It's driving me fucking crazy and I really don't fucking want any of this. I have found no way of turning this off, all methods either don't work anymore or don't solve this specific issue anymore. The reason it corners you like this is because it's fucking desperate to take your phone number. I don't want to give Google my phone number, but it refuses to let you use their dumb shit otherwise.
How do you turn off all of this "security" fucking bullshit?
Of fucking course I'm not expecting to be respected, I just want a way to turn this particular gigantic annoyance off.
"Just want" whatever the fuck pleases you. As long as you depend on Google you're getting what they want, and no more.
You read my thread before going in, of course you knew it was at the top before posting, it wasn't going to change in the second it took you to type that on a slow board like this. Your reddit instincts just kicked in without thinking.
Anyhow, my point is there could be some way. A few years back I read about a method where they didn't bother you when signing in on a different location if you printed a sheet with codes. That doesn't work anymore.
There's so many free email providers:
protonmail (doesn't let you use IMAP)
and tons of others but you just had to pick google right?
I doubt you can. They don't even let you use IMAP without you using Thunderbird so it can pretend to log in as a webbrowser over the HTML, CSS and Javascript login form. They don't like you.
I think that one also bitches at you big time for signing in on a different location. Can you turn it off?
It never bitched on me accessing mail from an IMAP client.
Go to settings and remove your google account
Here's a list.
Not everyone uses a browser to post here, but that thought wouldn't occur to some projecting redditard who wants Daddy Google to wipe his ass. Get out of your abusive relationship already, retard.
If you're using a VPN pick one in the area that you signed up for the account.
Basic login:
Standard login:
It's pretty simple, really. If you don't like THING, you stop using THING. That applies to everything: google, facebook, smartphones, Intel, systemd... If you're in some kind of dependent relationship where you need THING, then it has power over you and nobody here can help you, because these subversive THINGs were designed to fuck you over. They specifically do things in their interest and against yours, and that's not going to change. If anything it will just keep getting worse as they try to exert more and more control.
Oh but if you tried to use POP/IMAP when the webmail is configured for "simple HTML" (to use via non-botnet browser), then you would have seen it bitch and deny you access until you configure the webmail to full botnet javascript interface. Well at least that's what it was doing when I left google some years ago. It wasn't like that when I signed up over 10 years earlier, but they fucked it up, so I left. And what a great relief that was!
I assume OP needs a Jewgle account for youtube.
If OP just wants an email then use protonmail or tutanoa.
go to account settings, retard
can't you contact google support or something?
We were talking Microshit.
No I don't.
good thing that i have a prepaid card in my phone so they cant really get any useful info with the number. its also not a "smart" phone so they have no access to it.
This also doesn't say whether you need a phone number to sign up for any of these.
Underrated, perfect post. Nice job, user.
Spoken like a true projecting plebbit user who uses a phone client
use an email client like a real man
Why ARE you signing in to Google?
Not likely but, he could be a video producer.
Are you fucking mad? It belongs to a company that literally sent to prison about 800 people for the last four years by disclosing their identity to the cops while being legally able not to do so.
Could you please at least google the owner next time you suggest a service.
Anonymously pay for a throwaway phone number online, give them the number and validate it via SMS, then hopefully never worry about it again. If you don't actually need an account there specifically, I suggest you use one of the many other options listed in the thread.
He could have some business with somebody whose only method of contact is over jewtube PM system. I've needed to contact those who are anonymous outside of youtube so your only way of contacting them is with a jewgle account. It's fucking stupid, but it happens.