(201) 645-2240 Newark office, for New Jersey
(205) 591-0920 Birmingham office, for Alabama
(207) 780-3440 Portland office, for Maine
(208) 334-1824 Boise office, for Idaho
(210) 967-7035 San Antonio office, for Southern Texas
(212) 264-5923 New York office, for Southern New York
(214) 905-5807 Dallas office, for Eastern Texas
(215) 656-7195 Philadelphia office, for Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware
(216) 522-4774 Cleveland office, for Northern Ohio
(303) 371-5028 Denver office, for Colorado
(305) 762-3610 Miami office, for Southern Florida
(307) 772-2040 Cheyenne office, for Wyoming
(312) 353-4465 Chicago office, for Illinois
(313) 568-6042 Detroit office, for Michigan
(314) 539-2538 St. Louis office, for Missouri
(317) 226-6202 Indianapolis office, for Indiana
(319) 364-3280 Cedar Rapids office, for Iowa
(401) 528-5532 Providence office, for Rhode Island (also 528-5545)
(402) 697-9154 Omaha office, for Nebraska (extension 627)
(404) 730-2841 Atlanta office, for Georgia (extension 346)
(405) 231-4595 Oklahoma City office, for Oklahoma
(406) 449-3991 Helena office, for Montana
(407) 855-4418 Orlando office, for Eastern Florida
(410) 962-7449 Baltimore office, for Maryland
(412) 395-4463 Pittsburgh office, for Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
(414) 297-1571 Milwaukee office, for Wisconsin
(501) 646-4722 Ft. Smith office, for Western Arkansas
(502) 582-6953 Louisville office, for Kentucky
(503) 326-7475 Portland office, for Oregon
(504) 589-4120 New Orleans office, for Louisiana
(513) 684-2412 Cincinnati office, for Southern Ohio
(518) 431-0325 Albany office, for Northern New York
(601) 965-5878 Jackson office, for Mississippi
(603) 625-5276 Manchester office, for New Hampshire
(612) 313-9040 Bloomington office, for Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
(617) 565-3100 Boston office, for Massachusetts
(619) 557-6011 San Diego office, for Southern California
(702) 388-6414 Las Vegas office, for Nevada
(703) 578-4901 Washington office, for District of Columbia and Northern Virginia
(704) 672-6938 Charlotte office, for North Carolina
(757) 858-7502 Norfolk office, for Southern Virginia
(801) 265-0136 Salt Lake City office, for Utah
(802) 527-3191 St. Albans office, for Vermont
(803) 727-4422 Charleston office, for South Carolina
(813) 288-1226 Tampa Bay office, for Central Florida
(816) 891-8350 Kansas City office, for Kansas
(860) 240-3346 Hartford office, for Connecticut
(901) 544-0256 Memphis office, for Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas (extension 136)
(907) 474-1025 Fairbanks office, for Alaska
(915) 540-1736 El Paso office, for Western Texas and New Mexico
Two offices will only take complaints of illegal immigrants in writing:
South Central Florida Area INS 4
360 North Lake Blvd.,
Suite 107 West Palm Beach, FL 33410 Attn:Investigations
Northeastern Florida Area INS
P.O. Box 35029
Jacksonville, FL 32302
Attn: Investigations
For further information, please visit the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS)
homepage at: