Australia considers fast-track visas for white South African farmers
Home affairs minister Peter Dutton says the group deserves ‘special attention’ due to the ‘horrific circumstances’ they face at home

He said the home affairs department was looking at ways to help “some of these horrific cases” and suggested an announcement could be made shortly.

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Didn't Trump just have a meeting with Australian PM Turnbull a few weeks back?

inb4 everyone praises these neocons as based.

I remember he was an asshole at some point with regards to some immigrants they were trying to trade between the States and Australia but apparently this happened.

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wtf i love Trump now

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australia has realized that you can't just let everyone flood in now because that'll ignite shitstorms against you as seen in europe. so they select, a little. sometimes they fuck up, as we saw with turnbull gov shipping reject nigs to the US.

We might as well be conducting foreign policy based on /int/ now.

Fuck off Isra-tard. Shouldn't you go be sucking a cockroach's foreskin.

Nice job Mr Dutton.

Trump couldn't do this in america because the media would rail against him being a muh white supremacist and would justify taking muh based wetbacks. Instead he used a third party whos probably much closer to their original roots anyways. Tons of land that can be farmed in Aus.

This is great on paper, and I would love to see the poor bastards sprung from their nigger infested hell.
But you cant just bring farmers to your country and think they are magically going to farm.
Real farming like they do takes a shit ton of expensive equipment plus the ability to maintain it.
So I don't see any way for them to ship all their farm equipment plus have viable arable land waiting for them to use once they arrive.
These are people that have spent decades and generations farming and all that time they have continually upgraded their equipment and incrementally expanded the total amount of tillable acreage they farm. And there is no possible way for them to take the equipment with them let alone the SA govt niggers letting it leave the country. So all their net worth will be reduced to ZERO
WTF is OZ going to do give them 40 acres of bottom land and a mule when they arrive?

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For every 1 Boer we save we deport 2 Sudanese

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No, they work on existing farms first and/or work with existing farms to expand. Eventually they pick up the skills and expand. Remember we're not talking about niggers here.

Hell give ZA all the abos

you mean the ones all the chinese and foreign ones are buying up?

Australian farming communities are slowly declining. We are in desperate need of farmers who understand our climate and biome. As it turns out, South Africa is one of the few countries whose climate is similar to ours. The left keeps screaming that we ought to be enriching the bush with refugees - who currently prefer to live in the city among other immigrant communities (there was a whole QandA episode on it, for anyone who still plays bingo). If the left wants refugees, let us provide them.

Forgot obligatory gondola.

Obviously they will be working on existing farms first. They can also sell their expensive equipment and reinvest that money later in Australia, or directly sell/ship the equipment to Australia.

saved yourself but only just

Sure why not. Eventually they could make their way off the farm or other jobs. Wheres the ladder to success in SA now, hunting nogs at night?

and more importantly. These aren't lazy ass niggers looking for a payout. They'll actually appreciate being there.

if they're capable of doing so, sure. boers do seem quite smart.

You just dont get it.
They already have all the skills they need they will arrive with fucking nothing.
So they go from running a huge successful farm to becoming nothing more than a hired field hand living in a trailer.

They are killing them and stealing their farms who are they going to sell their $500k tractors to? A local band of niggers?


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You don't understand what being a refugee actually means. They literally have nothing now - they are dead men walking. They are just waiting to be shot and killed, living in a country where they are outnumbered, have no governmental power and have no legitimacy in the eyes of anyone who could help them. We might not be able to give them much, but we can give them a stable country where their children are safe, where they'll find honest work and can *rebuild* their lives.

And there's land available once you've built yourself up a bit:

Based Straya?

a country which will be over 60% nonwhite by 2050. A country that'll be overrun by Chinese and every bit of third world filth you can imagine until it resembles India. Slow death vs fast death.

Fuck off Schlomo, obviously that will reverse itself if Straya takes white immigrants instead.

Nigger, one of the top 10 exports in SA is already vehicles and other machinery/equipment. They will be able to sell the equipment on a global level, there are always buyers for cheap farming equipmant. Selling tractors cheap enough and there would be many potential buyers who'd even pick up these tractors on harbors themselves. If they're lucky they can sell all their land to chinks who might be interested in SA land grabs.

