‘The Shape Of Water,’ From A Guy Who Had Sex With A Dolphin
“I find a dolphin a lot more sexy than that thing was,” said (((Malcolm Brenner))).
Written by (((Ashley Feinberg)))
https:// archive.fo/YGhFZ
Every. Fuckin. Time
Kike fucks dolphin, kike reporter rejoices
Checked. Nothing wrong with admitting that Jews love black cock. They tend to get squirmy when you mention it. Same when you point out that a lot of minority women cuck their husbands for a 14/88 Aryan male. Not saying you should race mix but Zig Forums needs to weaponize porn more often against (((them))).
>Zig Forums needs to weaponize porn more often against (((them))).
"Why are jews in charge of the most damaging/disgusting industries in america?"
Better: isnt it strange that those evil stereotypes about jews are the same independent stereotypes about lawyers, bankers, hollywood producers, music producers, plastic surgeons…
Weird huh?
Why haven't we subverted the chad meme yet?
the Occupy Wall Street movement was crashed by SJWs under Soros orders because the (((media))) feared that it might turn antisemitic when people realized that 87% of "the 1%" are jews
Oh, sex with dolphins is definitely a slippery proposition. ;^)
Porpoisition. Come on, are you even a dad?
It's 47%, but still.
47% of the jews are in the 1%
87% of the 1% are jews
both are true and complementary in revealing what is a jew
You can't weaponize porn against the kike.
Porn is the weapon of the kike.
Niggers of the ocean? That would be sharks. Dolphins are the only intelligent and self-concious mammals, they are closer to whites.
wanna bet?
I bet you aren't even flexible enough to do the porposition.
The destroying the west and hating Christianity narrative is far more helpful than the "They just love nigger dicks" theory.. and is founded in reality.
Reminder that fetishizing Jewish women, even if its Jewish women being miscegenated - is still highly degenerate. If you are sexually aroused by niggers wiping Jews out through sex, youre as bad as the Jew. Now if youre just into promoting it out of a pragmatic point of view, thats different.
fuck off sharks are fine. how are sharks like niggers? because niggers are aggressive or something? does that mean literally every other carnivorous animal is like a nigger? are trees like niggers because they get gibs of carbon dioxide? stop painting nature with a broad brush of niggerdom. sharks have been around for over 400 million years
ironic that a person making a picture criticizing juden would himself perpetuate a crime of the jew
fuck off imgur. anybody can make those types of jokes. you dont need to be a father to do so and just because you make them doesnt mean you're a "dad" either. truly a sign of the kali yuga that fatherhood in modern society has been degraded to being nothing more than a person who makes punny jokes
Muh based dolphin
Anyone have the Venn diagram handy or remember the thread it's in?
I giggled like a little girl at the first pic
Now everybody in my library is looking at me wierd.
Thanks redanon
reddit gtfo
It was inevitable for them to start promoting bestiality, the slippery slope is real.
Are you fucking retarded?
-shit ive actually heard.
also, black women with good jobs routinely want a successful white man, but what a shocker; those white men dont want them. be careful, if you happen to be talking to a black girl and you dont ask for her number or something, she might get mad at you. this happened to me and now I just try to avoid them.
its also retarded to compare dolphins to niggers
Yeah, dolphins nurture their young.
le Nigger of the Deep
Maybe people in the library wouldn't look at you weird if you weren't such a massive faggot.
Plus they have >83 IQ
Seriously See
Sharks are Apex Predators, just like Dolphins are the top of their Nice.
Not but I agree that weaponizing porn is of some interest to me.It’s already used as a weapon. Look at when people spam Zig Forums with cuckoldry shit or black dicks on white chicks nonsense. Hatefacts don’t matter to these people, neither do stats or trends. No one wants to hear that most women prefer white guys. It’s why they spam shit on Zig Forums and porn boards. Deep down they know they aren’t wanted. It’s why that Pajeet spammer exists, they are mad.
Porn can be exploited as it is like any other drug, it’s addictive, fucks up your brain and makes you reliant on it. Checkout some of the shit posted by the NoFap spergs. Even if you don’t believe the shit they spout just look at their rebbot page and this embedded TED talk.
If anons are serious about weaponizing porn, the easiest way is to just take existing images and do a color change or impose some text. I know 4chins isn’t liked but if you check their /aco/ and /hc/ boards you can see the anger created from editing Pit images or anything else. Even raceplay where the male is white or a minority woman worships a dick that’s semi pale provokes them into having a meltdown. Check the boards on here if you want examples. /wx/ and /loli/ are some boards that witness “MUH DICK” threads where a handful of people spam cuck and interracial shit which pisses off the usual board posters. So when someone inevitably tells them to get their nigger shit out they freakout.
