Allah is gay is an effective Psy Op

Any Brit bongs able to stir the pot? This is an opportunity to break the leftist/Religion of Cuck™ alliance. Whatever your opinion is on Southern, strike while the iron is hot.

Attached: 1520949486870.png (640x480, 348.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

LGBTI(I=Religion of Cuck™)??? Have two swarthy men kissing in the background. Advertise it as an official LGBT campaign. Get Muslims to attack the fags and LGBT for spectacle.

fuck, that turk is the biggest faggot for that shitty filter. it's just retarded.

You can print out the images and make signs and hand them out at fag rallies and protests.

Fucking fantastic idea. This thread won't gain any traction at this hour considering the western hemisphere is asleep but hopefully it'll pick up in the daytime

It doesn't even make sense. How is a religion "of cuck?"
Cucks are the ones who surrender to it, not the religion itself.
Just reeks of the_donald faggotry

You only believe this because you don't know how bad things really are.

Attached: Celebrating the fall of London.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

Kampfy is a clueless retard, what else is new. Fits right in with the rest of nu-Zig Forums completely misunderstanding the term.

That e-celeb cunt got banned from the UK because because the kikes are utterly terrified of anything that could cause a rift between their pet faggots and their pet sandniggers. OP is completely right and GAY ALLAH needs to be memed, stat.

Attached: GAY ALLAH.png (715x440, 308.25K)

user, you know gays are less than 1% of the total population, right? They're just props, it doesn't matter if the Left shits on them in favor of Muslims…which is why they're doing it by importing millions of Muslims who throw faggots off rooftops. And yet, no rift.

If its going to have any effect you'd have to find someone crazy enough to put these up in Muslim areas and be willing to get martyred.

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allah is a furry

Are you missing the point on purpose or are you just stupid? Spreading gay allah memes will make "good" mudslimes utterly sperg out against faggots, which will make faggots utterly sperg out against "good" mudslimes. The(((left))) isn't even remotely able to deal with that.

Rainbow burkhas for all

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Nice. Gays and Muslims is the most effective fracture point in the left. In fact, Muslims have so much anti-lefty shit you can make them fight each other very easily.

This isn't supposed to scare gays, this is supposed to anger muslims so they openly talk shit about gays, so that virtue signalling lefties start infighting because in this situation they have to either defend gays or muslims, but cannot do both. This is an ERROR situation for them.

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No, that cunt got banned to stir up support and increase exposure for her controlled op. Plenty of people in the UK have far more staunch views than her and nothing gets done to them. She was banned to martyr her and increase support for a cunt that proudly talks about her jewish heritage and zionist support. An normies (and even some anons judging by this thread) and lapping it up. Conservatives/right wingers/alt-righers/civnats etc… they lap that shit up hard, all it takes is for a country to ban/silence someone for their views and all of a sudden they become the beacon of truth that the ebil liberal sjw are trying to silence. And then they swallow that "jews arent evil that's crazy talk" bullshit hook line and sinker

Not really because they will just ignore the whole thing just like the ignore the horrible treatment of Muslim women.

Fuck off defeatist kike. Any fracture point within your enemy should always be exploited to the maximum.

And I'm arguing that it isn't a fracture point. The left had no problem with double standards. Let the muds bash gas and they'll go "Weeeell it's dey culcha"

My (((autocorrect))) really does not want me to use certain words…

As long as it causes enough of an uproar it cannot be ignored. All it takes is one brave homosexual that hangs a poster like this in a Muslim enclave to either see chimpouts or someone get martyred.

So you have no counter argument to me exposing your ZOG queen? Cool. Well now I have (2), just like you. So kys faggot.

Bahahah. Man, this is going to result in some incredible kebab salt.

Gays have no power on the left anymore. They are too successful and well integrated. Worse, they are men, and men don't matter.

Double Kek

That is a great meme, just as long as it is used as a wedge to help us destroy the kikes instead of distracting us from them.

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laura southern was actually arrested on a terrorism act and barred from the UK because she had had these posters and somehow they were "extremely racist". people should do this, but UK might legitimately jail you for it at this point.

Can anyone remember when Zig Forums didn't use to be filled with 100s of LARPing kikes pretending to be "fashy goys" pushing their jewish NeoCon/counter jihad agenda?(Astroturf)

remember when Zig Forums just used "jew" instead of "kike" , and most people who use kike currently are almost always shill posts?

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Allah is beautiful.

