Ancient ‘dark-skinned’ Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true


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Why sage it?

pay walled ya fuckin cunt

OP has a CP running out his ass

Shills are going apeshit today. Just look at the catalog.

Just a "first poster" thing…

think its the russia/uk thing?

I wouldn't have a clue. We're getting near Charlottesville level spam here.


Maybe Shareblue sperging out over PA 18? Election fraud, etc.

Sounds about right because that thread is infested with lobe spaces "blumfs a kike ;DDD" faggots.

Donald Trump is an honorary kike.

It was an advertisement for some bullshit documentary from BBC. There’s no science in it at all. There was no submission of any of (((their))) findings and methods to a peer reviewed scientific journal because THERE WAS NO SCIENCE INVOLVED. It’s fake news/propaganda.

sage for low energy halffagging

Look how angry this makes the shills.

Of course Cheddar Man wasn't a nigger. He probably had a good tan though, whites can tan pretty dark when exposed to the sun.

well that was quick. what did that take, a week?

Cheddar man looks like he's a mongoloid, Indigenous of the Americas even like he's the missing link between the yellow gooks and the red injun. He even comes with chinky eyes, don't mean anything though he probably was some ice age gook that walked or sailed there. Britain and Europe is still white.

Well no shit he isn't a nigger, look at his hair. It's not nappy kinky nigger subhuman.

Never forget anons we have new geniuses in the field of reconstructive skull facial appearances.
They are so l33t they can take any ordinary skull buried for 1000's of years and slather clay on it and voila we have a portrait ready reconstruction what the user looked like when they were not tits up.

since OP is a faggot

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Fake news and propaganda just as todays solar flare disruption 'that never fucking happened'.

Lies in the papers, truth behind paywalls.

Yeah, the kike media is just full of lies. Like the Dead Sea Scrolls. Fakes, designed to create the illusion of legitimacy of a right of return, when there is actually zero archaeological evidence of anything in the Bible at all, except for the New Testament (ie legitimizing the right of Christianity's dominion over Palestine).

wew, that was fast. Kike propaganda is simply unable to take root anymore.

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go fuck yourself kike

Why are (((they))) upset at the truth?

There you have it.
More lies from the Ministry of Truth…

Because all (((their))) power originates from lies.

Imagine my shock.

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From fake news to fake science. Where will it end?

I wonder (((who))) was behind it…

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If you needed to be told this was bullshit, you probably also still think that magically the vikings wuz found to be muslims n sheeit 2 years after sweden decided to commit suicide by inviting 1 million muslim invaders into their land.

anybody with even a passing knowledge on the matter knew it was fake

light skin evolved first due to its massive advantage to survival in northern lattitudes
light hair and eye colors are side effects of the same gene knock out mechanism that randomly mutated to other regions and than spread due to sexual selection
thus a dark skinned individual with blue eyes before the evolution of light skin would be absolutely wrong as it puts cause and effect in reverse order

They will claim it's true anyway, watch them continue to use it as a banner of multiculturalism. Their audacity knows no bounds.

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heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D

British elites are extremely desperate at attempting to integrate blacks into modern society, and additionally is the waves of smug elites who absolutely love this kind of shit

"New meme headquarters"?

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