Not any of the posters in that conversation, but I disagree with marxists that people can only be motivated by financial gain. There are spiritual motivations that people can possibly have too, which enables people to shun material gain in favor of spiritual health.
many reasons communist and socialist states fail (ie not "real" communism) is because the leadership is corrupted by money. Once they have cash in their pockets and power, why the fuck would they give that up just to help you? This is a point I've never seen truly addressed by other leftists, that the impulse to defect is simply true strong for someone not spiritually motivated by a higher purpose. One example would be the DSA, would stole $200k of its members' money. The money was raised for the charlottesville victims, but oops turns out we can't distribute the money, looks like we're keeping the $200,000! No refunds of course.
Spiritual motivation, however, gives humanity the strength to overcome greedy and selfserving actions. As soon as communist leaders have wealth and power, what solidarity do they have left with the working class? Zero. I'll give you an example of what happened to me. Tail light was out, cop pulled me over. Instead of giving me a ticket, he just let me know that I had to get it replaced. He could have fucked me over for financial gain, but he believed in the higher purpose of the safety of the public, not nickel and diming citizens.
Obviously not all cops are like this, but if a policeman only has financial motives, then what's stopping him from fining me up the ass? If I ever mention morality, ethics, or solidarity beyond class, all I get is a bunch of Stirner reaction images, but I never see any real revolutions coming from the left. Every revolution you see is inherently nationalist, which most leftists are opposed to. The working class is often concerned with family values, religiosity/spirituality, and making a better society for their nation. Call all of those things spooks if you want, it doesn't change that any workers' revolution will inevitably be 'fascist'. The Frankfurt school realized this, and decided that any revolution that would be leftwing requires elites and capitalists to fund it.
I would cite recent protests and riots in France, where the workers were paying an absurdly high gas tax while getting nothing in return from their police state government. Instead, the welfare was going to migrants who weren't working. I'll get some shit for this but, a true revolution requires fascists and communists to transcend their minor differences and work as one. Hitler himself was a communist, but converted to fascism after spying on the nazi's and converting to nazism himself. He also pulled the communists over to his side as well.