For shame
France Thread / Gilets Jaunes
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What is there to talk about?
People are mad at fuel prices, so what?
They should be mad at the system instead.
literally a bunch of drones demanding for decreases in the price of FOSSIL FUELS in [this current year] but LARPing as jacobins. The French are famous for protesting even for the smallest things so it's nothing major
This, really. After everything King Jupiter has thrown at them, why was this fuel tax the straw that broke the camel's back, and why now?
Not sure what to think about those riots, seems like almost all the political spectrum is rallying behind the Yellow Jackets.
That's how I saw it at first, but it seems to have evolved beyond the fuel question. It's a general disgust of Macron and his gang at this point.
You niggers are retarded. The first revolution that rejects neoliberalism comes to the West, and the only thing you can say is
Seriously fuck all of you.
lots of brainlet takes ITT
It can be a gateway drug. People are dissatisfied, tell them the reasons why things suck.
Reminder the russian revolution start with anti-war protests, not because russians were "mad at the feudal system", of course people are not already class conscious in a mass movement.
Also I would be glad if someone could post the original english translation of this Lenin quote.
Maricon is a shitlib who made EVERYONE mad except shitlibs.
That guy who wanted to rule like Jupiter finally realises how mortal he is and that shitlib clique finally realises how small they actually are.
And through this others start to realise how little they actually represent the the population.
I mean I guess they would be permitted by a neoliberal regime but then again a traditional liberal capitalist state could also have those as well. Seriously though this whole thing will go nowhere.
It's hard to set things in motion, but once they are, you better stand at the helm. Either you do or Front National will.
And why fuel prices? You may know if you are a wagie. Yeah imagine this, a lot of people need to go to work. If you live in a neoliberal country, you may realise that public transportation got the axe quite a lot when it came to funding. That means you have to sacrifice a lot of your free time and your mobility use something that is completely unreliable. A bad trade however you look at it.
The only option is the car and now they raise the fuel to that. So you have to go, and the corp isn't paying you.
God bless the French and the Walloon. Germans have similar problems but a German once told me that the only time a German goes on the street is if they prohibit beer and football at the same time and even then he was not really sure.
Belgium will show if the Walloon manage to spread their passion to Flanders.
Don't get your hopes up, you'll probably be dissapointed
I didn’t forget I was just reminded in the worst way possible!
I've been a "wagie" for fucking years and I've used a car for less than 90% of those years because I'm not a lazy piece of shit and if I need to use transport, I use it readily.
People who think cars are so necessary are really just lazy cunts (see: obesity in the western world)
You’re an intellectually lazy urbanite if you think everyone lives in a country where they can get by on public transportation alone.
Your right, people in rural areas should just walk 30 miles to their job, lazy proles
Hello planet wreckers :-)
Honestly the retardation has been growing more and more lately. Maybe I’m getting too old for these places
Eat my ass you out of touch liberal.
kys Macron
It’s an anti-ausderity, anti-neoliberal, anti-establishment, and anti-capitalist protests. it dons’t matter where it started it just matters where it’ll end.
In my country, using public transport is considered gambling.
Gambling that niggers won't rob and kill you?
Gambling that train comes on time. Or comes at all.
Missed my exam because of these fucks. Train comes only once an hour and it did not come once but fucking twice and the third came with a huge delay as well
And it were those stupid two and a half wagons, a half, because half of it was reserved for 1st class only, so we basically had 7,5 wagons full of passenger pressed in 2,5 wagons and we picked up even more along the road
This is fucking Germany. Of course no refunds and I had to repeat and entire fucking year because of these assholes. I fucking hate Deutsche Bahn so much
Kinda nice how the first thing that came to your mind was racist bullshit, and not governmental and corporate fuckuppery.
Public transportation everywhere in the United States is mau mau central. Unless you live in a gentrified faggot city like Sam Francisco. Once again, you are an out of touch liberal
We know it's you Macron leave Leftpol
City dwelling liberal detected.
If I take a bus in to work I double my commuting time. I would live closer but of course I cannot afford it because america doesn't believe in affordable housing.
Is it actually that big? The protests against the new labour regulations dragged on for weeks non-stop and the police were begging them to let them rest for a little. Is the media just blowing this up because unlike that, this is not leftist in character?
someone post this to the leftypol thread
The Zig Forums thread had reached its limit. Make a new one.
This is different because rural non-unionized workers and peasants are large chunk of the protests.
Hope the sixth republic will be less shit than the fifth.
Hope the next republic isn't another fucking republic but a real democracy this time.
The term "Mau Mau" means nothing in any language.
It was invented by the British to orientalise and exoticise a national independence movement, and to help portray them as "irrational cultists" to domestic audiences, rather like how Boko Haram* "can't be reasoned with" as they're a "fundamentalist death cult".
Your racist ways are a symptom of the system you were born into, but you've a brain on your shoulders and the biggest knowledge repository the world has ever know at your fingertips; educate yourself comrade.
*I have no idea whether this is true for Boko Haram or not, but historically when the enemy's motivations are explained as "irrational death cult", we're not being told the full story.
Cops attacking kids
It's good to see people saying enough is enough, and disappointing to see certain leftists moaning because it wasn't engineered by their vanguard of choice.
Sorry, man. Been blinded by abilify. Can barely focus on anything. Eating a lot. I thought it was sugar addiction (again) but the vision stuff says drugs. Unless I just got full-on diabeetus, but no, think it's the drugs. I'd post more, but drugs. It's weird. I hope it's the drugs, anyway, you know, so it can end.
Well, there was the, uh… what were they called, Iron Guard? In Hungary, I think?
Lol I live in Atlanta, and even here I've had more actual trouble with the buses just fucking disappearing and never showing when they're supposed to than with any kind of crime. It's mostly just overpriced and under-serving. If it were run purely as a public service rather than contracted to a private company, I wonder if it wouldn't be better. People rely on it to get home and get to work, but it's been all kinds of fucked up lately because whoever's running it doesn't seem to take it seriously as a necessity.
I never worry about crime until I get downtown, but it never materializes. You just get the vibe, and it's not because the people are a certain color - you just get off at a station south of Five Points and there'll be like spare parts lying around or the doors won't open right or something and you know where you are.
The illusion is falling apart
France isn't a shit hole like America and actually reaps the full benefits of being a first world economy. Or i should say…it did
Normies got their first taste of what their actual place is in society without the bells and whistles. They're expected to go to work and do their basic prole shit, but the bourgeois can't even be bothered to think of a way for them to GET to work.
Now just imagine if they had moderators harassing them and dictating their every word whilst probably being a sex offender
Or having half the population just be insufferable cunts hell-bent on climbing their own social hierarchy
Just the fact they can barely scrape by was enough to send a good portion of France into a chimpanzee frenzy. Meanwhile shit is ten times worse in America and at best you get some school shooter
I take back what I said. It's not that there's no revolutionary potential in the first world. Just ameripoop
Man, these drugs the docs prescribed are fucking with my concentration, so woozy, this is all I got from what you wrote, though I'm sure there's more toooo ittttttttgmxfgkj zzzzzzz
That was pathetic. Shoot up heroin and kill yourself larper lol
Stop avatarfagging
It’s funny how much crying there is from Porky about muh poor Arc de Triomphe.
The only form of revolution beneficial to the people is one which destroys the entire State to the roots and exterminated all the state traditions, institutions, and classes […] Our task is terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction.
Yeah, I think we are but I have nowhere to go to.
Lol no I have a real problem I swear it's making my vision blurry and all that shit like when I read your post just now all I got was
Idk what's gotten into me it's so weird and fuzzy
Honest question, did the yellow jackets storm the Bastille yet?
It's just reddit and the heat death of the internet, which is like entropy but everywhere becomes infested with reddit.
Fuck off you crazy nigger. If you think MARTA isnt crime ridden then you are obviously not white.
Probably a mulatto. Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta is super fucking sketchy.
