didn't think anything could top wagie cagie
Domo elragato Mr roboto
Now if only they could make games that didn't require child porn
didn't think anything could top wagie cagie
Domo elragato Mr roboto
Now if only they could make games that didn't require child porn
fuck off retard
Why tho, loli/shota deterritorializes too
I'm just being passive aggressive racist toward The Japanese I don't actually care and am friends with Shadman lol
There's like a league of internet super villains where Shadman, JonTron, Morraku, all hang out on discord
Rob Schneider is there too if you'd believe it
Good job derailing your own thread there retard. Now this won't be a a discussion on modern politics it'll be a discussion on loli/shota ethics.
Loli is great, fuck you
Non-politic related threads like this should be saged and the users banned, but mods give negative fucks about shit like this.
I am not sure how its off topic, techno capitalist acceleration is absolutely relevant to this board, also
n/p lol. Is his edgelordery ironic?
I didn't know he was edgy, wha'd he do? Was he the one with the crime statistics assertation he couldn't back up or am I thinking of Sarclown?
I didn't know he was edgy but could see it, seems like he'd be good at telling the aristocrats joke
this tbh
shit taste
Synthesis: maybe put stuff like this on a cyclical Late Stage Capitalism thread. It generates traffic and is related to material conditions and the expectation that one must be employed to justify one's existence. Probably good for some other topics too.
shit died in 2010. if you're still into loli moe-garbage anime shit holy moly dude you got some big shit taste.
grow the fuck up lol.
To be fair, I would probably become extremely bored if I were completely paralyzed. This probably gives meaning and purpose to lives that are frankly sad enough without armchair revolutionaries making fun of them like you.
I fully believe this however I will say that it sounds both boring and annoying, Jon and Shad are both annoying "Trolled epic style" tier people who only really seem edgy to normalfags. It's not impressive at all.
also this
Wage slavery bad.
Now for your other shit, fuck off puritan, drawings are drawings, they are not real. Fight the production of porn that damages children, not something that tries to emulate it without causing harm, such as drawing or (if your australian) adult women with cup A tits or smaller.
That is pretty genius.
It might be funny in an ironic kinda way if they took themselves really seriously
This tbh
You need to provide a more detailed description than that. Is JonTron actually far-right now, I heard he followed an open fascist on twitter.
you still got shit taste mate
Not even a huge loli lover actually, just pointing out how you're being spooky. I do love me some shota though, especially but not limited to /ss/. Still I am not sure if you even know what you're talking about since "loli moe" isn't a genre of anime, like most girls in SOL shows aren't lolis and there are plenty of loli characters in non SOL/high school oriented shows so I don't know what you're even getting at there.
He's alt-lite I guess
You gotta remember Jafari isn't even white, he's like Syrian or something. He's just alienated because of liberalism, and there is a racist element there but that happens a lot where the fairer skinned brown people aren't comfortable with the darker tones. It's why lighter skinned Chinese Filipinos fare far better than the more Mexican looking ones. Colonialism is a bitch. But JonTron is mostly suffering from PewDiePie syndrome in that he was once beloved and isn't taking the face-heel turn well because he said one wrong thing. It's why he doesn't make videos as much. It doesn't take a lot, people just look for any reason to hate you when you have an online presence and frankly I respect Jon more than say Aaron who clings to staying one of the good guys for no real benefit or even worse examples like MatPat. Fuck MatPat he's a friggin cuck. Same goes for Boogie.
You could be the biggest prick in the world and your fans will still love you. Haters always gonna hate so fuck if you lose a few of your part time viewers. But alot of these YouTubers have some fantasy of being George Clooney or something. Not even George Clooney is George Clooney whose kind of a willful cuckold.
Ricky Berwick is more alt-right than Jon and he's an anime protagonist. You can't go by the head canon of NPCs people's political leanings.
Jon's Iranian I believe so there would be the odd esoteric aryanist that would accept him lol
Reminder Iranian Nazbol best Nazbol.
We have nearly an infinite number of character options and you would prefer them all be children?
YOU'RE the retard with a mental illness.
There is nothing immoral or damaging about porn of actual teenage girls, let alone drawings. Japan used to have enough intelligence to have their laws reflect that fact until whiny bitching from western retards made them change it.
There is nothing immoral or damaging about porn of actual teenage girls, let alone drawings. Japan used to have enough intelligence to have their laws reflect that fact until whiny bitching from western retards made them change it.
That'll do, Zig Forums. That'll do.
Taste is subjective
I love this lol