Book Club

This board needs to read more, and something besides a low traffic sticky is needed. To this end I think we need to revive the Zig Forums reading group, this time without titofag being the only guy who read anything. We can start off with some basic texts of anarchism and marxism, then move on to more specfic stuff.

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in hindsight, What is Property was not the best of books to pick as the second one, considering its long, arduous and not very relevant to us due to its liberal-idealist perspective. interesting in its own way, though.
if that one person who wanted my notes is still around, I'm sorry to tell that it's going to take a long long while for me to finish, prob early next year at the earliest sorry
maybe some entry-level book on anarchism would be a good place to start this time.

How about Bakunin?

I nominate The Ego and It's Own, since we have so many people misusing the term "spook."

Didn't even notice it was a get.
Yeah, recommending that was a mistake on my part as Proudhon isn't relevant to current anarchists, who significantly broke with Proudhon by the time Bakunin was the face of anarchism.

While Bakunin is under read to an unfortunate extent, not enough of his short work has been translated to english and the more relevant things are pretty long. Malatesta has some good and short stuff and is also under read, so initially I'd gravitate towards his work.

This and Stirner's critics should be read by anyone before they say spook.

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How about some Kropotkin? I’ve read the Conquest of Bread but wouldn’t mind doing it again. I haven’t read anything else by him

ignore shitposting flag

Anti-civilization reading list (in order):
❥ Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord,
❥ Future Primitive by John Zerzan,
❥ Elements of Refusal by John Zerzan,
❥ Running on Emptiness by John Zerzan,
❥ Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! by Fredy Perlman,
❥ Walden; or, Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau,
❥ other works by John Zerzan (especially the ones on postmodernism and symbolic culture),
❥ to laugh at, Ted Kaczynski's works (preferably Technological Slavery).

How is that anti-civ?
I've been meaning to read Against His-story… for a long time now, if you are doing that I'll join.

I read 4 chapters and that's it… it's a tad bit too long (and I have little time), though it's actually very very interesting and beautifully written. Fredy Perlman sure knows how to write.
As to Society of the Spectacle, it's a critique of mediation, which I treat as an introduction to the rather extremist and experimental branches of civilization critique (critique of language, art, etc.)