They claim it's to eat as they're sleeping rough and have no shekels but there are soup kitchens for homeless people. Is RT doing propaganda now for (((them))) ? In Berlin they apparently pimp out each other which seems more in line with reality. Any greek anons able to chime in?
Rapefugees selling their ass for 10 bucks in Greece
Arabs are faggots.
Wouldn't surprise me. They have weird rules regarding homosexuality. Pitching is perfectly fine, it's only the catching thats gay. A martyr can request his virgins be replaced with cup bearing boys who never shit. Then there's the whole bashna bashi (sp?) thing.
Bacha bazi. Like most classical civilizations, it doesn't count as gay if they're twinks.
In less of a shitpost, this is due to the intentional mate disparity that polygamy creates. Established older men split the tribe's young women amongst them, necessitating the young men to expand the tribe's territory to acquire new women and become established themselves. It's an engine for territorial expansion. On the side, you fuck a boy and let him marry your daughters.
(((Abrahamic religions))) are build around weird tricks to get around the (often contradictory) rules
They say food but they probably mean drugs.
I can't comment on the probability of them selling their sphincters and I don't give half a shit because these people could very well pass for γυφταλβανοί (a weird amalgam of gypsy and Albanian), so even if I do see them it doesn't even register that they are refugees or that they exist; you know beyond the seething rage of "get out of my country wherever the fuck you are from REEEEEE"
The main reason I (and us heartless Greeks) don't give an iota of a shit though is depicted on this video:
look at their clothes, their audio equipment, the fact that they're drinking beer at 4pm, the discount Weeknd looking retard in the left is even sporting a trendy looking normie H&M leather jacket.
Nike sweatpants, 50€ bluetooth speakers, fancy fuccboi haircuts, new-ish brand shoes (for sure newer than any sneakers I own), komboloya (that thing with the pearls that you fidget with and play; it's like the tough guy's fidget spinner), decent looking jeans, tattoos, trendy Nu-era caps.
The alpha-akbar is "jokingly" doing a Muay Thai elbow form (which looks pretty decent) at 3:38.
…what I'm saying is that the 30 people shown or so look like the average dealer and/or "streetwise" fuccboi you'll see on the streets of Athens.
They don't look like beaten, homeless war-refugee sex workers. (Most of them) look like the average muslim refugee that makes the news in Sweden or Germany.
Obvious propaganda in my eyes.
ps: at some point they show street pakis and advertise them as Syrians, street pakis being known to be super fuckin' gay and known prostitutes for years.
You're right, they have a lot of stuff, fancy haircuts and they don't look like they sleep rough.
Guess the RT feminist strong independent woman paid them to create this propaganda piece.
The typical result of years of childhood buttrape of an inbred sandnigger is a mentally deranged sociopathic/psychoathic killer who rapes boys himself to continue the cycle. However, some bacha bazi never grow-up.
Is it time to go budget craigslist killer on them?
It wouldn't matter what religion they pretend to advocate because they're so inbred and retarded that they treat them all like a situational superstition. They're genetically incapable of spirituality.
Reminder that all higher philosophy in Isl m is directly copy pasta'd from late Zorastrianism. If you think Isl m is cool, read the Gathas instead.
I put forth to you for your consideration a one word solution: fentanyl
allah would be proud
Sandniggers operate like a prison
The weakest get it in the ass
And quite a few are hooked on heroin so they simply do what they did back in Afghanistan trade ass for heroin
It's Jizyah so yeah he would.
“I’ll Jiz yah for 10 euros”
Massive faggots and a blight upon their own religion.
>Is RT doing propaganda now for (((them))) ?
I've never really trusted them right from the start. They secretly supported (((BLM))) during the Charlottesville incident. I bet they even have ties to the CIAniggers honestly. The comment sections are full of Marxists who won't hesitate to call you a Nazi or redneck for opposing their views, sometimes they would even call you a Zionist because you outta know kikes are "White" therefore we're both "racist" and Literally Hitler, including the (((ones))) that hate his guts with a burning passion I fucking hate all of these tranny subhumans. Just my two shekels.
Foreign powers routinely do this to sow discontent in a nation. The 'ol divide and conquer is even mentioned in The Art of War. Media organisations are full of spooks, and always have been.
He needs to fag wrist it at the end. Do that little thing that fags do where they fully contract the wrist after saying something catty. that's the proper way to end an elbow strike. Compare how far your elbow goes across the center line of your chest when ending the strike in a fist, compared to a fag-wristed fist. This makes the elbow more likely to draw blood.
The Romans had the exact same rule.
Bacha bāzī is a slang term in Afghanistan for a wide variety of activities involving sexual relations between older men and younger adolescent men, or boys. The practitioner is commonly called bacha Baz (meaning "boy play" in Dari) or simply BACH. It may include to some extent sexual slavery and child prostitution.[1] Bacha bazi has existed throughout history,[2] and is currently reported in various parts of Afghanistan.[3][4][5][6][7] Force and coercion are common, and security officials state they are unable to end such practices because many of the men involved in bacha bazi-related activities are powerful and well-armed warlords.[8][9][10]
In this case, Al Jazeera is full of sand spooks. They're always willing to tell us that Poland is a le ebil Whitey nation full of "Religion of Cuck™ophobia". It's funny because the guy (Trevor Phillips) who popularised said term is now currently regretting the increased presence of sandniggers in Bong Island.
