Brit/pol/ #2742: Peasants Revolt Edition

Brexit: Police warn MPs and campaigners not to inflame tensions
Politicians and campaigners should take care not to "inflame" tensions in the UK caused by Brexit, a senior police chief has warned

Every region of England and Wales happy to leave the EU without a deal - except London if extension refused

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Good lard

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London's a foreign tumour, always has been and always will be
I say nuke the shithole and relocate the capital back to Colchester

reminder that none of you will ever have this

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Looks like a boy ngl

where we at lads

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do not want


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nofap day I lost track
tfw fugged a tinder thot yesterday

vile, looks like a tranny

in our glorious modern democracy you can purchase that experience for under 100 quid an hour in some areas tbh

tbh i think i went the other way
ive wanked myself into anhedonia

something like last august, stopped counting

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That one does too tbh, just cover up the hair and you'll see the manface

Or just don't pay tax

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Don't like her, weird looking and not in a cute way.


I hate these cunts so much, they are asking for it

Powerful lad.

was she good lookin

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not in the slightest, only managed thanks to the Lord

she was good enough
but she was rather overweight and I got a bit squashed with her on top

how much longer are we going to stay in super secret club mode?

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tbh smh

also once she got hot and sweaty the nasty smells started, and there was a photo of her 3 year old son next to the bed which was rather offputting

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describe the smells

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she was about a 4 on that scale

just admit she was a fatty lad, can't believe I was jealous of you for a minute

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bin there tbh
its not healthy but its fun in its own way

If you ignore the body it looks like a tranny, lad, her complexion and skull structure is awful. The constant duckface doesn't help.

Jesus Christ lad

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shes a 7 at best
a 4 if you factor in her personality

Better have worn a condom or you are her husband now

like roasted dog shit on a hot day, think she needed to wipe her arse better tbh
was pretty nasty

That's just grim tbh

do you have nudes of that lass?

and it just got grimmer

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7 is very generous lad, shes no more than a 5

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Did you lick her bum?

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The absolute state of this thread

Yeah, SA, delete the thread so we can start again

lol no I kept away
she had her son when she was only 15

nah the trick to that is to never give them your real name its easy
ive done it a few times might have at least 5 or 6 kids i dont know about suffering the single mum life

mate ive seen some right munters in my time
possessing a waste line and a face that doesnt look like what happens to a pug if you throw it out an airlock automatically elevates you to a 5 for me

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the more you post, the less attractive i find her
she's also some burger tier mutt tbqhwyyc

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it's a fucking man dude
even I wouldn't hit that

looks like a bit like fetal alcohol syndrome tbhqhwycotmd

Feel like shit, just want him back

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post pics with her face blurred lad

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>they won't

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exceptionally broad shoulders do hint at it being a dude
but the arse and hips are definitely feminine, could be reconstructive surgery

why live

think younger but even fatter Amy Schumer and you are close lad

how tall is he?

they need our money to feed Africa and experiment with their social programs


Tbh I did that once with a girl from college and I'm pretty sure I fathered a half Venezuelan bastard


*vetoes any extension*

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Gross tbh, post pictures


smh the world doesnt need more Rodger Dodgers tbh
at least all my bastards will be English chavs

just post the pic lad so we can judge you

before or after Paris stops burning?
how long before he orders the military to start shelling the protestors lads
he cant suck on his mummies withered teats and fap to cuck porn in his ivory tower forever

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just post it, we arent l33t haxx0r who can track you down according to your tinder thot
half of us are drunk at any given time

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stop posting this bloke

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This is so funny, they are pissing on our faces

don't worry lads, just be a good and moral person and hopefully you'll make it and get what you deserve

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But basically autistic

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Keep it up lad.

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yeah thats all I want tbf like a 5/10-7/10 lass to be my mummymaker

My sides are on Saturn

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suppose you'd fug this as well?

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Smh worried she might steal it

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why does Upset have " around it? does that imply harry really doesn't give a shit, lmao

That thot being spammed looks like Jordan Peterson ffs

clean your hard drive

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