Brit/pol/ #2739: The Daftyism Rises Edition

Devices planted by pro-Brexit supporters to sabotage rail network prompts police investigation

EU sends warning Gibraltar is considered ‘a colony’ of UK despite MEP's refusal

Corbyn: Very happy to meet May on Brexit

Trump says he WILL close the U.S.-Mexico border if 'Democrats' won't make an immigration deal - and says he wants to 'get rid of judges' as he rips catch and release

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Other urls found in this thread:

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womp womp

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link, lad?

The ones who aren't willing to waste their life with single mums? kek
Fuck em


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Part of me feels sorry for them because they fell for all this modern shit, but then you remember they act like such arrogant cows that you just think sod them.

Wasn't there an almost identical article a few months back with basically the same description.

hate him


Sound like their favorite wine.

she's a minging literal whore, lad

bring back wellington

When was the last time the Conservative party had a good leader?

topjej it's another "live, laugh, love", do they think these things are actually witty?

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I love a sassy girl me, keeps me on me toes

*winks at you from across the bar*

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I already want to be back in the kitchen tbh.

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Thanks State Agent

Most men that age, if single, solvent and not sad cases aren't about to settle for that shite in a bucket

if i'd bedded that Nepalese girl that wanted me 10 years ago, i would have a qt daughter of farm labour age by now. smh, that was my best hope but it seemed beneath me at the time. pic related was me.

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Mutelass used to be a lesbian up until a year ago, her ex was a girl and she really really likes me only as a friend

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Anyone got the tweet from brew? It's been great watching these lot shit themselves over people not liking their retarded hero.

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lucky lad, was that really your kitchen you posted a few months ago? it was really comfy looking i remember.

looks like he's turned UKIP now lad

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I really like this image

what an awful end to an arc. At least it's over. fucking hell

yeah that's sure what your last tweet looked like william


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he's just a massive twat tbh

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How's it been going lad?

Fucking ridiculous.


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Harry Potter books burned by Polish priests
Catholic priests in northern Poland have burned books they consider to be sacrilegious, including ones from the Harry Potter boy wizard series

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It hurts less if you convince yourself it's because of their reg.

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He follows in the good Catholic footsteps of the humanists who absorbed themselves in the classics and advocated for Church reform. Yet when Luther started the Reformation they got quite upset with him, for he wasn't doing nothing like them.

Got promoted from Kitchen Porter to Commis Chef in one seven hour shift.

fuck off lad

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He just jumps on whatever's going around for (you)s

tbf it's hard to tell with him when he hides under a billion layers of "irony".

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these are mi5 psykers

Really did they check your work history or what?

fucking nice one lad

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JK Rowling to reveal more gay characters in retaliation.

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were they polite enough to use the foie gras to lube you?

fucking hell

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Turns out a lot of what I was doing in small kitchens as a porter was what commis do in larger kitchens.

this one is strange though. It's like he's trying to be edgy and ironic - trying - but just doesn't understand the mentality outside of rich, middle-class twats

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salisbury should've been directing foreign policy tbh

Good lad, you deserved it tbh

Did anyone keep the dox photo of him?

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why didnt we intervene on the side of the confederacy and with russia in the crimean war smdh

I used to know a lad who knew brew, apparently he plays rugby and just wants to divide people for fun.

Tell her "Plato was wrong about friendships." Then walk away and find someone else lad.

Sounds like bollocks, but nice try Brew.

why didn't she just say?

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I wish.

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no lad, apparently he's a william that plays union

My dad went to school with nige

kinda figured that out already tbf

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Mine went to school with David Dimbleby

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my dad was his chief mechanic

My dad went to school with Wet Wet Wet

God what an uppity arrogant twat.

What's an Indian William called?

Shows he's not a reporter but a government mouthpiece, if normies can't see that already



Gandhi was a william tbf

My dad went to school with Nintendo tbh

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Comments on the Mail, were all supportive of the bloke and called Sky News as a pro-EU mouth piece.

Get out

Surprised he didn't mention that woman who's name escapes me now.

Not that they're any good, but, surely they recognise their own biases.


Now all i need to do to complete the gimmick stealing is find myself a mentally ill deaf blind Vietnigger and we're good to go

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ye, ye i am le boomer hue hue hue

Mayan Die Hard

Quadrapalegic lass is coming over tonight lads, gonna oil up her stumps. She's not really that into able bodied so taking it slow.


Mute lass is mentally ill tbh, she's got OCD and all kinds of anxiety issues
So am I mentally ill tbh

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I'll be dealing with debtlass tomorrow night. Might get a little rowdy.

good lad

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maybe I should do a church girl one

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I love her lads, look at her bushy hair


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Tbh I think she's holding out for her ex she said she's not completely over her

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Mine went with a bag of glue and ranger boots

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bit gay them boots la

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