Yeah, I'd like to have a rest from all the constant attempts at stimulation; be they from ads, or from women dressed like whores, or obnoxious pop music.
Without God, people behave like tourists through life.
Ryan Ward
That's English problem mainly though, but I do sense it in cities in Scotland and Wales too.
Grayson Sanders
It's like the upper middle class embarrassment towards their country and people has been adopted by everyone tbh, the replies to that video of lads playing medieval football the other day set me off tbh.
This. Everything in the mainstream seems to either be a garish kaleidoscopic hell world (the corporate sector) or an equally hellish world of lifeless grey gruel (the state), and it all just sucks. Women seem to reflect this - either being high octane, demented whores of babylon or joy-sapping, curtain twitching school of globohomo prefects.
Jack Brooks
That game was too close, lads. Hope we can skin the potato niggers next week.
majority of audience members picked because they would cheer at opinions aligning with the BBCs political agenda. Everyone watches the BBC. Retarded masses who love groupthink see cheering audience think: yes, this is the right opinion and go back to watching their netflix ,playing their viddy games and getting wageyz without a second thought about politics. Information propagation is their most powerful tool and they hold the monopoly
AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT. It's so obviously a psyop to falsely associate genuine (justified) antisemitism with the lily livered left, so that the baste centrists and Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkadite shitlords can be tricked into thinking that questioning the scoobydoos' influence is something stinky leftists (who are becoming increasingly hates) do. It also keeps the leftycucks on the kike plantation - ensuring they shut their pathetic murmurs about Israel's treatment of the precious ickle palestinians. I hate these cunts so much.
Julian Williams
They are making it so that being against the current economic structure is anti-Semitic
unironically more exciting than football, but then again you can just minmax beyblades so in the end everyone would just use the same one smh, and then it comes down to skill, not sure if you can really have such a thing with beyblades
lots of south americans who've claimed italian or portugese passports through ancestry in london SMFH
Connor Perez
John Cook
the android and weyland are the best part of prometheus tbh.
Oliver Russell
Yeah. Ones with fucking Spanish names
Liam Rivera
literally what is happening here, I am almost inclined to believe this is being pushed by a dafty in the beeb who wants to wake up as many people as possible
Ian Gomez
Lad now we don't have plausible deniability, they're going to come for us