Brit/pol/ #2719: Construct Additional Gallows Edition

Brexit: Departure date pushed back by at least two weeks

Sick Remainers Produce 'Commemorative' Tea Towel With Dead Brexiteers On

Russian collusion’: Nigel Farage mocks ‘cancel Brexit’ petition with signatures from Russia

UK government considering allowing members of parliament to vote on seven options for Brexit, including the Prime Minister's deal and revoking Brexit

'''DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds has accused Prime Minister Theresa May of an "inexcusable" failure to strike a better Brexit deal with the EU and they will not support it when the 'meaningful vote' returns to the House of Commons'"'

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Naah you didn't mate.

So foes Vvlkvsm


The absolute state of Nazis

get out

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Go outside and stop being a cunt tbh


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Christianity, lad. It'll teach you how to deal with people.

d-delete all my posts in this thread please lad

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The man was a prophet.

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Just don't be a derailing faggot, lad.

the other mod permanently bans me when he sees my trip. please, lad

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It's probably because people don't really change, and he was good at diagnosing society as he saw it in his time. I bet Shakespeare would have agreed with lots of his statements in his own day, for instance.

Sick of these magicians usurping our societies tbh lads

Found this old biography of George V in the garage lads, it's over 100 yrs old, written just before WW1. Released for his succession. Comfy read so much optimism.

Attached: book3.jpg (657x1187 321.17 KB, 138.47K)

The other books are a pretty old bible and two other compilations.

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Good lad. Those pre-war books have beautiful covers, and they really are full of optimism. I remember hearing my mum read a book from ~1913 where a bunch of kids threatened to beat up a socialist, kek

Good find lad.
hit the gym lad


the fuck does this even mean, stop following normie platitudes

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The oldest book I have is a Welsh school bible from the 1900-1910s tbh.

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That's a really interesting piece of history there.

I've gone from 53kg to 69kg and exercise when I can now. Bought Arnie's bodybuilding encyclopedia and been reading through that, hated going to the gym when I had a membership though anxiety inducing and busy smh. I should go back but pay for a personal trainer so I don't feel as much like a fish out of water.

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dont strawman me I never said that

how tall are you

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If there is something as bad as being a fat cunt, it's being a skinny cunt.

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173cm ~

Wish I had a mate who was into fitness who would help me out just by virtue of being a m8 tbqh

My weight is the top end of healthy BMI you fat cunt smh

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Are you fucking gay.

Eat big get big mate, do what you can cos you look scrawny in that pic tbh

Literally no-one in the gym gives a fuck tbh, the ones I admired the most were these two REALLY fat fucks who were as wide as the staircase, yet they'd be there almost every fucking evening working their socks off.
At worst people will ignore you, there are plenty of lads who'll help you out n'all

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UK statement on the Golan Heights

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Interesting. I have a book from Robert Monroe too.

Looks shit tbh, don't care what it's "supposed" to look like, the pollution did a good job.

Actually surprised we didn't suck up to the ((States)), perhaps everyone hating Trump has worked out in this regard

are you an actual fag

he just wants a brotherly bond, lad

US/UK trade deal will be based on this changing

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tbh we should all make our own daftie gym, Dickie's invited since he's banned from other gyms

Actually surprised we didn't suck up to the ((States)), perhaps everyone hating Trump has worked out in this regard

Just go to the gym lad, there's most likely someone who'll work in with you and help out.

give Woes a free membership, maybe he'd actually go to the gym then

Not LOCAL tbh, but yeah a lads gym would be good.

Absolute scoob

Felt so strongly you had to repeat yourself lad?

*Recognises the People's Republic of China, a nation formed by invading territory lawfully owned by the Republic of China*

Yeah, black and gold looks good. Peter Hitchens talked about how beautiful London looked in the 1960s, when it was still dyed black by pollution. It had a sense of grandeur, he said.

Leave this place.
>Five mosques had their windows smashed on Thursday and a 34-year-old man from Perry Barr has handed himself into a police station.
Based state actors encouraging false flags.
>A 38-year-old man from Yardley was arrested earlier after being detained by members of the community.
Based mozzie lynch mobs carrying out their own justice before throwing him out of the back of a van outside the police station.

Retaking are rightful clay gets more appealing by the day.

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Mobile posting is fucked apparently

Fresh Chink industrial accidents

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They should've known not to stand next to a set of windows while watching an explosion. Mandarin is an efficient language, so it would be easy to communicate that fact in a few syllables.

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Alright lads just got back from yeshiva. What did I miss?

Chinks can never get it right.

Attached: opening the gate to hell.webm (600x360, 2.13M)

Yeah I'm trying 😤 also I'm literally a healthy normal weight for my height and age. My knees work too lad.

Not what I experienced in my old gym but fair enough I should give it another go you're right.

Teach me your ways lid


dont mind the hijab solidarity thing tbh, even if it is for a stupid memi i like head scarves on lasses tbh, could make it more LOCAL though instead of furrin scarves

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Oh this was fucking brilliant, I remember people on the internet were saying in was a missile strike or the one where they drop a rod of tungsten from orbit kek

jesus christ

Their health & safety policy is really primitive smh.

Attached: Spi ning Dumpling.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

fucking hell, what chemicals were they making?!

Our tradition is hats, I think. Maybe the Catholics were different.

fuck wrong vid haha

Attached: Chinese Worker Sucked Into Machine and Spun Round and Round – Best Gore.mp4 (480x480, 1.18M)

Raised a brow at that one tbh lad

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If they spoke Mandarin, they wouldn't be working in a factory tbh.

top fucking kek what the fuck

Utterly useless.

Attached: Batsu 1.webm (640x360, 6.15M)

jesus wow. saw one the other day where a guy opens the side door of a truck and coal falls out and knocks him on his arse, then he can't escape as coal slowly falls out of the truck and he's covered completely and dies. grim

lad, why do you even have that on your comp?

i think hats are a fairly modern late 19th early 20th century thing, bonnets are the way tbh

Sad to think just how many cases like that must've happened in Victorian Britain, tbh

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Rare batsus go at a premium lad

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Good ,lad.

ammonium nitrate. 800 tonnes of it went up in smoke.



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kek'd hard. I've lost every scrap of empathy


Thats just autism

is he gonna be okay?

Isn't this just the average imageboard user?

I'm sure he'll walk it off like a man.


maybe, if the average imageboard user is autistic.


Back him for the limbo competition

Lots of child labour injuries too

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there you go then

ouch it actually took a piece out of him

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and autism isn't an illness, it's a disability
okay, thankyou

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