Brit/pol/ #2714: Racist & Sexist Edition

Climate change: Water shortages in England 'within 25 years'

Stanwell 'far right' terror attack suspect pictured for first time

Chinese Poll: 76% Sympathize with Brenton Tarrant After Reading Manifesto

‘Systemic Islamophobia’ fuels terror attacks, say Muslim leaders

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For her

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can you lads imagine living in a world before ww2 was the foundation myth, what was the reference point before that


Nothing probably.

ancaps are off the goop

Christ lad

Birth of Christ

Whereas now it's like B.H. and A.H., a holocaust cult

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Actually this tbh

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The normie mindset dot jpeg


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I was thinking christ or maybe king arthur, something like that

There might have been a feeling of a loss of innocence because of the US and French Revolutions, though.

Unironic yikes

It's hard to judge tbh, it's like others judging the past for their inferior ways

For them

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French for sure, and going back earlier you could say the Civil War, and before that the 100 years war leading to the death of Merrie England, and before that the Normans and before that the heathen Saxons. It's never that clear cut

i will never expand these images and become a brain dead masturbator and porn addict like you fuck off demon

Good lad

Mansplaining is such a cop out term for "I don't have an argument but you have a cock so checkmate"

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feel really bad for ugly girls tbqh

I added America because it was the beginning of the end for unquestioned imperialism of the kind practiced by Spain and co. for literally centuries prior, tbh. After America it was literally mere decades before Europe lost its strangehold on the Americas almost completely.

But yeah, the French one was such a total rejection of authority and tradition, so nightmarishly anarchistic, that it seems WW1-like in its psychological intensity, tbh. No wonder it brought together the monarchies of Europe in an unprecedented coalition.


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evenin' lads

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SA if I get banned for a genuine post about not using bogroll I want thotposting banned ffs. I don't watch porn so this is fucking triggering.

Good lad.

Evening, lad.

yeah and its her usual sarky style tbh. its more the fact that everyone genuinely believes that they will be able to join the EU. kind of irritating how its making everyone overlook that fact though because of

tbh the french revolution and Napoleon, especially how Napoleon did war, were so ridiculously ahead over their time

Rrrroooooooo sick of this lust bait online tbh roooo

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Nos da, butt.

You're the biggest normie going tbh, Deano

tfw no ugly gf

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SA is clearly a william lol

Kay is such a massive twat, it's like she goes out of her way to make herself as unlikable as possible.

Prove it :^) probly

3 rounds per minute from the South Essex tbf

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Now that I take offence to what ho

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Literally fuck off.

Yea, I remember reading about the French Revolution for the first time in my teens and being staggered by how similar it was to the modern day. It was actually frightening to read what happened there; like a detailed police report about a torture victim, but on a social level.

And Napoleon with his foraging, and the whole French dotal revolutionary war memi, literally killed 1 in 20 Europeans tbh

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come on lad, you went to stage school didnt you?

Someone should remind Kay burley that she is a prolific cuntsplainer.

Naah mate I fluked my way into my job tbh

I don't know how it is with other languages, but almost all our morally disparaging words like smut, vile and lewd are related to ideas of commonness and low social status. It's interesting how there's this idea of spiritual aristocracy built into English, tbh.

I mean etymologically btw.

actually lads, i've just had a thought about this…

If the jocks were to go independent after a hard brexit and apply to join the EU, would they be able to keep our currency under the ECB until they are able to ascend into full membership? or even never adopt the euro, and we end up with our currency regulated by the EU?

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Read that as "someone should punch Kay Burley" tbh

That too

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right wing coup if we go independent, should be easy because we are a weaker state than you anglos

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tbh it's a nice bit of long term meaning that the Brits had to defeat the French columns by being better quality I'm aware this is a sweeping generalisation and then went on to maintain the Empire in the same way

More British soldiers died per capita in the peninsular wars than in WW1

The last thing we need is nonceposting here tbh, it's the ultimate degeneracy on what should be the sanest board in Britain

Today on the big questions : Is thotposting good for our economy?

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i've thought something similar about the way the word villain is used

This. The French Revolution was a cataclysmic event, the following 20 something years of war were etched so deeply into public consciousness that the actions of all the aristocracies across Europe in the 19th century were geared towards making sure it didnt happen again.

read that as fuked tbh obviously cause of your history at the Templar's

It only benefits the thotconomy

It's costing millions of (you)'s

lel, I haven't done shit to get my work, I just chucked stuff at agencies and they got me work.

Don't worry about it lad. If the jocks do this we'll just invade and push them all into the sea

We took that from the Normans though

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AdultWork isn't an agency lad.

I assumed that it meant something like "opposer", so it was really surprising to see the real roots of a word often applied to suave, intelligent antagonists. But that's the thing: it's talking about their spiritual state, not their intelligence or skill or anything like that.

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Why Fucking live.

You chucked your stuff at agencies?
okay thankyou


Yeah mate and they liked the look of my stuff.


Her sons mates must fucking banter them off about giving her titjwanks smh

Tattie wedges for supper


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Ooh I say

That's getting dangerously close to real food.

stop slavposting, it's only 20 til 12

suicide SA

I bet they all queue at the door to try out her tendies.

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I wonder what it's like to be Norwegian or even Thai, having a native ruling caste. Things can't be that much better that way, though, because those are both extremely degenerate nations.

Decent architecture looks so good in diverse weather conditions, tbh. Like how a good person shows his glory when he's put in different situations.

Good lad I had that but with three turkey breasts

Where are you?


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Someone stop the madman

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Aren't you a Pole/Taig?

I hope those haribo were low carb you fat cunt.



Germany is an hour behind.

how many syns is that lass?

No, we're an hour behind Germany.