tbh we cant say we didnt wait long enough democracy failed spectacularly due in no small part for the same reasons Aristotle said it would now we just need to hasten its end
Thomas White
Ryder Bailey
Personally I've come to accept these larger cultural trends are mostly out of my control and I should just focus on my own life rather than care so much about politics, feel a lot healthier for it.
HOPE YOU LADS HAVE GOT YOUR DEGENERACY PASSES ORDERED BEFORE THEY SHUT THE INTERNET DOWN Bush Poster will need to check before lending you any of his wank rags ageid.com/press/article/21
Ian Reyes
Mason Williams
11 minutes 24 seconds to see him pan up to a bit of the Masonic symbolism in St. Paul's btw lads
Henry Diaz
Jordan Russell
This was the church made famous in the Da Vinci Code wasn't it?
It's the only thing that makes sense to me at the moment. Criticising neo-liberalism only helps to strengthen it. If parliament is building a house and I've spotted a fundamental flaw in the architecture I'm not gonna say 'watch out lads if you build it like this you might hurt yourself!' No, I'm going to encourage them to keep going. Let them build that house and let it collapse.
Chase Wood
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon
"What concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" - 2 Corinthians 6:15
Isaac Edwards
Yeah being ready to move is a flaw I think we've all noticed on our side. I think it's something thats difficult to plan for. I at least hope we can have some kind of nationalist organisation running sometime soon with a vision for the future outside of parliamentary democracy.
Brandon White
"He that lieth with an infidel shall defo get DOTR tbh" t. Zig Forums 27.10
Kayden Adams
The problem is trying to get the right to agree on that sort of government is like herding cats. Though it helps that here people generally agree on most principles if not exactly practice.
being a sellout cuck faggot who apologizes for invaders is the lowest form of existence and below even that of a slave – austin 3:16
Carter Ross
There is a verse like that, actually.
"A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring." - Proverbs 25:26
Jaxson Adams
Gabriel Wilson
so sick of the fag stuff everyday in our society. I don't have any problem with gays but stop making everything about fags and fag "sex" is so utterly revolting. everything about that lifestyle is revolting IMO
there are christians who have a sense of friendship to islam. sounds strange, I know. you could say they're not real christians, but they think they are and the media elevates them as the role models of the faith.
there's a part in the bible where Abraham's estranged bastard child Ishmael is blessed. he's basically the grandfather of a nation which will have conflict with its neighbours. it's understood to be the islamic world. because of this blessing there are Christians who have resigned themselves to the thought of the Islamic world existing forever, and take no real stand against it. this is somewhat half-way reciprocated by the Muslims, who let Christians exist as dhimmis on account of being Abrahamic in origin (People of the Book).
That description of Ishmael was about Arabic racial traits, not their religion.
Brandon Flores
tbh so sick of the inflation porn stuff everyday in our society. I don't have any problem with inflation porn but stop making everything about inflation porn and inflation porn "sex" is so utterly revolting. everything about that lifestyle is revolting IMO
Eli Rivera
Spending everyday angry is really tiring tbh, especially when speaking out means being ostracised from your friends and career. Are you just meant to sit in silent anger everyday? Stresses me out man.
The real Steiner was an occultist, and occultists love depraved, disgusting images like those inflation posts. It's no wonder that they'd be posted by someone who uses Steiner as his alias.
Henry Ross
Sooner or later the normie dam will break, and all the lefty establishment will know is a torrent of daftyness - and it won't be us they're up against, but the idiot proles they've complacently assumed the support of.
That's what the internet is for, so long as we still have it
Daniel Smith
Gotta wonder what muslims make of all this tbh. They know they can do pretty much anything and the "hwhite"-filled media circus clowns will fall over themselves to excuse them and, on the other hand, will prostrate themselves before the muslims anytime anybody does anything against them.
Dylan Sullivan
No one cares what commie taigs think.
Brandon Adams
I've spoken to a few Muslims, and I got the impression that they feel like Allah is giving Europe into their hands.
if an islamist terror attack happens, muslims are given special treatment if an attack targeting muslims happens, muslims are given special treatment how normies don't call this out more boggles me, we see the same response of extra security at mosques, people falling over themselves to praise islam and calls for more restriction on speech critical of islam if they are the victims or perpetrators. smh
it is not a crazy statement to point that statistically at least 1/3 of muslim men in this country are involved in rape gangs. people are just showering praise on their enemies and don't even realise it
Michael Long
But that's the thing lad, people are noticing it.
Henry Walker
Daniel Hall
Are you calling it out irl, lad? I know I'm not
Gavin Diaz
The site can't handle the additional traffic.
Lincoln Powell
Not enough bloody people though. Most normies are still complacent comfytards who care more about wrongthink than reality.
Henry Campbell
Most normies don't give a fuck about anything lad.
Mason Smith
Most normies agree with you if you say it but don't really seem to care