Some salt from what simple image edits can do imgur.com
polite sage for double posting since I hit enter too soon.
The dolphin did not consent, charge him with bestiality.
No, just no. Homo commies not welcome, no homos allowed.
Look at the little homo crews and high schoolers running around giggling about sexual assault. Perhaps they should all experience everything I have.
No faggots allowed, I am not gay. This is criminal. I am not a fish you retards. Not a nigger. I am actual Germanic royalty.
Eastern Star faggotry. Go away, I 86’d you months ago, take a hint.
Go find something better to do Jesters. Quit pushing the Kikes BS.
I'm sexually aroused by the "jews being wiped out" part but the other parts turn me off
tattoos and sluts also turn me off as well
Degenerate, but nice.
paranoid schizophrenia
Aren't dolphins known rapists?
I see the Dolphin Internet Defense Force is here. Please leave, Sea Kikes! Note these two articles:
Fuck the sea niggers known as dolphins and fuck you sea kikes for worshiping them! Wanting humans to blandda up with the sea niggers. Fuck you and your merman faggotry film! Fifty shades of algae my ass. Look at this degeneracy… The Shape based sextoys archive.fo
I saw that movie because my fiancee wanted to see it (she didn't know about the bestiality).
Suffice to say, it was just rule 34 of ET where all the good guys are minorities, all the bad guys are WASPS (and way more evil), and Elliot fucks ET and follows him to space/the ocean in the end.
And there was even a pretentious black and white scene too.
Ride the Tiger - Praise Kek
man the ocean world is so weird and foreign. and down there they have no idea trump even got elected or what trump is
Faggot, they don't call it the Great WHITE Shark for nothing.
Dolphins are indeed the niggers of the ocean. There is NO argueig that.
They Rape
They kill unnecessarily and remorsefully killing other creatures
It's no wonder why we are (((taught))) that Sharks are bloodlust monsters who kill for no reason, but Dolphins are portrayed as loving and kind creatures.
Remember, Jaws was created BY A FUCKING KIKE
Shape of water is the worst fucking most overrated film I have ever seen.
I work film industry in aus and most professionals hate it.
No, sharks are the nigs, dolphins are the Muslims of the sea. They are mammals of peace.
Take your time and money away from (((them))) and support people who aren't (((them))) with your time and money.
This is the most effective thing to do. Your local business people who donated to Her can be easily looked up. There are lots of web sites which help you to look at who donated to who, use them when looking for a dentist, doctor, tire place, gas station, etc.
Look everybody up and starve the libtards. Shun Hollywood movies and shows, or if you really need to see them check them out from the library or buy a used DVD from the thrift store. They don't get a dime for a used movie. Find a local farmer who didn't give money to the DNC and join a CSA, etc.
Going out like a fat drunken lout and punching upper middle class Antifa larpers isn't going to do anything. Taking your dollar away from their mommies and daddies is.
which one is the bottlenose?
I can't even come up with something of the ocean that would be nigger-tier. Same as calling niggers apes is an insult to primates. Maybe those crabs that steal other things shells to live inside of. That even seems too high concept and more kikey to me. Maybe the mantis shrimp for being a sucker punching fuck.
Didn't Zig Forums do this already? I remember some porn comic being edited where all the niggers were white and made to look like Jeb Bush. Actually think it was a Pit comic. Was funny as fuck but it pissed off a lot of cucks and niggers who spammed the thread with shit dicks and kikesses.
Can confirm. Did some consultant work awhile back and some negress kept wanting my dick, refused her and said not interested in anything now due to work. She got pissy and kept trying to say I need a "good woman". Same thing happens with Asian women and Hispanic women. White women just want to fugg. Each time I'd say no resulted in some bullshit accusation about saying inappropriate things or touching them. My paranoia of being accused of shit has caused me to keep a camera on hand which actually saved my ass more ways than one now.
Any anons working in female heavy areas need to get a small camera and recorder. Record your day in case anyone tries to accuse you of shit. Whip out the appropriate bit and call them out of their lies. Works every time but causes HR to become anally devastated to the point of suddenly worrying about security and privacy.
Was lovecraft right? eldritch abominations Are real? Why are Jews at Hollywood trying to normal fucking sea life?
