Brit/pol/ #2722: Night Shift Edition

Dayfags add links please

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Terrible edition

good lad

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kek don't worry lad it doesn't work, sounds about right though… there was just an article with a video a while back of that contrapoints tranny talking about how he deradicalises alt-righters, and then this video comes out and he says he was deradicalised by the tranny I believe. At least the comments suggest that. They also suggest Destiny. Seriously if you deradicalised by a cunt like Destiny you are fucked up. He says really nasty shit. Nonce apologist, would be violent to political opponents etc.

horribly depressing tbh

No lad, it reads Night Shift Edition

You don't recognise the existence of these other lads?

Are you real?

why is trannyism a thing rn? why is everything so mf gay rn? so sick of gays, its disgusting. whenever I take a fat shite I think about how disgusting fags are they literally eat shite

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yeah haha, awful that is

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The awful thing is he gets away with it and gets support from people.

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You should think about ways to kidnap shylass instead tbh.

still makes me kind of phase out of my own body when I start thinking about them will be putting wombs in men again any moment now.

smh forgot what that felt like. Then again I guess I looked the same way at them so maybe they were just mirroring.

dont worry, the whole of left youtube is heavily astroturfed that tranny is funded by big money and so are those disgusting rats on chapotraphouse, none of it is organic

As I said there in the last thread, it's obvious to me the guy is full of shit and it's a ruse for propaganda and followers. How the fuck could Destiny pull anyone out of being an ethno-nationalist ffs. He told his story exactly like a leftist would if he had to do a fake article on a kid leaving the alt-right to find 'empathy' and 'compassion'. Load o fbollocks

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yeah I know that feeling, its like your soul wants to jump out of this material world. its so incredibly, so utterly and insanely fucking fucked rn

yeah sounds fake. Empathy would mean understanding whites.

yep, sure is white in here.

congratulation, you are just like a woman

free us from this


Zardoz got it half right smh

how so , lad?

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Right about the gun purifying, right about the penis being evil when used willy nilly tbh.

I guess if the penis is used for recreational sex with strangers


death to wiggers tbqh

the movie zardoz is about zed the king of the exterminators sneaking into the unnatural world of the people who live forever in total luxury ( modern society allegory) and destroying it to end their suffering (boredom) so they can live natural lives

if i get memi banned again, there's nobody to appeal to now. The end is nigh. It's just a matter of time.

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lad you will learn the rules of the night shift

that is a cool idea, i've been meaning to watch it for years, but i never really watch films anymore. i want to watch that dr zhigavo or w/e it was called too.

watched a prison nazi film recently, it was surprisingly good. I expected them to portray nazis in a cringey way but there was really no actual nazi/racism stuff in it beyond prison tribalism. It showed the brutality and and corruption on prisons more than anything else. Hilarious thing was all the obvious 56%ers they tried to pass off as white though. Think pic related was the only actually white person in the film keeeeeeeek

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this short clip had me laughing tbh

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yeah that movie was good ripper and the beast, redwood and bottles were white, shotgun was clearly a heeb actor.


Shotgun had those big southern native American ears tbh. He does the acting of somebody untrustworthy really well, was the same way in the Walking Dead. If anything it was refreshing for them not to talk cringey racist nazi stuff. Really liked the scene where Money holds a knife to the new kid's belly after the diner scene. Had some tense moments, some stuff was unbelievable but it's a film tbh

Think that is my own fault though tbh, a lot of hunters in Norway, deep down I just prefer being alone most of the time.

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ooof that's fresh

I need her tbh

her number and address tbh

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arent you supposed to be toiling

even I have one day weekend, lad

Lad, why are you watching gay porn?

It's okay, lad, it's esoteric

are you even Norwegian

Why, lad?

don't talk about it it hurts Steiner smh

I dont know thats why

the state of my fellow peers at /newbrit/ smh(that's spig). Yes, that is a he.

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Oh. yes, I am.

better than this place

Damn. At least you got quads.

why the fuck are you here then

the quads of truth

I like it here.

Lads, this scoobydoo is ridiculous
Anyone with half a brain watching him would know it's bullshit

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When he starts crying it becomes really obvious.


Yeah, there's so many bits throughout that make it obvious

you have to go back


how was I supposed to know? guess if she doesn't have a DD+ rack then you have to assume she's tucking away a benis someplace nowadays

Let's hope the bullies don't take his daughter away. Madlad actually did it.

But I am in Norway

True, some will tell you you can tell by other factors but it isn't always obvious. So fair, at least you disavowed after becoming aware. Unlike certain homos. smh

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lad no

why not?

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also kill yourself spic you fucking faggot

lad, do a single draw in the lottery and see what happens

just funnel your semen into a syringe and inject the contents into condom wrappers at a convenience store, lad

could always rape I guess

how come

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why do you think ;ad

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lack of socialisation and low confidence I guess. Not really something that makes it impossible of course.


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he's like 30 y/o KHV, wizard powers kickin' in soon

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it's funny how different race's women are a reflection of the men that bred them. Brown women seem to just be THICC tits and ass girls, while white women seem to have been bred to be proper companions although that companionship is to juden nowadays unfortunately.

please kys, i remember dealing with all the low IQ lads that fingered pussy in like year 5. That was you i think.

cruel tbh

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was all downhill from there except from touching boobs and arse at age 12 tho

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its always reversed in the worst way, the lads who dont deserve the girls get them and the ones that do dont, fucking enraging

Does mutelass want kids?

pathetic, probably arent even his

I only want to reproduce out of an ideological obligation, I don't actually want to deal with all those responsibilities. I just want female flesh, not to be tied down to a family. maybe I'll change me mind when I'm actually there or when I get older but rn I'm not too keen on it tbh

exactly. that's why I'm attracted to spiccs- I see women as mere pieces of meat, and they're the most tender cuts.

of course I'm attracted to white women too because they actually have high quality genes and are worth breeding

although there is that issue that the US is going venezuela-mode. it might be the best reproductive strategy at this point to breed a 7/8ths white pale spicc chick and have bilingual h'white spic-presenting offspring that wouldn't get genocided with the rest of the whites. could actually have a large litter that wouldn't get cannibalized by subhumans and they'd be high IQ and on the generally top of the new "americano" (with squiggly on n) society

I didn't get around to puss puss til I was 15

ayy we've got a chad here

they look like him and my mum tbh

It really is you

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yeah he really is distinct isn't he. Can't read his posts when he gets like this smh.

You had your fun, spig, it is time to go back.

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wish I was still a virgin tbh, why are women such slags it makes me sick even the "quiet shy" girls are total fucking slags

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