations in that time. I wish tech would finally shut up about him. Quality of this board has really gone down the shitter and lack of moderation is showing quite fiercely. At this point I have serious doubts there's anyone left seriously posting on here.

Threads that belong in the consumer thread or question thread get locked fairly quickly.

here is where you went wrong
also shitty troll thread


Okay, but what OS should he install so he can run the virtual machine required to use TempleOS, since it doesn't work on real hardware? Terry used Ubuntu, if I remember correctly.

yes it does faggot

Just install a currently popular and updated debian-based distro, void, manjaro, or any easy to use distro and call it a day instead of trying all this shit noobs wouldn't get on the first try like Window Managers and using Lynx and shit like that

I thought TempleOS was a space alien OS, that's why Terry bragged that he had a fucking space alien.

Should have started with a Raspberry Pi like the poo he is.

Start with xbuntu u idiot