Please tell me you own guns. Any fucking gun. Semi automatic rifle, bolt action rifle, pistol, revolver, shotgun. Please tell me you have ammunition, magazines, clips. PLEASE! Shit is about to go down in the U.S. soon, and I just want you to be prepared. Some firearms are very cheap. As long as you do not live in a heavily Democrat IDpol state, you most likely can purchase a gun. Even a cheap $100 shotgun or a $150 handgun can be used to take a better weapon off an enemy. Stay frosty. Stay safe. Keep the gun oiled and the powder dry. be ready for what is coming.
If you have any questions about U.S. guns, ask away.
Besides combat training we need to realize Marx was retarded
John Adams
Every true leftist must own guns. That's non negotiable.
How else are we gonna kill fascists?
Brandon Clark
I'll be getting a R700 w/ two point strap but I'm still undecided on ak or ar as one point strap, I believe 223 is common in police armories and Military warehouses so I'm thinking the simpler mechanism of the ak chambered for a 223 will do but at the same time it's faster to reload a ar but I'm uncertain if I could maintain it.
Are you on the right board?
Brody James
This. Things like Krondstat, Ukraine, Spain, etc weren't coincidences. Bakunin was right.
Xavier Collins
hue okay.
Anyway guns are super regulated here, I'd never get a license for one.
Robert Carter
and if anyone doesn't own guns learn how to buy parts so you can assemble your own ofc. also shit is not going down don't be paranoic, but its good to know how to defend yourself, always autonomy is always good.
Carson Gomez
Yeah because a zip gun is way more legal than a regular gun.