Brit/pol/ #2740: Spies Edition

Juncker: 12th of April is the final date for possible Withdrawal Agreement approval

EU waives visas for Brits despite Gibraltar row

Colchester Paras filmed shooting picture of Jeremy Corbyn

A Canadian 'gender therapy' doctor, who transitions children as young as two years old, is caught on tape advising children to threaten suicide in order to get hormone changing drugs

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fixed tbh

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Fresh Kent Survival


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He had to add a good non-white(non-scoobydooish) or it'd look pretty bad for the case he's making. Hilarious either way because if you look at humanity as a whole the atrocities committed aren't really any better than muh nazis. And how do you even compare Drumpf and Brexit to the holocaust? keeeeek

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yeah and wanking prevents cancer

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Guess I'll have to make her sip from the turkey baster when she isn't ovulating

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Getting head is now a net benefit.

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Soldiers based in Kabul appear to be using poster of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for target practice.

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t. Bush Poster

Poor show lads.
Poor show.

posting has been fucked for a while tbf

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New threads take like 10 minutes to post for some reason.

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You can only access fresh-posted threads from within the mod sys, or you have to wait about half an hour

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hullo yes, new Joe, but it's purely local drama and not very interesting.

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if there's no Brexit what is the plan B ?

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Lads, when is Sir Mosely coming back?


rats are a euphemism. once you achieve rat free streets you have already gained the respectability to get rid of the other rat infestation

This brainlet level of political discourse is legit going to kill me.

He just got voted into the House of Lords lad.

I vote Para tbh. Fuck the Pope and the IRA

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It's not even a euphenism, we import third-worlders we import third-world conditions, I can guarantee that at least 80% of the rat problem Joe is talking about is down to furriners.

Since words have no meaning anymore I'm just going to call everyone Trotskyites.


Fuck off Trotskyite cunt

Food wars

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sadly this breaks it for me

this is actually true, swallowing your husbands cum also increases the chance of actually getting pregnant

Jesus they're going all out with project fear

So the most fertile women are the ones with the reddest knees?


Project Pasty

Absolutely shocking

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Sometimes not sure why I bother being a nationalist when the people I want to save not only don't want to be saved but deserve to be wiped out

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wax bullets apparently
idk but that seems to me that they would be pretty inaccurate

Why is this even a thing.

last time i went to france they were making you throw away fresh food brought with you anyway so whats the difference

This is my conundrum tbh

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Never change Bush, never change
nice twitter account you got lad

those are the ones who will be thrown into the lava in minecraft lad just remember you are saving your family and your own people and also its pathetic to sit and allow scoobydoos and ethnics and white traitors to do this to you

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they do in the US and Australia/NZ

don't like forrin muck lad

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absolutely brutal rejection

dont remember us ever using wax head training rounds, i know the yanks used them at one point but if the accuracy is that much of a difference to a standard round they are useless as a training aid

Yeah but it doesn't make any sense.
>"oh no they won't let me take pork pies to Poland better cancel Brexit then!"


No Deal has just been defeated


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Is marxism actually trending? Also, who the fuck gives a shit about twitter? (other than gaming journalists)

think ill just stick to holidays in cornwall where i can gouge myself on fresh pasties and the locals speak english…..sort of english

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Shit like that is always trending, trends are absolute bollocks that twatter goes out of their way to rig, saying it represents popular opinion is like saying the beeb is the voice of the people

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wtf. Who's that pleb?
Nah that isn't mine Did make another twatter account the other day though

I hope someone kills her (in fortnite)

come on lad, you should know by now nothing makes sense anymore

I found Westie, I'll find you as well.

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Does this actually mean no deal is impossible anyway? I'm assuming no deal won't happen because the kikes in the EU are all talk and actually want our shekels - so they have a vested interest in us not leaving: but is it still technically possible in spite of this bitch's kikery?

I know lad, but how can they think that this makes sense, normies aren't going to suddenly change their minds over a nothing like this.

Parlement does wot it wonts, peopl don't mater
staying 'ome to eat me pastis. fuck eu

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Over the moon traitor live

They've backed by a single vote a motion that seeks to force May to legislate against Britain leaving the European Union without a deal.

I think the EU have to agree to it now (which they will).

its their attempt at emotional manipulation. Maybe the turning point greggs memmies have gotten to them and they genuinely believe brexit voters are norf fc characatures who are obsessed with eating pasties?
It was the same with their outrage over queuing at the airport and not being able to import champagne and croissants, they are completely detached from the reality of the situation

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Why has this been allowed to happen

Reminder that Cooper's constituency voted 70% to leave, she flipped her house three times defrauding taxpayers and shilled for muh refugees promising to take some but never ever taking any

Why aren't any of you lads comforting me, telling me this isn't true, and telling me that we will leave with no deal?

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Because Cromwell died

This is our brap barn burning down lad, nothing can be done

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Fucking hell, lads.


naah lad

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forgot pic

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Not even BIG CATS can make me feel better

Brap barns would explode, lad

She'd probably wriggle out of it

oh boy

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Nope. It's fucked m90.
We are going to be stuck in the belly of this dying beast until the next aeon. Buckle up.

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fuck's sake. smh

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Good stuff tbh. Will only make the whole lot of em look worse. Presumably they'll end up agreeing to an even worse deal.

smh have these madmen never heard of telegony

I can't believe the modern mene of women having no power in the past when you find examples from every time period of lads bending over backwards for them

So terrible deal or remain. This is peak accelerationism.


We will still end up with no deal screencap this