Brit/pol/ #2723: Suez Edition

Legal experts say censorship on gunman's manifesto went too far

Fury as Twitter and YouTube promote 'Wales-based' neo-Nazi 'Radio Aryan' station that defended the New Zealand mosque gunman's hate-filled views

Identitarianism: The Inherently Dangerous Ideology that Influenced the Christchurch Killer

Newsagent worker is stabbed to death 'in a robbery at his shop' in 'safe' Pinner and six more people are knifed in yet another night of bloodshed in London

Terrorism fears as 3,000 UK children a year go to 'jihadi' schools in Pakistan, secret government report reveals

Scale of planned ISIS attacks in Europe 'revealed' in seized documents

Baby boy dies after parents ‘circumcise him at home’

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wew that was close

good lad

mike dangleberry is "LITERALLY SHAKING" rn

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blocked, what's he saying

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lel, the fucker calls for violence all the time and then runs off squealing when people look towards him.

open incognito you lazy nigger

God bless are Liz

She should be at home on her back making anglo babbies and not trouble herself with the plight of the country.

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would tbh

ree where is the full mueller txt??

disgusting, should not be anywhere near any level of power


Womp womp

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yawn honestly

For her

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what's this face?

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Quick rundown.

so the summary of the mueller thing is they found nothing

I love her

He has left it too late for estrogen injections.

No Yank colluded in either hacking or influening election on behalf, also no Obstruction

Honorary Anglo


lol shillary tards on suicide watch
but Drumpf is still a retard


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kek at him keeping eye contact tbh

Is this the one in which Zig Forums user made up stories about Trump pissing on prostitutes in a Russian hotel?


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lel the guy on the right

Surrey 'terror attack' suspect shouted 'I'm going to kill Muslims' before stabbing teenager, court hears


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honestly pathetic

Israel is they only country that constantly interferes in US elections
Benjamin Netanyahu visits US in defiance of Obama and gives a speech to Congress
Fucking unheard of and obvious who controls the US

Do they actually mention chans in the report?


Bulgarians eternally btfo'd
also that guy looks daft as fuck lol

Lad, Kwasi Kwarteng blacked her

nobody knows, the shots are the short version of the report

Steele dossier, not sure if that was chans but it was made up and they knew it, but went ahead and got a FISA warrant to tap a sitting Presidents peoples phones

If they yanks were smart they'd burn down the congressional building while it was in session.

She wasn't the only one either

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I remember someone on Zig Forums posting the evidence that it was him.

oh no no no nooooooo AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

absolute STATE of NA

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such a fucking embarassment honestly I would be ashamed if I was american at how zog their country is, the founding fathers would kill themselves tbh

Of course lad everyone knows you can de-radicalise yourself by watching a contrapoints video

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could be a turkish muslim one tbh

>Man driven mad by neverending immigration loses it

This line is going to backfire so hard into the faces of these shitlibs it will make us laugh for
One can not simply manufacture lies and expect to keep winning XDD

Anglo supremacy tbh

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this tbh

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Think the founding fathers would have lit Congress up themselves

Mehdi always seems to be on edge tbh like he's on drugs. Interesting to note that everyone in the media has forgotten about vid related as well

slag tbh

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so basically if they wanted they can proscribe any hunting/shooting rang group as a terrorist organisation?

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We already knew that, thanks.

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except in that video people are literally nit picking her having bags and pimples like a bunch of fucking queers

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let him in

Bring back our boys

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Prisoners in the levant need healthcare too.

my orbital sides
also: daily reminder NA was a honeypot from the start


Tbf that's the type of thing boomer police would glean through questioning and boomer lawyers would instruct their clients to say.

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seriously, everyone who wants to spot a honeypot just needs to look at the animal rights shit from 2002-2010 period when it got utterly btfo'd
around 2006 sort of time, the shit they were getting away with got real suspicious, then around 2009 it turned out their operations had long been subverted and operated as honeypots
not an animal rights tard, just studied what happened to them

the boomer police are so incompetent its a surprise anything gets done tbqh

you can look at NA and it followed a similar trajectory

As did every tree hugger group. The spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) were fucking nearly married to some of them ffs

spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are easy as fuck to spot tbh dont know how people dont spot them, is it just that most people are mongs

only with NA there were goals other than shutting the shit down, they wanted to be able to say "look at teh ebil right wing terrorists" and shit like that


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tbh I genuinely think that NA were shut down early as the daft tards who fell for the obvious honeypot were too retarded to pull off any actual serious attack that could be used as a pretext to shut down the likes of FLA etc.

they were a HNH honeypot not a police one the police are too busy with the muzzies and dont give a shit abotu whites unless HNH and the politicians kvetch enough about it

gee I wonder why

spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) everywhere

I remember anons on Twitter warning me about NA in DMs, while NA was trying to recruit me.

the media tried to claim that was russian propaganda a few weeks ago lmao

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tell it to SA

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I know lol
Meanwhile a real former British spy coordinated an attack on Trump, conspiring to release false documents about him, and undermine his candidacy
The yank media and Democratic Party were in on it
Apart from Israeli interference this was proven foreign interference. Total silence practically

All far right movements are compromised. It was the same with football hooligan groups.
A far right group who hasn't got a mole or two is as rare as a scoobydoo with phimosis.

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kek reddit right now
the absolute state of the murimutts arguing over drumpf

dont go here lads, its just loli/otter porn

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Got any sex tips for me lad?

Drivers who took part in pro-Brexit 'go-slow' protest that caused motorway chaos at rush hour will be prosecuted by police for 'inconsiderate driving'

the absolute state of furries

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What about the 6 million protesters who brought the capital to a stand still?

About a knuckle and a half deep using 3 fingers and aim for the ceiling with a tickle.

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