How to a become a Full Stack developer? I'm studying for a course at Udemy, The Web Developer Bootcamp. Also, I'm learning Python from a book (back end). I know a lot of things really are missing, but is that a good start? What to do before??
Castrate yourself. Anyways, friend, you don't EVER want to work in IT-- trust me. At my last job the noxious stench of Indian BO WOULD HANG IN THE AIR EVEN IF NOBODY WAS AROUND. Only get an IT job if you're going to be around white people. (In all seriousness though-- the real reason to avoid IT is that everything you know will be useless in 5 years, perpetually. It's very frustrating.)
If he wants full blown aids, he should just stick to javascript. MongoDB, JS backend, and JS client side rendering framework.
Kevin Phillips
Yes, those technologies are the toolsets used for "full stack development". Try as he might, I have a sneaking suspicion that he'll never complete a course that covers all this by himself.