I didn't even say that.
It just has bigger problems when you can wait two hours for a bus and they'll have no explanation for where tf it is.
The poorer side of town is crime ridden. Gunshot ridden, gang ridden, bad drug ridden, etc. College Park is crime ridden. The area around Five Points station (moreso than the station itself) is crime ridden. But I've never been worried north of that, and never been a victim of crime on MARTA at all. There are videos of some guys beating up a trans-girl, violence like that - but you don't see that stuff every day on the train or no one would have given a shit about it. The north side of Atlanta is black dudes in suits, behaving just like white dudes in suits (for better or worse).
I'm not white, in the sense that whiteness is a manufactured identity used to keep proles in check. I'd have to care about being white, and I don't - that's for fags, tbh. Also, you're kind of implying you think most of the whites are on the side of town where most of the crime is. You'd have to be some kind of incredible pussy to ride from Sandy Springs to Arts Center station and be pissing yourself with fear.
people on leftypol are getting banned for supporting the protesters.
Where? when? I’ve been posting in the cyclical there and have seen a lot of anti-smashy / tankie autism but no bans
Moderators are always looking for an excuse to ban people
In all honesty, are burgers physically incapable of talking about anything else politically but themselves?
Well, we do talk about saving the white race a lot.
We don't tolerate that language Around here young man,it alienates our negro comrades.
As a burger who's only visited Europe on one occasion in the mid-2000s, I got the impression of a glorious rail/bus system extending across the countryside. Was my perception distorted by my being a tourist and the near-complete lack of public transport at home?
You weren't deceived, in Europe you have busses going into the most remote corners on the countryside. In fact, if a village isn't connected at all to at least one bus line or train line it is quite a local scandal and talking point in communal politics. The US might be the worst country in regards to public transport in the West, although I heard that Canada is pretty bad as well. Even in countries like Australia with an even lower density you can pretty much take a bus into every city district.
However, neoliberalism and austerity damage public transport here too. In Germany, the train monopoly was transformed from public property into private property with all shares held by the state, now they acting like any capitalist corporation with their CEOs being highly paid posts for ex-politicians. The result is bad service and increase in prices, which results in spending money on fuel being often cheaper than taking a train. You also have the problem with overcrowded trains and low wages in the service sector - to give an example, there are people in the train selling food and beverages, and they all migrants who don't speak any German, they are subcontractors for a service holding being paid in minimum wage. The union of conductors often feels responsible for these people too, so they were striking a few years ago which caused German media to compare the union leader with Hitler.
my god is this the power of internet leftoid politics?
Russia 1917:
I'm not saying this will end in a socialist revolution but no socialist mass movement/revolution has ever started with people spontaneously showing up in the streets, shouting "hey actually we would like to end private property, wage labour, commodity production and the value form and institute cybernetic full communism!". It always starts with unfocused anger about something that immediately affects the working class negtively. The purpose of having a socialist party is to try to take that anger and push it to the left, inject some political awareness/class consciousness and come up with political demands that the angry masses can get behind while also furthering the cause of socialism.
What is the alternative to this? What is the theory of political change implied in your smug ass post? Are you just gonna sit and wait for an ideologically pure protest where people are demanding your special snowflake brand of socialism be implemented? You're gonna have to wait for a very long time.
I think a guy on r/chapotraphouse put it well:
I see you haven't been following the politics of the radical left in the past decade.
SocDems will just condemn the violence and ask for reforms, which won't happen, or smear the protests as right-wing. the PCF is terminally revisionist and won't do anything, the PCF is the French version of the CPUSA. Serious MLs will show up and alienate people with Stalin banners and make everybody look insane. Anarchists will smash some things or straight up side with the state because of "problematic" elements within the protests regarding the use of pronouns or "hierachies". Leftcoms will do nothing as usual and complain about the left-wing of Capital. Trots will sell a few newspapers.
Oh and I forgot: Tankie Twitter will denounce the protests as First Worldist decadence and complain that there are no brown people in the leadership and that a victory will only lead to increased imperialism in Africa or something and we should instead all migrate to the DPRK.
