Stacey Dooley splits from her boyfriend
Brexit cancelled
Council tax rises
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Stacey Dooley splits from her boyfriend
Brexit cancelled
Council tax rises
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RT documentary - Hikikomori Loveless
I’ve just realised that I lived as a hikkomori for two years during my PhD. Shut in my room, chans, and latex editor. Going out only for food shopping and church.
Mornin' lids
Good morning! What's for breakfast?
I'm an incel
just had a bath nic en clean and fresh with fresh comfy clothes on, still ugly tho kek
Are you me? I've had a shower and changed clothes, even made my bed.
so how's Brexit going?
When he was a toddler, Brexit's father ran away from home
find yourself a lass, and get fiy
what is that
first girl for incels
Seriously though it's not going well
Parliament have betrayed the people and it's not fir for purpose
If millions don't bring the country to a halt and turn up outside Parliament on Friday, they'll turn round and say Brexit has lost support
Voting Yesterday gave no clear indication of anything. Parliament sits again on Friday and there will be more voting on Monday
Mp's last night rejected ALL the Indicative votes - whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
Boris, Javid, and Rees Mogg are traitoring hard
We are now at Code Banana
see and then my replies
Incels need to get a bit fit and then get a 2/10 lass for their first one.
Honestly don't know what the likes of Mogg expected
pussy honestly any tory is a traitor
Why not?
That thing is mank
find a better 2/10
The statutory instrument proposing a new exit day for the UK to leave the EU passed as well. HoC voted 441 to 105 in favour. This amends the definition of “exit day” to ensure it is 22 May or 12 April depending if the Commons approves the NEW treaty with no exit clause this time Withdrawal Agreement.
So, are we leaving tomorrow or not?
because fuck you thats why
The people were clear about what they wanted, Parliament are not
Politicians are solely responsible for radicalising people
Not unless people turn up and lynch the lot of them. They're using tactics to try and exhaust the people and bully them into accepting enslavement to foreign bodies and powers
If I see any EU flag or emblem after 11pm tomorrow I will destroy it Simple as.
you all know what needs to be done
h8 that expression
my first object of wrath
The arrogance of these bastards.
most of the mare unironically brainlets if you actually listen to them talk esp the women I'd say about 20% are actually above average intelligence the rest are basically there to fill the gaps
Zig Forums btfo
Newly Uncovered Clinton Email Exchange Describes Plan To Thwart U.S. 'scoobydooish Leadership'
"The bad cop must be a political appointee, scoobydooish, considered the true friend of Israel…"
Here's the bad news as I understand it
Indicative votes are designed to be asked several times. They are working by process of elimination, keeping the most popular, until one is left meaning the House has "voted" for it.
None of their votes are binding BUT whilst only indicative, a positive result would turn it into a requirement? and legislation would have to be passed?
Is this right?
Seems to me to be all very murky underhanded "legalese" and tactics employed by Remainers to fuck everything up
Bercow should be dismissed
500 Mp's should be dismissed.
then we have to start on the Lords
You can see the joy he takes in trying to fuck everything up. He probably thinks he's being very clever.
All the appointees under new labour can go as a first step to cleaning out the House of Lords.
Isn't he supposed to be completely impartial and apolitical in his position?
All of them, and then all the lords.
solid amounts of the civil servants as well
Wasn't one of these freaks publicly outed as a sex offender and they hadn't announced it when they went to do this story time shite?
Set up gallows in Parliament Square tbh, make it a public spectacle.
My man on the inside of the civil service tells me about how corrupt and broken the whole thing is. It's mostly filled with Marxist university graduates. If you wonder where people with the truly useless degrees go to work: the civil service. They were out in force marching with the peoples vote march despite being told to be a-political.
he's a sly cunt who shouldn't even hold this position being a foreigner and manlet
Maybe he's the one that wrote that article in the independent I think it was.
I talked with a cabinet level civil servant in 2017. Told me that there were no Brexiters there. He could not shut up about Brexit and Trump throughout the entire dinner.
Apparently they were shitting themselves over Brexit because it means the EU won't be doing all their work from now on.
Was he happy that the entire establishment was like that?
He told me that his goal and a goal of everyone he knows in civil service is to stop the brexit train. I pretended to be a remainer, so he can open up and spill the beans.
Yeah! They should ban the NSDAP tbh, then they'll never become popular
Thank you based Remainers.
I doubt anything will come from it, you can't exactly proscribe a group because they got a random donation from someone who later on went off to kill a bunch of people.
this is a completely incorrect statement he even says so in his manifesto, hows is the bbc allowed to print such shite
I could wile away the hours, conferin' with the flowers, consulting with the rain
in my head i'd be scratchin' while my thoughts were busy hatchin'
What a joke.
always easier to think when you keep your body busy innit
tfw white europeans are so dominant on this planet we assimilate our ancient racial enemies into self castrating eunuchs
the bbc should be fucking burnt to the ground in minecraft tbh
*maenadically invades your mythos*
Do they actually present the data?
course not goy you don't need to see the data
Sounds cooler than NEET
I am Hikkomori, samurai of the chan clan
Because the manifesto is banned and so they can say anything they like.
dishonest cunts
Devious isnt it.
Shit is so predictable nowadays I want to scream, literally every male I see under the age of 25 with a gf basically fit the same physical profile, 6ft or taller plus strong jawline, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE whats the point in all this "MUH RACE " shite if some of us are literally a subhuman group within the group, the only reason I'm still on this bandwagon at this point is because I take what the scoobydoos are doing to me as a personal slight against me just because Im white and I hate their smugness, other than that I fucking despise women tbh
incels out this is a slag enthusiast board
It's devious in purpose, but the results won't be to their liking. People aren't that stupid, and the government is permanently destroying its credibility this way.
All the Tories had to do was actually deliver Brexit, thus appeasing conservative whites, then quietly continue mass migration until demographics were in their favour. Then they could hold the referendum again, get a sweeping victory, and sit back, their destruction of this nation thus being completed.
In the end, their refusal to bend will cause them to break.
stop lying lad, that manifesto is illegal and no one here has read it, he was literally worse than Hitler because the government said so
The entire thing needs a do-over tbh.
not even an incel tbh just a non chad doomer disgusted at women tbqh
Kinda don't want people like you on our side tbh
Border Force protecting the Nation shocker
another massive ship full of niggers just landed in italy and all of them were let in, for how "based" salvini is he seems to be just as much a traitor as the rest of them
You only see what you're looking for lad, there are plenty of people in happy, healthy relationships outside of the instagram bubble.
The kind of people you're talking about are often the most unhappy and hide behind a thin veneer.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Isaiah fifty-six verse five.
you should delete this file from your computer lad
I've never used instagram so don't push your normie tier shit on me I don't believe what I believe out of ignorance its out of facts, Im prob the youngest here and I assure you this is how it is these days
read the bible and forget about memi normalfag life lad
This, it's all over when you realise most people aren't worth socialising with.
its been this way for a while methinks. instagram definately made it alot worse tbf
I want the entire human race to be extinct tbh, maybe even all life on edge but I'd only support that if it was a guarantee that we all die I don't want the scoobydoos or niggers staying alive while we perish
Times claimed that Brenton Tarrant praised and got his inspiration from Finsbury Mosque Terror Attack.