Hyde raped the Invisible man to death in league of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Moore's go to plot pusher is rape and /d/egenerate shit in general.
Hyde raped the Invisible man to death in league of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Moore's go to plot pusher is rape and /d/egenerate shit in general.
underrated post and underrated dubs
Everything is getting so surreal and absurd. I don't even know what to say.
I was at Occupy, the oppression stack bullshit that popped up there was my first real redpill, had never encountered it before.
Considering the fishmouth syndrome being so close to the innsmouth devolution of supposed humans. Yes.
sharkies are awesome
I imagine these women are all mouthbreathers since I can't imagine perpetually leaving my mouth open like that without it being a hassle.
You take that back, Moray eels are friendly and curious animals.
Wait what? Why you're calling dolphins niggers? Aaah, nevermind. Have a shekel on me.
aah nevermind. read the thread. I retract that statement.
No fucking shit, we have IDs here you newfag
Is that a chick?
I ask myself that same question too many times.
inb4 someone uploads that dolphin porn to which the ancient /b/tards fapped.
Eight years ago I had an experience that I doubt few people have ever had, and for a long time (actually up to about a year ago) I had never spoken of it to anyone else, thinking that they would consider me perverted. During that time I have lived with the realty that I will most likely never have another opportunity like I had at that time, and believe me it has been very hard.
I have since had sex with other animals, including dogs, ponies and most recently horses, but they will never rival my experience with the Dolphins. Here is what TRULY happened. I can offer no proof other then my own word. And for my own protection I will not divulge locations, names, etc.
Eight years ago I lived in a city that had an aquarium that kept performing Dolphins. By pure chance the aquarium was an assignment I had when I was a security guard for a national security company. Since I was new, and had little seniority with the company I would always get the cruddy shift that no one else wanted…and the aquarium was one of those shifts since it was always a midnight to eight shift.
It really was a pretty cushy place to work since I didn't have to punch clock. (Ever carry one of those security clocks around. They must weigh fifteen pounds!) I just had to kind of wander around and keep an eye on things.
It would get pretty boring at night, and after a while I took to playing with the Dolphins. I would come in during the weekends to watch the shows and eventually I picked up some of the hand signals that the trainers used. With a bit of practise I could get the Dolphins to perform just about any behavior that the trainers had them perform. Dolphins really are quite intelligent. After a while I found myself talking to them and I swear that if they had vocal cords they would have talked back to me! Their body movements and gestures where extremely animated and very communicative.
After several months I got to the point where the nights I spent with the Dolphins became my own private world. They all knew me and came to know my schedule and habits intimately. It was at the point that I decide it was time for a swim.
Now, you have to appreciate the circumstances. I was alone all night with these creatures, I was somewhat of a loner, and had no personal life to speak of, and I had developed a deep bound with at least two of the Dolphins. It was easy to keep the shift since no one else liked the hours.
Finally, one night I brought my swim suit. Around 2:00 a.m. I changed, and after being sure that the place was locked up tight, I eased myself into the pool. At first they simply vied for my attention as they always did, but after a bit, things got pretty rough. I wasn't sure why some of them were getting so excited, when I noticed that one of the males had a hard on!
Now that really fascinated me. They never acted like this around me before, and I was not sure what to do. Except I did get out of the pool until they calmed down a bit. While sitting on the edge of the pool, one of the Dolphins swam in front of me on his side. I stroked his belly with my hand and instantly his dick was thrusting in the air. Boy did I find an erogenous zone!
Before I go on, I should give you a little more background. First, to my surprise, Dolphins do not feel slimy. Their skin feels more like a wet inner tube, and is very soft and sensitive to the touch. They are fiercely independent creatures and if they don't want to do something, then no amount of prodding will make them change their minds. If you ever go to an aquarium, watch them long enough and you will notice that they spend almost 80% of their time thinking and doing sex. You think humans are obsessed sexually? Believe me the Dolphins have it all over us. Although being in a tank 24 hours a day probably has a lot to do with that kind of behavior.
The night that I first went for a swim was an experience to say the least. The frenzy that I started kind of unnerved me to the point were I got out, got dressed, and avoided the pool for the rest of the night. Needless to say, the next day I didn't get much sleep. I could not stop thinking about the wild possibility of actually having sex with them. One part of me kept saying what a crazy idea that was, while another part of me created the most wonderful fantasies. My emotions were on a rollercoaster. I don't think anyone will ever appreciate the way that I felt. The bond that I had formed with a couple of the Dolphins was powerful. It was almost as if they had seduced me by pure empathy.
