Christian Communism

Normally I’d post this in the reading suggestions thread but I’d thought I’d make a thread on Christian communism so that the largest amount of people on this board could see it and answer my question. Beyond that, just use this thread as a general discussion place for Christian communism. Personally, I’m not a Christian, but, living in the United States I feel that having knowledge of the Bible and how to argue for communism from a Christian position could be a useful skill in fighting reactionaries and even dealing with some of my friends. So my questions are:

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can check out the liberation theologists or Leo Tolstoy but most of the left has been fervently atheist so there's not much written from a Christian pov.

Liberation theology is an odd idealist, theoretically inconsistent form of leftism that uses all the right words in all the wrong ways. Still, they seem to be popular in South America, which is something.

English Standard. There are two schools of biblical translations: the one that does a dry literal translation and one that goes for the spirit of the passage. The latter of those two is completely full of shit and is usually practiced by greedy political groups with an ax to grind. English Standard is the best of the former.

The words of Jesus were hijacked even before they were written. That being said, as a former biblical scholar, I'd recommend the New King James version, as it's just the KJV (somewhat of a masterpiece of translation) merely updated to modern English. It isn't perfect and mistranslates some things, especially in the Old Testament to skew it towards trinitarian doctrine but it's the best you can get.

christian communism cannot work
if you want a religious communist movement you need a new religion, if you can't conceive something different than old established religions you have already lost.

Christian communism is an unfunny joke.
You need to spread proper reasoning instead of pasting retarded illogic ontop of retarded illogic in an attempt to make them cancel each other out and hoping nothing backfires.

There is nothing inherently illogical about Christian Communism, take off your fedoras you whiny atheists and stop your needless sectarianism

I’m an atheist and I’m still interested in learning about it mainly for the sake of learning about a religion I’m frankly quite ignorant about as a whole and, as a lesser motivation, finding new ways to discuss communism with Christians. Living in America you will run into many very religious Christians depending on where you live.

Everyone interested in the Christian left beyond Liberation Theology or Tolstoy should read
Walter Rauschenbusch

Due to file size limits I unfortunately cannot dump my texts but I can link a few.

Christianity and the Social Crisis:

Christianizing the Social Order:

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That's why I don't take my social views from the left, too many fedora tippers


you are not even christian to begin with, and you are not bothered by what the masses' spiritual needs are, you just want a new dress to larp around, it's disgusting. and liberal.
there will never be a social revolution without a religious revolution, if you are stuck with christianism you are reaction.

Oh look it's a "my religion is uniquely special" tard thinking he'll get into the good graces of his fellow NPC comrades by shitting on Christianity.

Pro tip friendo if a marxist government is established that is implacably hostile to Christianity they're not going to stop at just Christianity since they want society to be atheist. They're going to keep going until all religion is wiped out. For you to pretend that you are not part of what is going to be designated as "reaction" by the authorities post-revolution is hilarious. For one who hates liberals so much you sure reason like one.

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posting pedo anime chinese cartoons doesn't helps christianity either… what started as a Zig Forumsfuck meme is still a Zig Forumsfuck meme and will work against whatever ends you seek.

with comics about killing black people I don't think the idea you're in love with is useful tbh… just saying. besides it's a spook ofc.

I don't really care about the origins of the meme even though I didn't get it from Zig Forums; memes are meant to be collectivized and it's not like I'm posting porn or, as you say, "comics about killing black people".

Besides, I'm not trying to convert this board. Anyone genuinely seeking salvation or interested in discussing christian theology beyond basic points wouldn't look to a random avatarfag on a website notorious for being the gathering place for nazis, white supremacists, and other assorted societal trash. I just share my books when people like OP ask for Christian socialist perspectives and shitpost otherwise.

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why is that surprising?

talk about spooked.

Read Walter Brueggemann. He openly calls America a "regime." He isn't a communist though. Also read revelations. Really Christian Communism is more of a current than an actual school of thought. We seek to overthrow all that is to help those who are oppressed. This generally translates into an undying hatred of America and all its allies. Everything else is secondary.

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I am not shitting on christianity, I am shitting on you.

Boomer detected

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Absolutely anything can be believed on faith. If you think that it is morally acceptable to believe things on faith, you are morally accepting absolutely any belief, including fascism for example.

Thanks for the suggestion. It was actually me reading Engels’ “On the History of Early Christianity” and his sections on Revelations that persuaded me to create this thread.

it transcends ideology. If everyone acted according to Christ there wouldnt be any need for ideologies to try and mold the masses to their system since by loving your neighbor and following His teachings nobody would lack anything material or spiritual.
But nobody follows so there will always be strife.

So, BO is one of you guys then?

idk man the kids care alot about not getting raped, therfore I care too. Both egos satisfied with one mutual protection, this is why children need parents, guardians, etc. It's basic shit. We the stronger protectors allow them to enjoy a higher form of freedom.