Brit/pol/ #2750: Anglo Wisdom Edition

Study: Britons in Every Demographic Group Want Immigration Reduced
A majority of people in the UK from every age bracket and ethnic background want to see immigration reduced, a new survey has found.

House of Lords and The Queen Rubber Stamp Law Stopping No Deal Brexit
The House of Lords and the Queen have signed off on the Cooper Bill which will force Prime Minister Theresa May to seek a Brexit delay and stops the UK leaving the EU in a clean break.

UK likely to be offered Brexit extension until end of year
EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier fails to convince bloc May has plan to break deadlock

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Other urls found in this thread:

good lad

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The ADL scoob is talking about Zig Forums now in a roundabout way


Attached: typical tricks.mp4 (640x360 658.01 KB, 4.61M)

Really make me think..

I clocked that, HERSHENOV or whatever.

and notice how he is pushing 80

Quoting based ZOG Churchill now

he is a based ulster anglo taig like me too

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terrorists were mostly white under the IRA for decades. whats this paki on about?


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he could unironically look like that if he hits the gym for a couple years

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another reminder that they are scared, like a drug dealer who knows they are doing something wrong

hence why i posted the 2nd video

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Didn't they just kick Faith Goldy off kek

Holy Shit this youtube mystery meat vapid cunt


oooh mamas basement, shots fired by wogger

On the first whisky, lads.

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Mort Kleinberg is a fucking mutterin stutterin scoob


*soys to work*

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This Mort Klein Fella is like Woody Allen with tourettes


this negress is based



they literally cannot even say young white men


time stamp link:


*enters the thread*

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I'm so angry that they're bout to sell us all down the river for fucking retirement money.

if there must be limited immigration (want none tbh) it would be better if they already knew the fucking language of the place they were going. these lessons would probably come out of the taxpayer pocket and not the immigrant's own.

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That image is ruining my nofap.

then just have sex, incel

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No I will not give the local bint my vital essences.

Good lad. Stay strong.

Bad lad.

Good lad.

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*expands image*

I didn't know black people shopped at waitrose. Maybe they should just make the white one ugly next time.

think some of these oopsie advertisements are just a form of viral marketing tbh

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She is 53 tbf

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Very nice.

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anyone got any GOOD news?

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*Looks down your dress*

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literally my perfect woman lad

Fuck it's dead here.

We'll make it lad, try try again

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just like democracy

Funny thing that. Can go weeks without but then once I pop it can be up to 3x a week.
I've set the 25th as my target. 16 days without a wank. I aim for around 2x a month as a healthy maximum.

reply to all of my posts in the thread with witty remarks and insightful observations then lad.

out of interest what flag were you before britfed?

none, y?

Attached: perfidios albion on speed.mp4 (720x720, 8.6M)

ya ma

mistook you for another top-poster then I guess
dont see a lot of the old flags around anymore like surrey, ulster and england

No worries lad

they all dropped their flags a while ago tbf
maybe they got paranoid after christchurch iduno
kek, which one? or did you mean in general? I've been posting flagless since 2016 tbh

Fucking soon

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Good thing they never think about the hammers.

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Thank fuck

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Luckily there's another essexlad so I can get away with having a flag as spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) can never know which one of us is posting at any one time.

good post

Nice hammer lad, mines not nearly as ornate.

You're just the none manlet essex.

Not mine,, I so need one tbh, if SHTF before I do then I will make do with a ball peen hammer

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Think big lad, a petrol powered grinder would suit you better.

nice try lad.


Sweet sweet writing on the wall.

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You are right lad, I will nick a petrol jackhammer from a build site and go around separating people's spines.

charles should abdicate upon succession or william should be heir by this standard
wishful thinking i know

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That's the spirit lad I should look into getting a decent gas operated nail gun, strictly for DIY of course.


If we were still the country we were Charles would have had to removed himself from the line succession in order to marry Camilla. iirc William would by default be next in line and then Geroge

last king of england was harold godwinson

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How the fuck did William press a claim with 'that bloke passed through here once and said something to me in private' with no evidence?

apparently lizzie is godwinsons x31st granddaughter

The pope endorsed his claim.

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