In any case, I decided that the next night I would take the plunge. I could hardly wait for my shift to begin. It seemed like everyone lingered around forever. And then waiting until it was late enough to safely go into the pool was almost unbearable.
Finally things quieted down and I got undressed…this time no swim suit. I sat on the edge of the pool, and like the night before the Dolphins gathered around to play a bit. This time I was careful not to get them too excited right away, waiting for most of them to swim off on their own so that just the two that I was closest to were with me.
I should explain how the pool was laid out. As a part of the show the trainers would have a couple of the Dolphins beach themselves in a very shallow part of the water. This part was just deep enough for the Dolphins to swim in…about a foot deep. It was my strategy to get the two Dolphins into the shallower water.
After the Dolphins left, I lowered myself into the water and very carefully started to stroke them. I eased my way toward the shallow water, and as I had hoped, they followed. Once I was able to sit on the bottom of the pool I coaxed them along side of me, and I carefully started to rub their bellies. I started with him first. Just as the night before I got an immediate response from him. He rolled on his side and as I had hoped he had a huge hard on. Now my heart was pounding so hard I was sure it could be heard from 30 feet away.
I carefully eased my hands down his belly toward his cock. I was very careful. A full grown Dolphin can weigh in from 350 to 600 pounds. And while they can be quite gentle, I was not sure how he would react when I started to rub his dick. Despite my confidence in his gentleness, I was relieved when he simply went limp when I started to stroke his cock. in fact he went so limp that at first I thought he may have died! But after a moment he opened his mouth about as wide as he could, his tongue doing a sort of aerobic dance.
I slipped my hand up and down his shaft, carefully squeezing it every so often. It felt much like the surface of his skin, that is very firm but still soft. It was sort of knife shaped, that is wider then thick, and you could feel it move in your hands. It was about eleven inches long, about two inches wide and one and one half inch thick. The tip thinned to nearly a point and crooked down a little. Overall it was shaped nearly like his own body…very sleek and streamlined. When not in use the cock is retracted completely into the Dolphin's body through a long slit just below his belly.
The slit in the male and female Dolphin are almost identical, making sex determination tricky. The best way to tell apart the sexes is by looking at the forehead. The male Dolphin's forehead, or melon, is actually a little bigger then the female's. Of course if the male has a hard on then it is pretty easy to tell males from females! When the cock is erected the slit parts in such a way that it is oval shaped.
It is said that the Dolphins cock can be used like a finger and has a great deal of dexterity. That may be true, but on this occasion he did not demonstrate that ability to me. Perhaps he was to wrapped up in the experience. I found that the Dolphin seemed to like having the base of his cock rubbed the best.
I slipped my hand up and down his shaft carefully squeezing it ever so often. This went on for about five minutes and then he started to shudder…as if he was very cold. His mouth remained open wide and every so often I would rub his tongue. (All dolphins love this…I have no idea why.) His eyes remained tightly closed. All the while he was totally silent.
Assuming that he was about to climax I started to rub his dick a little harder and faster. His tail started to sweep back and forth really hard when suddenly he raised his tail high out of the water and with the first sound that he had made all evening he shot his load. There was not as much as I thought there would be…perhaps about two tablespoons. It was quickly washed away in the water but it appeared to be kind of clear and about the same consistency as human cum. What really surprised me most was the pressure of his ejaculation. It come out incredibly hard and fast, his penis contracting suddenly with the ejaculation.
He then relaxed and went totally limp. I kept on stroking his penis but after a few minutes he withdrew it back inside of him. It was only at this point that I noticed that I had a real boner myself. Hard as steel and throbbing. Don't think I've had one like that before or since.
I must say that after eight years, the mere act of writing down what happened has rekindled some powerful emotions. While my encounters with other creatures have been strictly on a sexual level, my encounter with the Dolphins was a much deeper emotional experience. It has been said the Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures. That they are. More then anyone really knows.
After resting for a few moments the Dolphin left for the deeper water. I started looking for the female, hoping that she would allow me to satisfy my throbbing dick. Apparently she had got bored with the whole affair and was off playing with the others.
I slapped the top of the water to try and entice her back, and after a bit of coaxing I finally got her to come over. My legs were dangling over the edge of the shallow part into the deeper water. When she got close enough she unexpectedly grabbed my foot with her mouth and pulled hard.
