Brit/pol/ #2725: Peaceful Nights Edition

Theresa May is a chicken who's bottled Brexit, the only way forward is to come out of the EU now

Drivers who took part in pro-Brexit 'go-slow' protest that caused motorway chaos at rush hour will be prosecuted by police for 'inconsiderate driving'

Brexit petition to revoke article 50 exceeds 5m signatures

Labour MP calls for ‘robust action’ against neo-Nazi radio station broadcasting in UK

Legal experts say censorship on gunman's manifesto went too far

New Zealand isn't just BANNING the shooter's manifesto. They're SELLING it

Identitarianism: The Inherently Dangerous Ideology that Influenced the Christchurch Killer

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How could May dissolve Parliament for a few weeks to force a no deal? Calling a vote of no confidence in herself and whipping her own MPs to vote for it?

Better version of that clip. Used Handbrake for this one

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good lad let's all breathe from the centre of our beings

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for him

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apparently verne troyer had a huge benis as well

didn't know she was still a MP tbh

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I hope none of you lads are obsessing or brooding over each perceived humiliation you encounter.

Why are the goths so fucking based?

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Throughout the day, my mind continually cycles over embarrassing incidents from throughout the course of my life.

poor lass

imagine the smell


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It's why ((( they ))) destroyed the sub-culture.

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im afraid her dad's fucked either way

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Thanks lad it's good to keep everything in balance

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The Kaaba is a creepy building. So cultic.

I miss goths, they were good people. goth lasses were generally good lasses

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They are all Saturn worshippers, lad.

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They still exist lad. I used to date one, best lass I've ever been with until she left me last year

They're all very very submissive too, politically, socially, and sexually.

Smh, I don't get the occult obsession with Saturn. Is it literally a wordplay with Satan? I think so tbh

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literally played wow private servers and other mmos for years and played with 5 women

none of them were ever raid leads

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Gaming is as male as fan fiction is female.


It's the question I have been asking for many years. I can only assume that Saturn is the equivalent to the Demiurge of the material realm.

Why are cybergoths such an absolute fucking state?

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don't @ me

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The worms will live in every host
It's hard to pick which one they eat the most
The horrible people, the horrible people
It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away

was marilyn manson /ourguy/ all along?

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Don't trust him tbh

Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El

god i want a GE so bad rn

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you tell me

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So Saturn is effectively YHVH?

daily reminder that she was nonced by heebs and kept as a drugged out MK slave by them and then killed with pills by a jealous slave owner. she is from the same ethnic background as me and is the 1960s version of lindsay lohan who is another lass who was sex slave of the heebs

lern 2 reed gud

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The Amendment

Literally a commie scoobydoo

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Its late lad smh


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Pretty much

Hollywood is Babylon, trading in the souls of men

I thought he meant Marilyn Monroe was a nazi tbh

rude tbh

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pretty sure he was just an edgelord for the shekels lad

tfw no german goth annorexic dancer gf

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And thats enough internet for me, night lads.

What happened to her, lad?

When brit/pol/ comes to power can we give ourselves all goth gfs?

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cuck shed live

good post lad

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Ranting about scoobs

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The poz hit hard
too many Breitshart facials

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Good evening lads, just work up.

I'd imagine that would work like a moisturiser

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this chat is comfy



Good evening. Are you Australian or a NEET?

Which one of you is this kek

She was always a bit soft. I've been gone for a while. You didn't really answer my question.

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I'm a bong with a bad sleep schedule lad, not a NEET.

Best wishes on getting out of that.

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Good lad a true toilman never gets adequate rest

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Why does every shop in brixton cater to these people? I've never seen so many gimpsuits and glow sticks in my life (as when I went to brixton about 12 years ago).

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Nectar tbqh, and Sarg'n becomes PM.

Then the House of Gammons will finally have the figure it deserves

What is this william post about? people's vote marcher?


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Yeah. He's arguing against the idea that there were fewer than 6 million people in hell on saturday.

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