Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with police over military draft
"We’d rather die than enlist"


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that's a rather retarded statement if you think about it

Not really. I'd rather die than fight for the zog. I'll attempt to kill anyone who tries to make me.

Orthadox Jews are the best Jews.

No user, there are no good jews.


Of course they're not good. They're just the most amusing as they seem to rock the inter-jew boat most of all. They're like distilled jew that jews everything including other jews.


They developed a parasitic survival strategy. Globalist Jews parasitize global powers like the US and UK. Zionist Jews parasitize smaller powers, like Saudi Arabia and Syria. Orthodox Jews have burrowed as deep as it goes, and the only host they have is their fellow Jews.

Orthodox Jews are the Jews' own kikes.


You'd be more pissed when you see the polls where they voted it was ok for Amerigoys to die for them.

The US General Patton was right about the "yellow-bellied Jews". Shame they did not heed his warnings.


I'll do the same for guns as well. Fuck those zog kike faggots. I'll an hero and take some of those fucks with me before I let them send me to fight. Talk is cheap until (((they))) run into someone who only cares for his nation and people.

Yeah I agree, and well said. Fuckin lulz.

Holy fuck. Hysterical.

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I keep my fingers crossed for haredim.

those kikes are not your friends.
they don't want to serve in the idf because they think it will make G-d angry so he won't send the moshiach to help them enslave the goyim.

Vid related


Can we get a sauce on that?

I disagree.

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Yeah, but that's because you (rightly) don't agree with what the military is used for. These kikes are 100% behind the actions of Israel's military, they just don't want to do any work or take any risks themselves. Saying that you would rather die than enlist is retarded when your only reason for saying it is fear of dying during your service.

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You won't see this shit on MSM.


They are a third column of Lafonda-tier welfare queenz that are taking over Israel with their insane birthrate. Combine the Arab and Orthodox Jew birthrates and they are totally demographically replacing the high IQ Ashkenazi gigakike breed that poses the most problems to us. If there ever were such a thing, the ultra-Orthodox Jews would be /ourjews/.

Jews jewing Jews.

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Kek. Impressive. Only way for these kikes to survive is to expand their territory.

Orthodox Jews are the worst king of human being imaginable. I would classify them as not human, but it would be an insult to non-human animals.

Your proposal is acceptable.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Exactly what they're hoping for.

Well, yeah. Judaism is a religion of death. Of course they'll think Jews gassing Jews is somehow a sure sign of victory for all Jewish kind.

A parasite that is host to another parasite is called an Hyperparasite and it is a common survival strategy in the animal kingdom

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The only best jew is a dead jew

You, you're a good person.

Is thls news to you?
I mean yeah it is as far as the event, otherwise, hardly

Your thread isn't organic.
Where do you come from?