Welcome to the Inclusion and Diversity Team at GNOME!


Our main focus is to create an inclusive and diverse community. This means that we want to actively cultivate diversity in all forms, and to create ways to make people feel welcome and able to fully participate in GNOME.

In order to achieve that effectively we do activities like promoting diversity and inclusion throughout and beyond GNOME, educate ourselves and the GNOME community around creating welcoming and inclusive environments, organize events that are safe and welcoming to all, and offer internships and do outreach programs to promote diversity and inclusion at GNOME.

We just started the team this year, and have so far focused on making this year’s GUADEC a more inclusive event. As a small part of that, we will be holding workshops on things like imposter syndrome and unconscious bias. We welcome ideas for future conferences and GNOME events!

How To Join

We welcome everyone who wishes to contribute to this mission! It will be a great pleasure for us to have you working with us for the cause. We currently meet every Wednesday on UberConference at 16 UTC. It would be great to see you there. For more info please visit the wiki.


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Other urls found in this thread:

wiki.gnome.org/Gaurav Agrawal

it is space inefficient. a desktop UI would be as efficient with space as possible. microsoft got something almost right.

i knew you were all retarded.

Sounds like conscious bias to me.

i dont like the gnome UI, and i think anyone who would like it must be pretty stupid because its illogical to like it and the developers must be stupid too.
it is bias, well placed bias apparently because for no reason, gnome is doing diversity nonsense.
all that matters is quality of code and end product.

Let me try to translate this.


Our main focus is to create a community without straight white males. This means that we want to actively cultivate racism in all forms, and to create ways to make people feel unwelcome and be unable to fully participate in GNOME.

In order to achieve that effectively we do activities like promoting racism and discrimination throughout and beyond GNOME, program ourselves and the GNOME community around creating unwelcoming and toxic environments, organize events that are only welcoming to people of color and women, and offer internships and do outreach programs to promote racism and discrimination at GNOME.

We just started the team this year, and have so far focused on making this year’s GUADEC a more exclusive event. As a small part of that, we will be holding workshops on things like LGBTQWERTY issues and white privilege. We welcome ideas for future conferences and GNOME events!

How To Join

We welcome people of color who wish to contribute to this mission! It will be a great pleasure for us to have you working for us against the white man. We currently meet every Wednesday on UberConference at 16 UTC. It would be great to see you there. For more info please visit the wiki.

I just switched to KDE a few days ago
Much nicer

Gnome has bee pants on head retarded since gnome3
Ain't it also governed by Red Hat & the SystemD gang?

Yep, redhat basically wants to turn linux desktop into the windows experience, complete with monolithic services that don't cooperate with anything that wasn't developed inhouse and expensive service contracts. Doesn't look like IBM plans to change anything about it.

The future of GNOME:


KDE is the only nigger-friendly desktop environment that exists for loonix.

Sounds like Red Hat was baiting IBM to buy them all along.

And yeah, they definitely wanna ape the windows experience, but somehow they consistently ape only the bad parts of Redmonds finest while retaining the bad parts of *nix.
Which makes me wonder if they're ironic programmers.

On the subject of microshaft, what's so different between windows and GNU/linux? besides obvious things like file system types and open/closed source.
If you wanted to, could you turn windows into a de facto linux OS via doing heavy work on it's internal code to make it "free"?
i'm not entirely sure my question is clear, but can you make windows bow to your command if you dissect and re arrange it coding?

Who let in this dumb third worlder?

Do you even understand what code is?

Couldn't find a pic for StellaMaris Njage but he's a listed "Mozilla Open Leader" whatever that means
and Gaurav Agrawal wiki.gnome.org/Gaurav Agrawal is a pajeet and there are too many shitters with the same letters.

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what the fuck is this shit?

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Look, if this post is actually posted by somebody who really works at GNOME, I have some advice for you...

Forced Diversity is bad for your business.
You're creating the same problem of discrimination that existed 50 years ago, but in reverse. You're not going to get anywhere by valuing looks over talent like Hollywood. All you are begging for is a slow decline that guarantees damage that's about as hard to reverse as losing weight.

A man I knew once said:
"Diversity means picking out any and all talented individuals, regardless of who they are. It doesn't mean literally anybody who isn't a majority. That's just repeating human's biggest mistake: "Dwelling in the past...""

But that's my opinion, I'd love to hear from you...

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9649 best trap discord gg/Xq2uYaa

You're assuming that the purpose of Gnome is to earn a profit. That assumption is false.

Gnome is for retards. I used to like KDE, but now it uses too small fonts and it is too much trouble to make them readable. I like LXDE but it has been orphaned. Now the only one I use is XFCE. Can change fonts globally. Now if they would stop doing gray fonts on webpages....

KDE doesn't have an option for choosing a font size for the UI? It's too much trouble to change the KDE font size?

p. good. only bad parts are the FDR and MLK references.

Not him. It does, but I remember it not changing the font size in all applications for some reason. But I'm sure I found a way around that, since the fonts look fine now.

He said Martin Luther, not Martin Luther King.

If it's the case where you configure a UI font size for all of KDE, but a specific app doesn't respect that configuration, that means that the specific app hardcoded the font size instead of coding the app according to system configuration.

In this context, it's clear that he does mean MLK.


They're a business doing capitalist money grab, and walled gardens and other sociopathy brings it the best. What programmers.

I'm the guy who posted it. I thought he meant martin luther because he hated the Jews but the fuck do I know.
You burgers probably know your niggers better than we do.

LXqt is the successor, qt4/5 based.

do you think he also hated blacks and whites because he says "don't you black and white me"?

Well he did have that life story with the kikes that exploited him.

oh for sure. It'd be completely justifiable for him to call Sony in particular a bunch of blood-sucking kikes.
He just didn't. Instead he lamented that FDR and MLK weren't around to "fix things". Blue-pilled cuck in the end. Sad.

That line is just a way of saying "don't try to put white and black people against each other" which is exactly what the jews do.
Sure, he didn't admit he was talking about the jews on that interview, but that's probably because he didn't want to go to jail for tax evasion and the child abuse stuff.

The irony! Most of you whore-sons cannot fall asleep without jerking-off to tranny porn!; yet, gnome is the antagonist!

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this. pic included.

It is also (((coced))).