I don't think she meant to hurt me, but over eighty short conical teeth can leave quite a bite mark and my foot ached for a few days after. When I re-surfaced, I found myself about six feet from the edge of the pool and started to swim for it. She had other plans though. She quickly swam between me and waters edge and started to push me toward the middle of the pool. Her actions alarmed me somewhat and I was getting just a little bit scared.
It was at this point that I began to respect the strength of these creatures … something that I had badly underestimated. If she wanted me to stay in deep water, there was damn little I could do about it. I decided to cooperate and I swam a little ways out and started to tread water. In the meantime she started to circle around me, each time her circle getting a little smaller until her beak was almost touching her tail…with me in the middle.
I tried to stay calm, not knowing what to expect next, when she started to scan me with the most intense sound. As you are probably aware, Dolphins use sonar to 'see' with. Their eyesight, while not poor, is not their primary sense. Using sounds that range in frequency from as low as 300 Hz to as high as 150 kHz and higher, it is believed that Dolphins are actually able to 'see' what an individual is feeling. For example, if you are in a state of anxiety (as I was!) then your churning stomach would easily give away your state to a Dolphin's probing sonar. Their sonar has been compared to the sound scans used by doctors on pregnant women, except that the resolution is a thousand times better. Being scanned by a Dolphin is in itself a unique experience. The sound penetrates and resonates your body in the most peculiar way. While the Dolphin is scanning, you can actually hear the lower frequency sound waves increase and decrease in frequency.
When she started to scan me I noticed that the other Dolphins where swimming around the two of us, and if any of them got too close, she would chase them away. This went on for about twenty minutes. She would scan and probe my entire body. She seemed to especially enjoy nibbling at my ankles.
About this time I was starting to get pretty tired, and thought I better try to ease my way toward the shallow water. She made no effort to stop me, but she did continue to swim around and around until I finally felt the ledge of the shallow part of the pool.
I pulled myself into the shallow water and rested a bit. The Dolphin in the meantime had wriggled her way into the shallow water and laid very still on her stomach. I began to pet her and rub my hands up and down her sides. She just laid there and did nothing. I decided that now was the time, and I grabbed her pectoral fin and rolled her on her side. She cooperated completely.
From my earlier observations I had never noticed the folds of the female dolphins slit to be all that distinctive. But when I rolled her on her side her slit was definitely enlarged and had turned a deep pink color. I could only assume that she was waiting for me to mate with her. Now I was really in uncharted waters.
Whenever I watched the Dolphins have sex the actual act of penetration was always very brief, lasting no more then ten seconds. The pair would be very excited, the water boiling around the mating couple. For the Dolphins to mate it is necessary for the female to roll over on her back and expose herself to the male. The male would then jump over the female and attempt to hit the mark with his erected cock. Foreplay would consist of very fast swimming, both animals crashing into each other, and a lot of biting.
And yet, what was happening now was exactly the opposite. Here she was, totally relaxed, quite, and obviously very cooperative. I decided not to waste the invitation and started to initiate some foreplay.
I slid my hand along the edge of her slit and kind of eased my fingers into her vagina. The folds of the slit where very soft and squishy. The muscles of her vagina tightened on my fingers and would not let me probe any deeper than the palm of my hand. Not knowing too much about female Dolphin anatomy, I thought that maybe the male's penis kind of laid along the length of the slit. I rubbed her for a while and she continued to simply lay quietly, occasionally taking a breath.
While I was treading water my hard on had kind of withered away. Nervousness over the position I was in probably had a lot to do with that. But after some time with her in the shallow water, my penis started to firm up again.
I eased myself along side of her belly and slowly started to guide my dick into her. She felt my body draw close to hers and for the first time since we started foreplay, she moved around a bit. Rolling a little farther on her side and arching her back. She obviously wanted me to enter her.
Taking a deep breath, I slipped inside of her. To my surprise, my cock went all the way in! She relaxed her vagina and allowed me to move into a more comfortable position. My next concern was the fear that she would roll over on top of me. But fortunately she didn't. Instead she simply wriggled herself around so that we were both comfortable.
Within a few seconds my dick had become rock hard again, and she repeatedly tightened and relaxed her vagina. In twenty seconds I was ready to climax. I held back as long as I could, but the kneading action of her vaginal muscles was just too much. I came hard, and was so wrapped up in my own climax that I did not even notice if she was reaching orgasm, although I would like to believe that she did.
The movie was visually appealing and had its moments, but yeah the overall message was pretty obviously white man = bad, traditional relationships = bad, and xeno scum is for sex. It was basically an appeal to girls who feel like they don't fit in to find something foreign that will love them.
Kikes, everyone.