That's the future, a lot can happen in between. Accepting Australias certain death is a Blackpill, finding ways to change that course is what you should do instead. In fact, most of Australia and especially Tasmania is still very white and their chink situation became strained due to chinese spying and other shit going on.

Fucking hell blackpill shill, we're at 85% today, and there's currently a huge push for immigration reductions, not just from the right. Leftists including people like Bob Carr, Dick Smith etc. are on board with this. Not only that, but a recent poll said 74% are concerned about immigration.


We have the momentum in spades, from all sides of politics. All of the Western world is rising up, and Australia is not excluded. But we rise up from an even higher ground.

Leave behind? These farmers live in fuckin shacks in the middle of nowhere. The few that do have homes can stay and be slaughtered by niggers. The whites with cash live in the cities behind walls (not the ones I'm talking about).
I would take my chances in Australia.

That isn't how miscegenation works.

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I do understand what it means.
What you dont understand is it took them generations to build up their farms you can never replace that working for wages starting out in another country and lifting yourself up by your boot straps.

Very believable shit stolen by the govt and fenced off to never be used in the country to produce food again

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dutton has said some interesting things and ignored cuck pressure to apologize
not sure if he's just words

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I understand that their old life won't just fall into their lap. But if you have a choice between keeping your life and your skills and the future of your grandchildren, or your blood fertilizing the ground of Zimbabwe 2.0, make your fucking choice.

Yeah, parts of Australia would probably remind them of back home anyway.

Is the liberal party in AUS a lefty party? bc if they're posting this (pic related) on their twitter account white rage is reaching levels I never thought possible.

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I agree with you
but just fucking niggersshakes head in abject disgust

This. The ones who had cash are safe or bolted. The rest were stuck holding the bag.

The Liberal party is the right-wing(cuckservative) party, Labour is the lefty party.

basically neomarxists

They should do a swap.

Import white South Africans - deport Sudanese Criminals back to their ancestral homeland

Which is it?

There's a difference?

Rent a massive cruise liner, put them all on as if its a party, send them into the ocean without a captain on board.

No it's a right wing party. Our government is the Liberal party (think fair weather libertarians + cuckservatives) in coalition with the National party (self proclaimed agrarian socialists). The Labor Party (without the 'u' because it's named after the American one which inspired it, thanks Yanks…), also has many members sympathetic to a lower immigration policy.

Both major parties have no official deviation from the "Big Australia" since Julia Gillard left office (she did one thing right). However both parties have strong sympathisers of a sustainable Australia. Only the Greens are full steam ahead, and paradoxically they are also believers of strong environmentalism (ask them to explain it if you see them, they'll blame the Russians).

We also have a new, RADICAL CENTRIST party called the Sustainable Australia party. Boosting their numbers is a good way forward, as they appeal to cucks and low key rightists alike.

Technically centre-right, but they have been moving further left over time like all the cuckservative parties.

of course, they're actually classed as conservative, which only means they aren't full blown progressive. typical conservatives, they have asian wives, endorse nonwhite immigration, preach equality, as long as it's "conservative.

Muh constitution. Got it.

Your dubs have nullified your sage. Stop thinking about parties, we can use the momentum of any party to push for a lower immigration rate. Every party and every MP is susceptible.

because the overton window is so far left. you realize that the necons are actually neo-trotskyites, right? people see them waving the cabitallizm flag and assume it's oh-so kosher, though.

How many Sudanese are there in Australia currently?

fuck, i'm accidentally sage posting. excuse me

Would both sides support a massive 50-100K immigration of whiteys or are both sides all about muh sandniggers?

I don't know why people keep looking here as a positive example. Australia brings in 300,000+ "skilled" migrants a year (((legally))) and have done for decades now. White genocide is alive and well in Australia.

Too damn many.

Not exclusively of whites, no way.

too many. wiki shows some numbers which are probably far from exact as out stats bureau loves to keep any seriously inflammatory well hidden.

How high is the crime rate in Melbourne?

No worries mate, the dubs knew you were not sincere.