Attached: meme-islam.png (1023x655, 509.75K)

This isn''t about the left, this is about making the kebab mad.

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Now this is the Zig Forums I remember so fondly.

What pushing jewish counter jihad memes normally found on Pam Geller's Gates of Vienna?

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Now the sheep will have to choose between their pet faggots or sand niggers.

Yet never once addressing the jew

Are you fucking retarded? The jew depends on liberals, Muslims, homos and other degenerates to do their bidding for them. If you get their soldiers to infight, it becomes harder for (((them))) to wage war on the Whites. It can even lead to the different minority groups on hating each other and refusing to work with one another thus weakening these kikes.

Think more faggot.

I thought of something better. Can this be the new IOKTBW? Post this on college campuses and around mosques and watch the fighting occur?

You neglected to include based fashy kosher nationalists and neoConservative Republikikes, who are also equally as important as the 'leftists/muslims' to keep occupied with jewish distractions such as the aut-right has done, a neocohen jew trick to derail any resistance to jewry>>11375088

Ok then what do you suggest we should do instead of D&C the leftists?

Perhaps address the actual real issue of jews controlling both the left and right, instead of siding with the jewish right, just because they triggers leftists and muslims.
Jews are the problem, their pets are the symptom.

that's the idea dumbass

Wrong. White infighting is how the jew took over the west. Goyim infighting is how the jew takes over the world. The world should stand united against the jew. The jew is the eternal enemy of goyim of every color. Also, read the sticky.

why is there an asterisk next to trans?

Adding to the collection

Attached: mo.porking.ham.png (600x555, 334.38K)

There is no incentive for minorities to side with us. If the goal is a White ethnostate in America and Europe, why would they help us?

I agree with the last part but in order to kill the general you have to destroy his army first. Dividing them will weaken (((them))). As for the kikes on "our side" they're starting to be seen with suspicion even reddit faggots are starting to swallow that pill. It's just a matter of time. Continue to expose the kikes and divide their army.

I remember it the way I remember the 1950s. I wasn't actually there but sometimes I dream that I was.

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Also a good angle. Note the similarity between the mud runes and the furry :3

Lol I'm agreeing with you. The picture is meant to represent this thread, not your post.

agreed and seconded, for once e-celebs are doing something useful. Was thinking the same upon reading of Southern

how does that surprise you when the board belongs to a turk zionist larping as nat soc? Nobody wants word filters here, we're not snowflakes looking for safe spaces, you must be new.

Bamp! Can we weaponize pony and furry faggots? Fursuits in burkas displaying sexualized behavior while chanting allah akbar in public spaces under police surveillance.

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how organic

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Don't even try to communicate with them OP. If raped and murdered white children don't even give them pause for thought then they aren't fit to be called humans anymore. Even if an English person were mentally capable of caring (they aren't, they elected Tony Blair), they'd be killed by the police. Lauren Southern, who doesn't write or care about race in the slightest, was banned for "racism" because of this, nobody can effectively use it in that pozzed hell hole of a caliphate. The UK just needs to be closed down, it's over.(>not the jews)

You can use whisper app plus GPS spoofer to get 1000+ view memes out to geographic specific audiences


Are you kidding? Anti-Religion of Cuck™ blasphemy is illegal in UK and effectively punished by death sentence. This is not prank you are taking about but most serous crime imaginable.

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So bait them, you dubs-wasting nigger. If they don't talk about it at first, it's perfect. We can have /ourguys/ just happen to have evidence of the early posterings–pure coincidence, goy!

If that's not good enough, we will escalate with more and more triggering shit. We can even get some muds to do a poorly-drawn swastika or two, I am sure.

If that isn't good enough, we can start putting real swastikas nearby or spamming reports for (((hate))) in a USSR shithole like the EUSSR. And if you don't want to respond to that, then I will just install based Rockwell as Teh Fuehrer.

Do you get how it works now, nigger?

It might be time for a little obvious (((hate speech))). Make it over the top and inaccurate, so the retards buy it even more. I would probably throw in some christfag shit about demons, personally. This will allow the pathetic soulless commie SJW to feel morally superior, and losers love that.

Gee, it's almost like they're filthy semites following a filthy semite religion. Needs more gas tbh.

Attached: CIA Handoff to God.png (858x536, 772.45K)

Go ask >>>/mlpol/

holy fuck. i read this thread and thought this was something that Zig Forums came up with. so they finally figured out that muslims fucking hate them, eh? and THIS is what they decided to do?

what in the flying fuck are they thinking? someones going to get fucking bombed for this.

or perhaps martying themselves was part of the plan? i dont fucking know anymore

how long til a few nukes go missing?