May 2015
Look at the video.
Look at the comments section.
Tell me again, you aren't sure !
Probably true. Berlin "Tiergarten" has been overtaken by gay-arab drug-addicts and prostitutes within 2 years of being fairly clean to a complete clusterfuck.
They'll never see that $10 again either.
I would look at the comment section but it might make me want to start running over random Commiefornians.
That kike truly deserves to be gassed.
pic related
omfg,into almost spit my drink out all over screen from drive by meme.5
Inb4 there is a STD epidemic
4m12s in the guy hands the lady his ID… it's just his picture and some text printed off a computer. they should have stayed home, if they don't like it there they can leave.
As points out, Arabs are sex addicted freaks due to their cut cocks and routinely rape everything with a hole, and their depraved, epileptic sex fiend of a prophet grew up from the tender age of 5 raping every goat, horse, camel, donkey dog, child, and cat he got his hands on, like just about every Arab does today.
Here, have some additional insight from Gregory Delaney (
his son was born. And mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker’s sickly mother died soon after he was born. Thus, mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker was an orphan, born into a society of bandits and cut-throats, the runt of the litter who became the leader of the gang. So, when a Muslim brags that mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker was the “greatest,” that is exactly what he means – the greatest of all the thieves, murderers and liars in Arabia.
They made money from the rich Meccans by renting out their tits and by raising the baby bandits. But the prospect of an orphan child like mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker did not attract them since they hoped to be well-rewarded by the father. The infants of widows were not attractive to them at all.
Even the skinny and weak Halimah al-Sadiyyah refused mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker at first. The women of Mecca
didn’t want such a weak-looking wet nurse for their children so she wasn’t hired by anybody. Rather than return to her tribe with the social embarrassment of not being able to find a baby to suckle, she took the orphan baby mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker even though the prospects
of getting anything from his relatives was poor. But she took the chance because he was a Quaraysh and the Quaraysh were all wealthy. Halimah therefore took mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker and carried him with her to the desert. In the desert, Halimah nursed mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker for two years.
How many times this frail and weak woman dropped baby mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker on his head, is anybody’s guess. But at the completion of the two years, which was also the occasion of his weaning, Halimah still couldn’t find any of his Quaraysh relatives to take back this orphan
kid, so she took the child to the desert to grow up and to give him a job of tending the sheep.
Dear Reader, again I apologize for delving into nasty subjects but when you study spiders, snakes, toads and wasps, you must also study their fangs and stingers and warts because that is part of their physiology. Likewise, when you study nasty, Semitic creatures such as Jews and Muslims, who make a pathological fetish out of their circumcised penises, then you must also study why all of them are such pricks.
highest interest in “camel sex,” “dog sex,” “child sex,” “sheep sex,” etc., are all Muslim countries.
the animals could recognize a certain holiness within him. Why else would the animals in his care always honor him by standing up in his presence, facing him while lowering their heads with humility? That was surely the sign that he was a holy saint! But like so many other things that the Psychopath of Arabia misunderstood, was that the animals didn’t lower their heads with respect; they lowered their heads in shame when he hove into sight. All the animals faced mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker not out of respect but simply because they were afraid to turn their backsides toward him.
The Word filter is making my posts illegiable. What are we, commies? Let us Have a decent discussion without infantile bullshit like this.
i'm used to them
Start killing people!
>Is RT doing propaganda now for (((them))) ?
Where have you been the last like… forever. Did you ever watch Abby Martin? Never seen Redacted tonight preach CLASS WARFARE and bitch about white privilege? They are communists and anti-capitalists. Anti-capitalism is more often than not a signal of an enemy, not an ally.
This is how you fan-fiction. Take notes Anons.
Mehammad, you can get around the filters. Pisslam.
It doesn't matter, I don't need someone else changing my fucking words when I'm trying to have a discussion.
#AllahIsGay no problem
I feel like this is worth sharing.
Not surprising. They're all homosexuals over there.
>there was a boy in the bus that everyone fucked him
>that boy was me
Makes me wonder how a modern white only jail would look like. Don't think there really is or was one anywhere. Yeah jail cells and stuff were a thing back in the day but nothing that served such a large population of just whites.
I'm seriously interested in what the prison culture would be like. Would inmate rape go down? We know gang violence would since most gangs are minority fed.
There would likely still be rapes, since the more insane and unhinged people are the ones who end up in jail, but I don't think it would be as high. Homosexuality is more common in nonwhite communities, and although not really scientific, whenever I watch those prison docos it's always some effeminate black guy that's the cheery prison wife.
This is no surprise to me. Here the Afghani rapefugee "youth" gangs always have one or two designated soyboys who definitely take it up the ass from the rest if they can't find some European girl to rape. They are always quiet standing a bit behind the rest like a slave.
First post, best post. Arabs are a vile mongrel "race".
Probably like a Swedish/Norwegian jail not too long ago.
You need to think harder.
Somebody making up some random bullshit excuse he doesn't even believe himself does not mean that the religion is build around those "tricks", because none of those excuses are based on the religion in the first place.
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D