Of course not, but this has been the big problem with the right all my life: the right wants to go for the big win and go home to their real jobs and real families. The left is subversive and will take every scrap they can, and funnel enormous effort and money into maintaining momentum of small cuts.

We need to push for what we can get and keep pushing until eventually they are in the river.

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i dont and im also australian. people on the outside think were based but we know the truth is that this country is on the road to doom, moving faster than anyone else, except canada maybe

Will it actually just be for the whites under black oppression over there, or will they use it as an excuse to drag in a lot of other dross from other countries?

Which QandA episode our of morbid curiosity?

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I understand your frustration, I live in the heart of degeneracy. But I gave up the blackpill because I knew that the only way to save our land is optimism - when talking to them, most Australians are not bluepilled. Lowkey they agree with us, but they are black pilled to all hell.

They had the audacity to go to Mildura, right in the outback, and shill.

Yeah 100% this. Between the Chinks, Nogs, Pajeets et al, we're going down the road to being totally fucked.

they just want more people to fill quotas. australia has a plan to make the countries population soar to fifty million sometime in the next 50 years. cant remember exactly but that's the gist of it. they see SA whites as an easy grab and one most people can't complain about. there could also be some meta narrative about removing whites so niggers can be freed from oppression and build wakanda but that's only spec on my behalf.

We import people who have 1 child on average per couple. We actually are in a better position than the US or Europe in this regard.

If every country on the planet is comped then what on earth are people going to do about it?
If it gets to a point where there are broke ass whites everywhere the level of respect and "family planning" goes out the window.

Sudanese are pretty much the worst and also blackest niggers in existence. 1 Sudanese = 10 standard niggers.

So all things considered they must take quite a toll I'm sure.

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So what?
They can stay in ZA and lord over their farms until the nigger go after them and butcher them.
You probably don’t understand what “flight” means.

Some years ago I watched a documentary “the trek” of a group of ZA farmers going to Kongo, with all of their equipment to farm there. The government there wanted to re-cultivate large stretches of land and promised “free land” for 10 years in exchange. So leaving ZA with your property was possible then.


Being in the middle of nowhere helps. It's not like the situation the USA has with Mexico, or Europe's exceedingly porous borders.

Why? Australia has a lot of harsh land and already strained water supply. What's it planning to do with double the population?

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Before 2004 I had never seen a nigger in person. Now they're everywhere.

Only marginally. It hasn't stopped planes filled with non-whites coming over by the gazillions.

Do you remember when the greens used to be about "sustainable population/immigration" ???
Bob Brown the faggot retired and suddenly full steam ahead.

What happened in 2004?

The Greens had two factions, on each side of Bass Strait. Naturally the Tasmanian Environmentalist Faction couldn't compete with the Melbourne Chardonnay Socialist Faction for long, Melbourne has 8 times the population of the entire Tasmanian state. But Bob Brown's personality as the dear leader of the Greens helped keep the rest in line. Once he retired, the Melbournians took over.


The jews convinced the Australian government to take in former Sudanese child soldiers as refugees.

they're skeptical to a degree. the problems is, we've lost touch with our roots. if you're white in australia, you're probably english, who are a germanic people, or you're from the celtic fringes of great britain, so you've got anglo and swedish genes in addition to celt. no one thinks about this. no one thinks about who we were before britain was modernized. they don't know the english were basically vikings once. they see britain today and laugh at a funny-looking guard. we've been completely cut at the roots. daily life in australia is now thongs, hot steering wheels, shit beer, and coles sausages. it's a blender-mix prole culture. it's empty and lacks depth and real meaning. it's materialistic. and that's why australians float along with the marxist narrative. they dont feel under attack, they dont feel as if their history is in danger. they don't have a proper, deep, meaningful identity. the biggest problem with the culture is, it's working class, so the middle and upper class primarily reject it because of status and thus become platonic cosmopolitans. the middle and upper classes being the vanguard and movers and shakers of society, they control the direction of the ship. if they want to throw it all to the dogs, they will and that is what we see happening. whites here will fade away, high on bread and circuses, or sport and beer.

Guys I'm feeling too pessimistic to feel happy about this.

Watch this get framed as racism because we're taking whites ahead of muh shitskins.