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Operation Tower of Babel was pretty successful imho

Nigger they are trying to ban people protesting and disarm even more because people are pissed. They do eveything they can to keep this out the news.

Because mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's 9 year old wife cheated on him with another man, and he said it was impossible because there were only 3 witnesses instead of 4.
The religion was founded by a cuck, it is for cucks, by cucks and about cucks.

What if you pose as a gay male online and say you find the prophet muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker very sexually attractive, and then post that in Religion of Cuck™ic areas of the internet?

ah yes the other, the brit. (are they even white?) look forward to seeing more of you on this site. 1488, brother!

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half chan just 404d this op, wtf is going on over there
theyre also banning all investigation of antifa related to the attack on tommy robinson

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This needs moar support and poasts.

bumping with these convenient fracture points

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they have a post reaching their front page meanwhile half chan is a 404d burning wreck

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This thread is stickied contingent upon adding "Allah is a cuck" to the op.



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Reminder that homosexuality and Religion of Cuck™ are both mere golems of the Jews.
Diseases are not cured by addressing symptoms. One must address the cause.

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Sorry but this seems like just another "let's you and him fight" ploy by the kike to get opposing groups of goyim fighting one another while paying no attention to who started the fight.
Not at all, but every kW of energy spent bashing them is one less left to eliminate the root cause of them being in our countries to begin with.

relieving the symptoms can help treat the disease though, and pisslam is its own cancer.

Explain how this will remove muslims.

explain why it wouldn't help, you made the suggestion its a waste of time.

This is completely incorrect. In a Jew-free society, the Muslims would not be entering Western countries in the first place; they would be denied entry at the border, and the notion of granting Arabs citizenship, whether foreign or born here, would be preposterous.

As for the idea that "relieving the symptoms can help treat the disease," Hitler writes something very much to the contrary in Mein Kampf.

For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of creeping sickness was suddenly cut short by so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly.

To relieve symptoms is nothing but the Jews attempting to lull their enemy to sleep while the disease takes its course.

Attached: hank hitler.png (378x372, 228.25K)

this is obviously not the case as of now, so you have to deal with the issue. They are already all over europe, its too late to prevent them and go after just the kikes at this point.

shut the fuck up and go buy some extra ink and paper you useless whining little shits

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We all know that Jews are the problem. Stop being MIDF and go fucking agitate some sandniggers into diversifying some fags.

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In brief, if you have a brain tumor (a disease, akin to Jews in the West), one might experience headaches (a symptom, akin to Muslims in the West). One could take an analgesic to address the headaches (akin to attempting to deal with the Muslim problem), but if you remove the cause of the headache by excising the tumor (dealing with the Jewish problem), then the headache problem is solved for the longer run, and temporary analgesics become no longer necessary.

you do both you fucktard, you take the painkiller to help relieve the disease taking its toll on your body so you can recover faster. Fuck you are retarded, get off this board akmed.

See my earlier post:

The common people need catastrophe to wake them up to the danger of the disease, otherwise they grow accustomed to it. If you provide painkillers, it provides a path of least resistance where the volk can painlessly lie down and die.


lurk more

dont waste your breath on the shill subhuman scum
all of their posts boil down to

you get it user

Attached: pepe_wink.jpg (349x356, 75.55K)


We're winning! They fear our power!

Fags like him are literally Muslim Internet Defense Force. If you even think about touching sandniggers or fucking with them in any way, they think you're actively working against Whites because "muslims aren't Jews". Sandniggers are absolutely disgusting and if they looked at the history of the Middle East for five minutes they'd understand that Religion of Cuck™ is the sword of Judaism. Allah is gay, and so is he.

Attached: why sandniggers are subhuman.mp4 (224x400, 1.34M)

pic related

get posters for printing here:

they go up in public around the world on St Pattys Day (this Saturday, March 17)

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thats exactly what im trying to say. its very likely that someone is going to get fucking flayed for this. hell, even a normal mild mannered christian would probably get in your face if you were running around with a bunch of your freaky friends screaming and picketing with signs that say "god is a faggot" or "god loves you AND your boipussi". now swap this scenario with allah and muslims. i swear to god if some innocent gets acid attacked because of this retardation…

I like where this may lead

also quints

Now we gotta wrangle the faggots over at cuckchan to make it a thing. Hopefully their mods don't screech and delete.