I agree that large parts of the "western left" (put that in quotation marks because so much of western so-called leftism is a subculture and aesthetic, not an actual political movement) are retarded as shit. Obviously this won't go anywhere if the left can't get it's act together but the conditions for a new socialist mass movement to emerge are good (if my understanding of the french situation is correct, I'm not from there).
What I get from this thread and the one in leftypol is that the people here dont really give a fuck about the working class.
This is advanced leftism, not your workerist fair-trade capitalism
Disagree. Frenchies are saying that it is about rejection of refugees. Think about it - cost of living is insane, taxes are high, and (in their perception) foreigners are getting housed and fed for free. This is EXACTLY what the right is saying in the US about globalism and foreign aid. The left has to come to terms with the fact that it has zero politically realistic solutions for the working class. Muh socialism is not a realistic answer. Especially not just because some latina was voted into the House.
Macron said something that he shouldn't have.
Now he's being punished for it.
Remember, nothing is genuine in post-modernism.
In my contacts with some french socialists, everyone from MLs to Anarchists are on the ground in these protests. Maybe it'll fragment as you say, but at the moment the French left is united with the protests.
you should go back tbh, there is dangerous stuff here that will destroy your fragile sanity, like mershy Inspector Gadget porn
oh shit better hop to it, some guy on the internet said to
Go, froggy LARPers, go!
So does anyone have any predictions about how this will turn out?
They dismantled the Bastille over 200 years ago dummy
The french are calling Macron a whore for jewish bankers. God's chosen people aren't happy. Macron said he would send in the army if the police defected too, and now the military is moving in. IT'S HAPPENING
End of the tax hike on fuel.
Promote the transport of goods by rail.
Tax on marine fuel oil and kerosene.
Monthly minimum wage at 1,300 euros net ($1947 CAD per month after taxes).
Indexing of all wages, pensions and allowances to inflation.
Nationalization of the fuel for home heating and electricity sectors.
More progressive income tax (more marginal tax brackets).
The end of the austerity.
No withholding tax.
Restoring the taxes for the ultra-wealthy.
Same social security system for all workers, including the self-employed.
The pension system must remain in solidarity and therefore socialized.
No retirement pension below 1,200 euros ($1797/month CAD).
Increase of disability allowances.
Retirement at age 60, and a right to early retirement at 55 for workers who have worked a hard manual labour job.
Continuation of the Pajemploi help system until the child is 10 years old.
End of outsourcing of work for French corporations.
Limit the number of fixed-term contracts for large companies, replaced with more full time employment.
Maximum salary fixed at 15,000 euros [monthly] ($22469/month, or maximum annual salary of ~$270,000).
Jobs for the unemployed.
Any elected representative will be entitled to the median national salary.
The popular referendum must enter into the Constitution. Creating a readable and effective site, supervised by an independent control body where people can make a proposal for a law. If this bill obtains 700,000 signatures then this bill will have to be discussed, completed and amended by the National Assembly, which will have the obligation, one year to the day after obtaining the 700,000 signatures, to submit it to the vote of all French.
Return to a seven-year term for the President of the Republic.
End of presidential allowances for life.
Proportional voting system.
Elimination of of the Senate.
Accounting of the protest/blank/none of the above ballots.
Promote small businesses in villages and town centers. Stop the construction of large commercial areas around the big cities that kill the small business. More free parking in city centers.
No further privatization of French infrastructure.
Improved funding for the justice system, the police, the gendarmerie and the army.
All the money earned by highway tolls will be used for the maintenance of motorways and roads in France and road safety.
Immediate closure of private trains, post offices, schools and maternity homes.
Maximum 25 students per class for all ages.
Large corporations (McDonald's, Google, Amazon, Carrefour …) pay big [taxes], small businesses (artisans, SMEs) pay small [taxes].
Protect the French industry to prohibit outsourcing.
End of the business tax credit. Use this money for the launch of a French hydrogen car industry.
