Brit/pol/ #2747: Falklands Edition

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piss taking fuckers

for him

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With SA's mouth?

Westie after HRT tbh

I love her

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westie is only 5'8" tho lad

Is that tranny taller than him then?

he's about a billion feet apparently

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Some of the stuff like the face and the hands are sus, but height on it's own isn't really much of an indicator. There's a greek bloke I know who's about 7' and his missus is 6'5

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Farage is 5'8", so, apparently not from pic one, but, according to pic two yes.

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Your favourite customer?

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all the angles are off tbh

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Blair got done for cottaging
should shoop his face onto this

his legs are thiccer than niges, and nige is wearing baggy trousers ffs

I will never know the pleasure of fucking a vagina and cumming inside, I can't even rape someone with this dick

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Nigel Farage returns: 'Our Brexit Party candidates will be household names from all walks of life'

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his height means I don't have to kneel


Just noticed Farage is wearing trainers, smh.

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Unsuccessful hunt?

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sort of. She's 41

Literally Napoleon

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Tim Wetherspoon
for sure

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problem is most turks claim to be greek just a coincidence he met them down the turkish baths :^)

viv le témplár


Given up on having kids then lad?

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who else is ready for our next PM

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Four cheese pizza for dinner

send her my way, tbh

Good lad, if it's the iceland one grab a bag of grated cheddar and just dump it on top

If I can i'll smash her any way. Idgaf anymore.
I have tried but everything has been a hurdle too high in modernity.
maybe I should just get the boot polish out and hang around the drunken slag clubs late at night and lie about my age.

He sounds like someone that does testimonial videos on fiverr keeek

Kek. What a retard. Also he's a retard because he was arguing against more police/police powers being a good thing on QT this week when the subject of kni(g)fe crime came up.

chicagotown tbhh

Your legs shouldn't look like that if you do proper exercise.


worst pizza smh, kill yourself

that lass is HEFTY

I think that's the joke, lad.

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once you flipflop you just can't stop!

lads are lazy and women are fat and lazy, it's embarrassing tbh

s m h

Lad you expect an MP to do the work of turning his neck?

holy fuck im howling


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The icing on the cake is that the rozzer was most likely there to protect him whilst he was being interviewed.

smh, even you lads have the memory of a goldfish like normies

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Think that she has a nice smile. Getting smitten tbh.

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if it wasn't london people would be outraged by that alone

he is looking right at him

do wogs not have the thing where you can feel someone watching you?

Abstract thinking is it not?

wouldnt get caught as often if they could

Did you break up with your gf?

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for a bunch of dopey dope dealers you think they'd be see the fuzz from a mile off

tbh outside of the key areas it's really rather rare to actually see an officer, it's just too big a city with too large a populace with an understaffed met. daftyism would work a lot better than we expect :^)

go for it tbh lad

yep. Gave her her marching orders. i ain't paying her fucking debt, no way.

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reminder that this is an alzheimers friendly board

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What happened? she cheat?


>"teehee I'm so quirky with how much of an absolute cunt I am!"

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tbh if someone were to grief her base in minecraft I wouldn't be upset

Nah. She wanted a joint mortgage on a house when she has £40k worth of debt. Told her to fuck off when I found out. I know exactly what was potentially going to happen.

that's a lot of slap to lick off
i wouldn't want to be fighting with it tbh

Attached: sosig_doggo.mp4 (400x400, 1.06M)

Poor lad

I aint fussed.

fuck the 40k debt, that would be enough to set off alarm bells alone

we know

Did she get angry? Did the mask slip, and did her scoobydooish nature become really obvious.

was shagging a lass for a few months and she had a horse and was in debt and thought getting another dog was a good idea

i really want to pat that good lass

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Good lad smh ate pizza me

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Dogs are easily the coolest thing ever.

How do you know the doggo is a lass?

is there any other kind?
inb4 inflation nightshift

No tattie wedges are

good lad my dad did that and the woman turned out to be mental and tried to kill him
she tried to stab him and he slapped the shit out of her and she put the gas fire on when she left to try and gas him but the dumb thot did it on an open chimney fire

Nah, she had a sob moment but I couldn't give a toss tbh. I'm as blunt as a spoon.

Never get involved with a lass who is in debt. it will haunt you. Past experience has taught me well.


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Cunty attitude.

She's going to tell everyone you raped her with your tiny dick.

i have two female doggos, can generally tell if its a lad or a lass doggo buy the head/build

fuggin ell. This is exactly what I mean. But that woman sounds like a nutter. Bet she put on her mask all the way through the relationship to get to the end goal though.

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