Also I like South Africans, they're big into their rugby and cricket and are from a similar climate, not to mention racially fairly similar. They're very serious though, and sometimes have a sook because they don't like having the piss taken out of them.

because, they want to become big and powerful like everyone else. perhaps, maybe even the most powerful. in the modern world, culture, history, philosophy, it doesn't matter. what matters is numbers and being able to quantify things, like your country's success and power. to these people, having the spreadsheet that crashes the computer due to its sheer size is winning.


Here (((they))) have a bit of a gloat about it.

what you're saying is, they're basically the perfect targets for oz shitposters.


I don't know how you could grow up surrounded on all sides by niggers telling you to your face they're going to kill you and your family and not end up a rather serious person.

yeah, in seriousness, they're very disciplined and militaristic. very sharp and on the ball. you gotta be when the country you live in is statistically more dangerous than fighting in both iraq and afghanistan. they're tough motherfuckers

quality post - that is Australia well defined.

Mate we voted 61% on fag shit, and nobody spoke a word when it was declared defacto hate speech to be victim of a homo pedo

Haha, our entire economy is built around migration friendo. We bring in 1% of the population every year as permanent residents (many as cashed up skilled migrants), with like 4-5% of our population being foreign (mainly chink) students with cashed up parents who are trying to funnel money out of the country.

This spurs housing growth, spurs the banks, spurs tradesmen, spurs real estate agents/finance brokers (literally on every block), spurs trade suppliers (our industrial areas are full of them), spurs cafes/fast food, spurs furniture suppliers etc.

If we cut or reduced migration we're headed straight for a recession because we can't do anything productive except build houses.


To be fair we wouldn't need Chink students here if we kept the shit we made here instead of exporting it, then importing less quality shit that we make here any ways, for a higher price

Is this something to do with Barnaby Joyce?

Maybe but probably not since it's more Lefties going after him and guy like us who are laughing pretty hard at the New National's leader's column about faggots in the 90s everything in that column is true btw

it's a fact that, since the introduction of proper computers to the workplace, Australia hasn't improved its workplace productivity metrics by more than an inch. Statistically, we're actually behind Botswana. Let that sink in… B o t s w a n a. The last navy ship we tried to build, it was for the US. Upon completion, it didn't pass the water test. It was like a Swiss cheese carving.You can see this failure all around us in your daily life, too. There's half completed projects everywhere, public transport barely runs and recently they had to ship in German experts to analyse QLD's rail system. It's so bad, QR has algorithms to auto reset train arrival times. The country is a joke.

A recession would be painful but it'd absolutely be the lesser evil to overpopulation, if only because you don't have to displace millions of people to correct it.

61% yes means 39% no, plus the large crowd who didn't care enough about it to vote at all (don't remember the actual number but it was over 50%).

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Import the third world == Become the third world

uh no, until 2011, we were less than 14% nonwhite. most of those were chinese. our biggest chinese ethnic group is Han who are the most intelligent out of all of china and even the world. it isn't a third world problem, although it is becoming one. australians are just super apathetic and lazy. stereotype about australians not giving a fuck about anything is true.

I thought LNP are trying to gain more voters because they pissed the nationalists off.

Is that to keep the things in secret? If that is the reason then I would say it's a failure cause many queenslanders knew that the train system is still effed up.

Oh of fucking course, the Public service is a fucking joke and everyone in it knows it
I know of a case of someone in it that was told by their boss to stop working hard as it makes them look bad
And I know other cases of major systems being dangerously close to being multi billion dollar fuck ups

Overpopulation isn't really a problem for us yet, without trying to sound like a leftist we do have plenty of space here. The problem is that the government/banks/developers are dead set against decentralisation because it will fuck their business models.

Cheaper houses = fewer loans.
Fewer loans = less work = less income taxes.
Decentralisation also fucks developers who have landbanked all the prime real estate on urban fringes knowing that the status quo is shoving more people into the capital cities.

Well tbh, China problem will probably become the biggest problem in the whole country tbh, sure some niggers might hit a bitch but watch as Canberra, Melbourne, and later Sydney and the lot get 30, 40 and eventually 50% chinese, shit will get real