Eliminate credit card fees for merchants.
Lower employers' charges.
Continue exemption of farm diesel.
Improve the lives of the elderly, by banning exploitation and making money off the elderly.
Substantial boosts in mental health fund.
Prohibition of glyphosate.
Immediate end to temporary foreign worker programs.
Plan for improving insulation of housing (help the environment by helping the household).
Rent control. More low-rent housing (especially for students and precarious workers).
Treat the root causes of forced migration.
Fair treatment of asylum seekers . We owe them housing, security, food and education. Work with the UN to have host camps open in many countries around the world, pending the outcome of the asylum application.
Return of unsuccessful asylum seekers to their country of origin.
Real integration policy is implemented. Living in France means becoming French (French language course, French history course and civic education course with certification at the end of the course).
and people told me there isn't a left/right alliance possible, that it's impossible to convert across the isle
And who made these demands and drew up this list?
police are planning to strike on saturday. Normally riots stop after people get bored, but this shit's heatin' up!
wings of capital that advocate changing anything but the continuity of capitalist dominion.
ok, pass up this revolution with massive control on capitalists and subsidization of the working class. Don't worry one day a 100% pure revolution will come along, I promise ;)
The shitlibs and conserfs fear the leaderless horde, for without leaders, there is no one to be bribed.
And once the masses are agitated, they realise that the only genuine support they received only comes from reddit and they don't amount for shit!
What really angers me is when people defend Macron claiming he’s fighting Fascists. He’s not, he is more of a fascist than Le Pen. He’s empowering the Police to be ruthless thugs, he’s doing massive privatization and austerity, and he praise Pétain a month ago. Macron is a fascist.
It’s more radical that what the protestor’s demands were a few weeks ago. People are radicalizing. Which is important.
The problem with the right is that they think capitalism is good, it's just the Jews™ are corrupting it and putting Whites (like the Koch brothers) at the top of it would automatically fix everything.
The only reason for a left-right alliance would be not because of common ground, but because of the overbearing liberal/centrist presence. It's actually also the hardest to forge out of the possible three due to often detriment positions.
Centre has no problem to side with the right. It's practically interchangable when leftists are in charge in Latin American countries.
A left and centre alliance pans out when the centre loses control of the right (WW2), but even then they sometimes don't (Spanish Civil War).
Do you really think some form of credits isn't going to pop up? Money has existed in practically every civilization, no matter the continent. Money is simply liquid credit for people to use when they barter at markets.
The issue with capitalism is that people who accrue massive amounts of money end up abusing it. The average worker is more or less fine with private property as long as they can afford to feed their family.
Truck drivers won't revolt if they get healthcare, decent housing, and can feed their families.
Some people are smarter than others and will rise in positions of power (such as managers), but the government must force capitalists to subsidize the working class, by extracting their profit and giving it back to workers. This is how you benefit from industry and empower a country, but protect the working class. You can call it state capitalism, but countries that have state capitalism do very well and have happy workers.
I doubt that the cited list of demands represent the entirety of this insurrectional effort. Not discounting the movement but the list falls painfully short of 'revolutionary'.
Yes and this struggle bears the essential characteristics of the international class struggle at its heart but if it fails to recognize and assume a truly revolutionary and global character then it is doomed to recuperation.
Saturday is going to be crazy. This article says that 89,000 members of “the forces of order” are going to be deployed on Saturday, of which 8,000 will be in Paris, including the entire gendarmerie and armored vehicles. The prime minister is promising “special means” for this date too. I’m not very good at French but that’s all I could pull out of the article, maybe some native-speakers could give us some more details on what the GJs and unions are planning on doing that day. I don’t want people to die but if we were to get a “Blood Sunday” like Russia in 1905, it will be Saturday.
Anything I’m missing, Frenchbros?
They're doing more than Americans are.
Man the US exported that Jordan Peterson Mccarthy cold war propaganda bullshit to France too?
Hope we get to the part where macron flees the country and they declare the French Commune. I'd be out in the streets if I was French, good luck frogbros.